
AOL Bulletin : 21st October 2020 – Our Inner Strength

All Welcome to the Academy AGM
Everybody is welcome to join us for the Annual General Meeting on Monday night 30rd November 7.30 – 8.30pm. This meeting will be via Zoom. This is the time when the sitting Committee is dismissed and the new one is being chosen. The president’s report and the financial report will be presented as well. If you have any ideas or other input for the Academy please come along and let us know. If you are enjoying our Monday nights and would like to contribute in some way please let us know. The AOL community will be grateful for your participation.

Previous Event : The Uluru Prophecy – Our Hidden Past Revealed with Steven Strong

Author, arcaeologist and historian, Steven Strong spoke to the Academy of Light about the prophecy known for many years to the Aboriginal tribe of the Uluru country. The crystals underneath Uluru, which will be activated on December 21st, have the potential to heal the Earth at this momentous time in history.
Steven also presented compelling evidence pointing to the existence of advanced civilisations on Earth, dating back thousands of years ago. He believes now is the time to learn the truth about our past, which has been hidden from us for too long. His intention is that this message will give people hope for the future. 
The prophecy is that the “Magic Box”, which are crystals from the Pleiades placed inside Uluru, are ready to be activated on December 21st at 9:02 PM Northern Territory time. Once activated, the energy will go to five sacred sites in Australia, one in New Zealand and spread to other sites across the world. The crystals are so powerful that they will cleanse the Earth. 
The elders have been preparing for this ceremony for the past nine years. There will be elders at Uluru on the outside and those inside the rock as well. Steven says we need over one hundred thousand souls in Australia who are pure of heart to help activate the crystals. “You don’t have to be at Uluru for the activation. As long as you face Uluru and send it your love.“ (see the link below with more specific information about what to do).
The vibration will be such a high frequency, that many may not be able to cope. The Schumman Resonance has been spiking in recent years in preparation for us to be able to handle the high frequencies. We have two more months to move beyond our programmed fears and get our lives in order. If we don’t succeed in activating the magic box, the prophecy is that in three years, the Earth’s axis will have shifted so much that the Earth will flip and the seas will destroy everything. 
Steven first learned about the prophecy three years ago. He was invited by an elder to participate in the Uluru ceremony because of a sacred artefact in his possession. 
Steven is the caretaker of several ancient artefacts, which prove that advanced civilisations existed here thousands of years ago. He believes that the artefacts in his possession came from the times of Atlantis and Lemuria. They were given to him by elders for safekeeping. 
He showed us four alien skulls, found in different parts of Australia, that were much larger than Homo Sapiens skulls. The skulls had no forehead, large eye sockets and no sutures. “Sutures act like an expansion joint in human skulls, allowing the bones to move during the birth process. Because of the large size of the skull and the lack of sutures, these beings obviously did not did not go through a vaginal delivery at childbirth.“

** This will be continued after the Events below **

Invitation : If you have a YouTube clip, encouraging words or a suggested speaker you would like to share, please let us know. Email us with your suggestions on,au

Facebook AOL LogoWHAT’S ON AT AOL On Monday Nights

Where : Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road. When: 2nd and 4th Monday Night every month 7.30pm – 9.30pm

Monday 26th October 2020
Ascension, the Galactic Cycle and Connecting to the New Earth With Julia Smith

The Academy is delighted to have Julia return to be with us; sharing her insights into our journey of ascension. She will talk us through a macro picture of where we are in the Galactic Cycle, Mother Earth’s ascension and humanity’s ascension. She will also cover some important points to be mindful of that will ease our own personal journey, provide techniques on helping to raise and hold our vibration – questions are welcomed. Julia will then will channel a powerful guided meditation for clearing and healing our energy field of old emotional debris, karma, DNA clearing, dissolving old cords and timelines (and more) and then recode us with beautiful Divine crystalline energies aligning us to our highest timeline and the New Earth’s energy.
Julia works with multi-dimensional teams primarily a collective from the 13 crystal skulls from the higher dimensions, the angelic realm, whale and dolphin energies, Ascended Masters and Star Beings from the higher frequency dimensions. All her work is aligned to working with pure Light.
Light Beings from these realms will join us to send through the highest energy’s for the group on the night.
Julia works in North Sydney as transformational energetic healer, sound and colour therapist. Her sessions are a unique combination of sound frequencies, colour ray energies, crystalline light and working with the soul’s of people’s family unit to resolve conflict and complete soul contracts. She also works as a planetary Grid LightWorker acting as a conduit to bring new light frequencies into Mother Earth’s body. Julia also does Soul Life Purpose Coaching, Aura Photography with aura readings, Aura Photography events, and Land/Property/House clearings and upgrades. You can take a look at Julia’s work at: and contact her at
The evening will be completely organic! We will be in the flow of what unfolds as guided by our celestial friends!

Monday 9th November 2020
Understanding Our God Self With Valerie Barrow.

In Mosman and In Zoom

Valérie Barrow will join us again to share with us her understanding of what is going on in the world from a higher perspective and what our future could be like. On the night Cosmic Sai Baba would like to address the meeting through Valérie and invites general questions from those who are attending.
Valérie Barrow has come to understand that she was not born into her body, that after surviving a near death experience her soul has come to earth from the stars. Her mission is to speak of the sacred Alcheringa Indigenous Stone, and what it taught her. It also came from the stars, reminding her of specific events of evolution on planet Earth and the early creation of our complicated Human Race. Written about in her “Starlady Book” and “Alcheringa, When the first Ancestors were created.”
Several visits to India and telepathic conversations with Sri Sathya Sai Baba helped her understand she receives information by divine illumination. Since 1982, she has worked with unseen beings that speak with her or over-light her body and speak through her.
Not so long ago she was introduced to her oversoul or God self, from the galaxy Andromeda M31 who speaks through her, sometimes using star language. Andromeda Val works with the highest order 6,000 years into our future and is always introduced by Cosmic Sai Baba.

*** Please note :  This event is both at the Mosman Art Gallery and on Zoom  Preference is to book on Eventbrite, however tickets will be available at the door  ***

The Uluru Prophecy – Our Hidden Past Revealed with Steven Strong cont’d 

The three rings in his possession were scientifically analysed in a top laboratory in Australia and were found to contain the metal orichalcum. Orichalcum does not exist today, but according to ancient writings, was mined in many parts of Atlantis in ancient times. Orichalcum ingots, dating back 2600 years ago, were found in an ancient shipwreck in Sicily in 2015. Although it’s known that orichalcum was used by the Romans to make coins during the Roman Empire, these rings have a different composition, which prove they date back to a much earlier time.
The rings also contained titanium. Titanium was discovered in 1791 but was first used in the 1930’s to harden 24 carat gold. The Soviets and Americans later began using titanium for weaponry and for nuclear storage. Titanium is noncorrosive, durable and light – making it also ideal for aerospace applications. 
One artefact was scientifically analysed and found to have an unknown element that does not exist on our periodic table. It was discovered at an ancient sacred site at Kariong near Woy Woy, which has Egyptian hieroglyphs, dating back 4000 years ago.
Steven is also the custodian of a sacred stone, with specific line engravings, indicating an ancient stone language. Dr Cunningham, a world expert on measuring angles on stones, found that the most dominant angle on the stone was 33 degrees. The sacred site at Kariong is also located at 33 degrees.
This stone was compared to others found in Calgary, Bosnia, Germany and the Rosetta Stone. “In ancient times, when we were more clever, we used mathematics as a universal language.” 
Karno Walker, an esteemed elder, told Steven that this sacred stone was given to us by the Pleiadians, and tells the story of how the Pleiadians first came here in their spaceship a long time ago. Because of its significance, the stone will be used during the sacred elders ceremony on December 21.
Steven and his son Evan are hosting an online international conference on October 25 – Our Alien Ancestry. For more information, visit their website at
For more information about 21st Dec. visit: Uluru prophecy. 

Written by Eva Burbury

The Uluru activation prophecy coincides with the WingMakers material. It reveals information about an advanced race that left 7 time capsules around the earth in 826 AD, which would require activation at a significant time on Earth. The first one was discovered in Chaco Canyon in New Mexico in 1972 .
The Wingmakers material was exposed by an ACIO defector in the 1990’s.

FYI – Take Control

In this video, the “Deaf Comedian” Kathy Buckley, shares her incredible story of setback after setback, until one day she decided to take control of her life and her destiny.
Click here to be truly inspired. Under 8 mins

Pure Joy and Freedom

Watch these adorable dogs jumping in joy and fun.  They are totally present in the moment, enjoying their time and their friends, embracing their freedom with a simple balloon.  Maybe we can all learn something from this ?  For sure to put a smile on your face.
Click here to watch. Just over a minute,.

Thought of the Week

The moon taught me it’s ok to go through phases.  The sun taught me that no matter how many times I go down, I keep on rising.

Affirmations – say it daily and slowly, feel it, believe it

I align to the New Earth Consciousness with ease..

Advertising Costs for Our Newsletter

A community announcement costs $40 for 2 newsletters. An advert costs $75 for 2 newsletters and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Please note : Our newsletter is distributed fortnightly. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light Inc. at St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email

Placement of Ads in this newsletter is not an endorsement or recommendation, and readers should satisfy themselves that the products and services advertised suit their purpose.

The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.