
AOL Bulletin : 23rd February 2022 – Feel the Energies

Previous Event : Nancy Valentine Smith on Valentines Day

It was so wonderful to be together again for the first time since 24th May last year! I’m very happy that around 30 people turned up, excited to finally get together again and share the same space and energy. And who better to start the new year with then Nancy Valentine Smith! 
Nancy Valentine Smith is a Medicine Woman, a Shaman, an Alchemist, a Healer and Sacred Technician. She comes from a lineage of Medicine men and women who were also Seers.
Her events are characterised by activations, high energy coming through her singing and lots of clearing of old energies.
gan the evening with giving an overview of the current energies on the planet. She was going to do an activation of the Divine Feminine and working with the different chambers of the Heart. We were connecting with Mary Magdalene, different high vibrational crystal energies and different dragons to support us on this journey.
Her aim was to transmute anything within us that was blocking us from being in alignment.
She explained that we were in a place of crossroads. These times stuff can come up for clearing that have no story behind it. When we are holding a lot of light, we attract people that want to transmute their stuff through us. It’s important that we don’t react and be aware to take care of our own energy and hold the space of love. 
The pandemic was one of the doors we had the choice of opening going towards ascension, other ones were war or natural disasters. There is nothing to fear. The more we go into the heart, we have the opportunity to change anything. We do need to transmute our judgement and separation within before we can be in love.
A lot of things are coming up for us this time. This doesn’t mean we are going backwards but it means we are transmutating awareness.
The energies are coming thru all the time inviting us to let go of ego, old belief systems, judgements.
2022 will be a year of a massive acceleration, lots of shifts will happen on the planet.
We are heading to ‘heart consciousness’. We are the Wayshowers. It is ok to trust ourself to go into the void, the nothingness. Allowing and trusting that what you experience and manifest is the kingdom of celestial light anchoring in your being. 
She concluded the evening with telling us that we could experience symptoms that are clearing because of the high energies that were coming through that night.
If people experience any pain, it is usually shifting anger of an old story, you don’t even need to look at most of the times.
In March we will clear the psychical body. It is demanding us that we get rid of our stuff. A lot of what is happening now on the planet is to transmute the stuff that is in our physical on a higher level. All the narratives around it to do with government is another layer which is part of the old consciousness, which is being dismantled. The Divine Feminine activation is open.
To help the dismantling process it is good to visualise crystal energy clear space in the mountains.
Go to Nancy’s website to subscribe to her regular updates and activations:

Invitation : If you have a YouTube clip, encouraging words or a suggested speaker you would like to share, please let us know. Email us with your suggestions on,au

WHAT’S ON AT AOL On Monday Nights

Where : In Mosman and online via Zoom
              Mosman Art Gallery, 1 Art Gallery Way Mosman 
When:   2nd and 4th Monday Night every month 
              7.30pm – 9.30pm

Monday 28th February 2022
Sacred Sound Bath with Paulien Gort

Join us for this relaxing and rejuvenating Sacred Sound Event with Paulien Gort, live in Mosman and on Zoom.
We are very happy to be able to offer this in person again in the Grand Hall. A beautiful soundscape will be created for you to float away into different realms and facilitating healing on every level. Let go of any stress and worries and just surrender to the nourishing sounds. The healing frequencies will activate the innate healing intelligence of your body bringing you into a state of peace and wellbeing.
Paulien will play Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls, Gongs, Monochord, Shaman Drum, Tibetan Singing Bowls and more. You will hear beautiful channeled toning that will bring in powerful energetic codes to transform you.
You will feel cleansed, relaxed and rejuvenated at the end of the night.
Bring a rug/blanket and pillow to lie down or sit as you allow your body to be immersed in these wonderful healing sounds.
Paulien Gort is a Sound Healer who offers one-on-one Sound Healing sessions and regular Sound Baths Online and in North Narrabeen.
The sound healing events with Paulien are a both beautiful and powerful experience and it seems as though I am floating with not a care in the world. The mix of instruments and sounds was truly wonderful, very soothing and expansive. Paulien weaves the various sounds together beautifully including crystal bowls, gong and vocal tones and some beautiful sounding instruments that seem out of this world. Ros

Tickets are also available at the door – $25 General Admission/ $10 Concession

Monday 14th March 2022
Reconnect and Share with our Lovely Community.

Join us for an evening of asking questions, lively discussions and sharing knowledge.
Many of us have lived relative isolated lives the past few years, not being able to share much time with like minded people. This evening we will give everybody the opportunity to ask questions about any topic you are interested in, share a story and receive answers from the panel and the audience. There are so many knowledgeable people in our community. We are looking forward to an uplifting evening of connection, sharing and laughter.
So far the panel consists of:  
Molly Talbot Astrologer and Tarot reader who will tell us what 2022 has in store for us. She runs regular Tarot workshops and is available for readings.
Warren Mitchel, long time contributor to the AOL. Warren has a broad range of interest in spiritual exploration. He’s an universalist. He tries to encompass a wide range of expressions of the Divine Creator. He speaks several Light Languages and has presented about the Law of One and the Wingmakers at the Academy.
Are you interested in being a part of the panel, please let us know at:
This evening will be at a discounted price of $15. 

Price changes
During the last AGM the Committee has decided to increase the cost of the tickets. Unfortunately we had to do this to cover the hire costs of the hall at Mosman Art Gallery which has gone up in price considerably. 
We don’t want anyone to miss out, in case you are experiencing financial hardship you can book a ticket under the concession rate of $10. 

Waterfall of Light Meditation with Rosemary Butterworth

Join Rosemary Butterworth in a beautiful meditation to keep us aware, balanced, grounded and strong.  Do this meditation every day to keep our energy high.
Click here to listen. Less than 8 mins.

How to Manifest Anything Into Existence with the Power of the Universe with Louise Hay

Evan Carmichael, entrepreneur, speaker and author, highlights Louise Hay’s top 10 tips for success in life.  These include loving yourself, our self talk and understanding the law of thinking.  These things may sound too simple to make an effective change, but in actual fact they are the most powerful tools we can use to instigate prosperity and well being in our lives.  Try it.
Very inspiring.  Click here to watch.  Just over 10 mins.

Thought of the Week

We can not force someone to hear a message they are not ready to receive, but we must never underestimate the of planting a seed.

Affirmations – say it daily and slowly, feel it, believe it

I begin each day with a grateful heart

Community Announcements

Would you like to see your advertisement here? This could be your spot! You can promote your event, new book, course, website or anything else that you like to share with a large group of like-minded people. See details below.

Transform Your Attitude – Change Your Life with Flower Essences

Maria Gerathy, a registered First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® practitioner and tutor from the Northern Beaches of Sydney, presents certificated in-class workshops covering the comprehensive therapeutic range of First Light® flower essences created in cooperation with the nature spirits of New Zealand by Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber.
Each 2 day workshop introduces a unique family of essences that are part of the First Light® Natures Holistic Healing Matrix©.
Start where you feel inspired! Transform your life and meet the challenges you face today.
Contact Maria: for more information; book your workshop place; sign up to her mailing list; join her monthly study group
2022’s first workshop – First Light® Seeds – New Beginnings, 12th and 13th Feb. More info here
Neglecting your emotional and physical health will result in easily foreseen problems. Usually, you become sick and end up being a burden to your family and community.

Advertising Costs for Our Newsletter

A community announcement costs $40 for 2 newsletters. An advert costs $75 for 2 newsletters and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Please note : Our newsletter is distributed fortnightly. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light Inc. at St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email

Placement of Ads in this newsletter is not an endorsement or recommendation, and readers should satisfy themselves that the products and services advertised suit their purpose.

The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.