
AOL Bulletin : 18th August 2021 – Overcoming Obstacles

Previous Event: The Ancient Science of Numerology with Tameera.  How Numbers Can Help us Nagivate life…

Master Numerologist and Astrologist Tameera (as featured in Vogue) gave us a fascinating insight into how current global events are influenced by numerology and astrology. She also gave practical advice on how we can move through these testing times with greater ease. 
“Numerology shows us how the universe can be broken down into numbers and cycles, which impact us personally and globally. Numerology is also a practical tool that can be used to navigate our lives. “ 
The ancient science of astrology and numerology can be traced back thousands of years to ancient civilisations in Babylon, Greece, Egypt, India and China. The most popular numerology system was created by the Greek philosopher Pythagoras, also known as the father of modern numerology.
Tameera began by talking about how we can use the energies of the Lion’s gate portal, which climaxes on August 8, to transmute our visions for the upcoming year. We need to meditate daily and journal about any visions that come up for us during these pivotal times.
“The year 2019 represented a global energetic shift – which thrust us into the 2,500 year age of Aquarius. The pandemic is helping us to go within, explore our feminine aspects and find out our truth. The Yin energy is about self-nurturing.“ 
“The massive unprecedented global restrictions we have experienced since 2020 are helping the world to wake up. It is forcing us to look at what works and doesn’t work in our lives. This is a unique time in history – where we can let go of what no longer works and set up new systems for the future.”
“2021 holds the global collective vibration of 5 – which represents change and new freedom. It can also bring in chaos because rapid shifts are happening. However, these shifts can happen in a good way.”
“In 2022, as we move into the global collective numerology 6 vibration year, women will be coming further into their power, creating a vibrational shift on the heart level. The year 2022 will herald peace on a personal and global level.“ 
Tameera reminded us that things can shift very quickly if we learn to work with the energy of the year. We are currently picking up other people’s energy of fear, which can negatively affect our moods. Therefore, it’s important to stop watching the mainstream media and understand the lockdowns will soon shift.
Tameera guided us on how to decipher our personality traits, inherent gifts and soul purpose by analysing the numbers in our birth dates and names.
She explained the meaning and significance of the nine numbers and their impact on our lives as we worked out our life path and hearts desire.
If you would like to have a numerology, astrology, life direction intuitive guidance reading with Tameera you can find out more at 
Written by Eva Burbury 

Invitation : If you have a YouTube clip, encouraging words or a suggested speaker you would like to share, please let us know. Email us with your suggestions on,au

Facebook AOL LogoWHAT’S ON AT AOL On Monday Nights

Where : Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road. When: 2nd and 4th Monday Night every month 7.30pm – 9.30pm

Monday 23rd August 2021
Awakening the Sage Within with Martine Negro

We will explore why it is vital to manage your energy in these times and how we can do this. Martine will talk about the four key aspects of energetic management for long term well-being. She will lead us in a short experience of “tuning in” and using both conscious and subconscious aspects of the Mind-Body complex.
For over three decades Martine Negro has been facilitating healing for thousands of clients with her core approach of Oriental Medicine as well as incorporating other techniques to explore the Mind-Body complex. Further, she co-founded the Energetic Health Diploma at Nature Care College in Australia and is a life member of the International Energy Healing Association (IEHA).
She provides in depth Energetic Health Care and specialises in working with people whose health issues are recurring or resistant to treatments, and who are willing to actively engage in their own healing journey. Martine is passionate about cultivating long term well being by shifting people’s perceptions about their body (your best friend), the symptom (your wake up message to be decoded) and the illness (your opportunity to transform your internal energy).
She travels regularly presenting at various International Conferences.
She is the author of “Hacking the Well-Being Code through Energetic Intelligence” (2016). The French Version was published in France in 2019.
Martine has also co-authored two Best-Selling Books “Are YOU The Missing Piece?” and “My Journey My Journal”

Monday 13th September 2021
Sacred Sound Bath with Paulien Gort

We are hoping to have a Sacred Sound Bath tonight with Paulien Gort in Mosman. However, this will depend on the lockdown situation in Sydney on that night. We will confirm closer to the night if it will go ahead.

FYI – Dare to Dream

Michaela DePrince, who was born with Vitilgo, a disease that causes white pigmentation on the skin, After her parents were killed, she was sent to an orphanage by her uncle.  There, after she was labelled a ‘Devils Child’, she suffered unspeakable horrors.  Listen to her courage and strength as she overcame her seemingly impossible situation to follow her dreams.

Click here to listen.  12.5 mins

FYI – Meet Sam Berns

Sam Berns, who had progeria, a disease where the symptoms of aging are manifested at a very early age,  The 17 year old explains his philosophy of life with insight and humour.  There is much we can learn from this young man.
Click here to listen. Just under 13 mins

Thought of the Week

Choose to make a difference instead of choosing to be indifferent today

Affirmations – say it daily and slowly, feel it, believe it

I choose thoughts that make me feel loved and supported.

Community Announcements

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Hacking the Wellbeing Code by Martine Negro

Neglecting your emotional and physical health will result in easily foreseen problems. Usually, you become sick and end up being a burden to your family and community.

Click here to order the book now.

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A community announcement costs $40 for 2 newsletters. An advert costs $75 for 2 newsletters and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
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