
AOL Bulletin : 19th September 2018

In and Around the Academy

From the President:

I’m very happy to announce to you that after the last AGM we can welcome three new members to join the Committee! They are introducing themselves below.

Paulien 51President and Treasurer: Paulien Gort I’m a Sound Healer and Family Constellations facilitator at White Raven Healing in North Narrabeen where I run regular Sound Baths and facilitate Family Constellations workshops.
Throughout my life I have always combined working in the arts with working in finances while learning about spirituality and healing. I have about 25 years of experience in finances and have been a member on different Committee’s in the arts in the Netherlands as well as in Australia. Some of those positions were in the role of Treasurer. I have been coming to the AOL for about ten years and am very honoured that I am able to help continue this wonderful legacy to bring more light into the world and bring people into contact with a range of interesting speakers and topics.

Vice President: Katrina O’Brien

Eternal student, currently studying Evolutionary Astrology, Family Constellations and Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training. My career background is in mental health work, nursing, youth work and community development.  Now more than ever, the more I learn ~ the less I know.
I’m looking forward to much more learning, connection and insights and being a part of the Academy Of Light. And I look forward to getting to know all the regulars and hopefully bring in more like-minded souls!

Secretary: Shirah Shulman

Shirah ShulmanI moved to Australia from Israel 17 years ago and I love it here. I feel blessed to be working with people as a counsellor and spiritual healer on bringing about the changes they desire in their lives and helping them along their psychic development journey.
I am very happy to join the team at AOL. The more we spread the love and wisdom that is available to us all and is within us the better we feel and live as individuals and a society.


Public Officer: Alison Challis   

Alison ChallisI have an extensive history working as a Registered Nurse. I spent over 40 years working in Cardiology, Emergency, Refugee Health and more recently clients with complex mental health issues. Therefore I have had the absolute privilege of encountering human beings at their most vulnerable.
I spent 13 years living in an Indian Ashram around India and Australia. I raised my 4 sons within in this collective. Most recently my passion is researching the new science of slow ageing and longevity combined with meditation and spirituality.  I feel grateful and privileged to be a part of the Academy of Light team and look forward to exciting new times.

PR Officer: Eva Burbury

Eva BurburyEva’s  spiritual journey began in her teens, when she started practicing yoga and meditation. Over the years, while raising her son, she continued to study spiritual arts and trained as a Reiki Master, past life regressionist, and theta healer.
With a background in public relations and teaching, Eva ’s current role at the Academy of Light is promoting guest speakers. She believes that the Academy plays an important role in providing a platform for healers to share their knowledge and services to the public.
I’m looking forward to much more learning, connection and insights and being a part of the Academy Of Light. And I look forward to getting to know all the regulars and hopefully bring in more like-minded souls!

Invitation : If you have a YouTube clip, encouraging words or a suggested speaker you would like to share, please let us know. Email us with your suggestions on

Facebook AOL LogoWHAT’S ON AT AOL On Monday Nights

Where : Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road.
When: 2nd and 4th Monday Night every month 7.30pm – 9.30pm

MONDAY 24th September 2018

Introduction to the Cyclopea Method: Activation of the Pineal Gland
with Veronica Sanchez

Veronica Sanchez Have you ever wondered what the Pineal Gland is, where it is located and what it is for? Have you ever felt disconnected from everything and not knowing how to reconnect again? Do you know how to elevate your frequency?

Veronica Sanchez is a Certified Instructor for the Cyclopea Method and regularly runs workshops to teach people this method and she will tell us all about what there is to know about the activation of the Pineal Gland.

She will tell us about the history, research and current knowledge and theories about the Pineal Gland. The benefits from activating your Pineal Gland. The difference between Activating and only stimulating the Pineal Gland. Everything about the Cyclopea Method of Internal Activation of the Pineal Gland. Everything about Fresia Castro, the creatrix of the Cyclopea Method and how this method has been taught around the world for 27 years.

Experience: An Elevation of Frequency Exercise

Get: A generous discount for our next workshop.

Talk presented by Veronica Sanchez, Certified Instructor and Mentor for the Cyclopea Method of Internal Activation of the Pineal Gland. Veronica is also a teacher and a writer.

Buy Tickets on Eventbrite

*Tickets at the door: $20, concession: $10
Tickets via Eventbrite: $15 plus booking fees (include light refreshments), concession: $10.
**We look forward to seeing you at our event but if something comes up refunds will be given with 24 hours notice prior to the event.

Monday 8th October 2018
Selenite Swords with Tom Ledder

Tom LedderSelenite Swords of Light are some of the highest vibration energy tools available to practitioners today, and hand crafted from pure selenite crystal.
Each sword has an Alchemy of over 200 power crystal that are epoxied on to the handle. This mixture brings in a powerful multi-dimensional light. The swords also have over 350 pictures of Archangels, Ascended Masters, Crop Circles, Keys of Enoch, Sacred Geometry Forms and powerful symbols. The Swords of Light are carrying a powerful multi-dimensional light energy. You can tap into the quantum level of energy with these powerful Swords of Light.
Tom travels worldwide to teach people how to use the swords in order to pour high-frequency light into their physical bodies to transmute negative energy and resolve health issues. The swords also help open up and balance chakras, clear energy bodies, stimulate meridians, magnify intentions and dynamically increase the overall power and accuracy of any healing modality.
Tom will bring a range of the swords to the Academy meeting and provide us with a unique demonstration of how to use them and how they work.
Through his extensive background in Spiritual Meditation techniques and intensive study of Ascension, he was drawn to work with the Archangels and Ascended Masters to further enhance the capabilities of the Swords of Light.
“I believe if you can heal completely on an energetic level, problems on the physical plane can be healed as well. That is why the Swords of Light are so powerful — cutting to the root of what truly needs healing”.

Click here for a 2.2min YouTube with Tom Ledder
Contacts: E:

Tom Ledder will running several workshop while in Australia. For the dates please see below for the ad.

Buy Tickets on Eventbrite

*Tickets at the door: $20, concession: $10
Tickets via Eventbrite: $15 plus booking fees (include light refreshments), concession: $10.
**We look forward to seeing you at our event but if something comes up refunds will be given with 24 hours notice prior to the event.

Our Event Last Time

The Sound of Light Language with Yulia Cornucopia

The Academy of Light was graced with the healing light language and voice of Yulia Cornucopia on August 27.
An international light language practitioner and sound alchemist, Yulia started channeling light language about 8 years ago. She developed her gifts through 25 years of  experience in inter-dimension healing. Born in the Ukraine, Yulia’s shamanic ancestors originated from the northern region of Altai in Russia, a sacred site considered to be the gateway to Shambala.
During the evening, Yulia spoke about the role of light language in opening the door to our hearts so that we can connect with our Divine Selves and remember who we truly are.
Although light language may sound like gibberish to the conscious mind, it is a universal language that can be understood with the heart. It is used to speak the truth from soul to soul. An added benefit is that it makes you feel happy.
When we hear or speak light language, it raises our vibration, activates the DNA and all the crystalline structures in the chakra system. It heals our entire system and helps to initiate our light bodies in  preparation for the New Earth.
According to Yulia, we all have at least one light language buried within. As more people become activated, it will help to raise the vibration of the planet.
“Light language triggers a remembering of lost wisdom. When we are ready, we will remember. “
After her talk, we experienced blissful light language healing from Yulia. During her meditation, Yulia used a combination of  tones, sounds and songs, which created deep soul -triggering acoustics that reverberated throughout the Grand Hall.
While the energy was high, those of us that were interested  joined in the toning and singing Light Language lead by Yulia and Paulien on Monochord. Others just soaked up the beautiful choir that was created with our voices.


Eva Burbury

FYI – Love Your Fear

Sarah Suzuki
Sarah Suzuki recounts how an unfortunate event was the cosmic push she needed to start embracing her fear.

Click here to listen. Just over 4 mins


 5 Lessons to Live By – Wayne Dyer

Wayne Dyer

Listen to these 5 truths to live our lives by…. truely inspiring.


Click here to listen



Thought Of The Week

Love Heart

Dont make excuses, make changes.


Affirmation – say daily and slowly, feel it, believe it


I am worthy of everything good in life.  I deserve to be happy.




Selenite Swords of Light: Lightworker Training with Tom Ledder

Selenite Swords AOLSelenite Swords of Light are some of the highest vibrational energy tools available today, handcrafted from pure selenite crystal.
They carry the energy vibration of Archangel Michael, and help people open up to the 5th dimensional light of the divine.
Tom Ledder, creator of the Selenite Swords, is giving a series of workshops where you have the opportunity to learn ancient healing techniques from Lemuria, Atlantis and Egypt, and how to use the swords to work with high frequencies of light for clearing, healing, activation and transformation.
Come and experience the power and magic of the swords for yourself and bring more love and grace into your life!

When  : 6th-7th October:  North Sydney
12th-14th October:  Mount White  (in a beautiful location amongst acres of bushland, overlooking the Hawkesbury River)

 For information and bookings see the Australian Workshop Tour details on

Learn how to speak/sing Light Language with Yulia Cornucopia and Paulien Gort

Light Language Paulien GortDiscover your unique gifts and learn how to speak/sing your individual Light Language of love, the Sounds of Your Own Source.
Yulia and Paulien are combining their knowledge and experience to give an introduction to Light Language and to activate your abilities to speak/sing it yourself!  You will learn how to recognise the origins and meanings of Light Language, as well as discovering your own unique signature that flavours your personal channeled Light Language while being supported by Shaman Drums and Alchemy Crystal Bowls.  If you are already channeling, you will intensify your ability and if you are new to this it will be a workshop of transformation, healing and a remembering of your divine gifts.
What will you receive at this workshop?
– Introduction about Light Language
– Light Language transmission from Yulia and Paulien
– Activation of the power to speak/sing it yourself
– Sound Bath by Paulien for healing and integration

Please see Facebook event for more information and how to book:

More about Yulia :

More about Paulien :

Two Amazing Ladies now available at Neutral Bay Remedial Centre

Soul Readings.Timeline & Cellular Healings.

TamayraClarify & clear your life’s pathway.

 45 yrs international experience

Available on Skype, Zoom, FaceTime. by phone or 121 at Neutral Bay Sydney. 

 $120 /1hr.

 Call Tamayra : 0438559366

Chi Remedial Therapies

Su YingNoticed self sabotage ? Surrogating for others?

Mimic your parents’ and others’ path, pains, suffering & reality?

33 years experience.  $120/hr, $200/ 2hrs

In person at Neutral Bay centre or Zoom, Facetime, phone.

Call Su Ying 0410600113

Earth Treasure Vase Placement 20 -27 October 2018 – South Coast Australia

*** There is a sacred Earth Treasure Vase that is to be buried here in Australia in October 2018 ***

Join us together with Transformational Tours over the October 2018 full moon with the elders of the South Coast of New South Wales for an exquisitely crafted pilgrimage by Earth Treasure Vase Steward Ben “Manbulloo” Emery.
Ben Emery is the custodian of one of the next Earth Treasure Vases to go out into the songlines of this Earth and be placed in the South Coast of Australia.
Ben is a proud Walbunja man, of the Black Duck mob of the Yuin nation, and is leading this very special ETV pilgrimage in October and there is still space – so we warmly invite you to be a part of this Global Healing Practice right here in New South Wales.
Ben together with his elders has planned a beautiful journey with the Vase and ceremonies to be led by the traditional owners and custodians of the land where the Vase will be placed.
Canberra to Murramarang Beach ( near Batemans Bay – South Coast )

See details of tour here:

This Earth Treasure Vase is one of five destined and gifted to be placed upon this ancient land of ours. Three of these Vases have already been buried here in Australia.
The many Earth Treasure Vases now buried around the planet form a powerful energy matrix maintaining and sustaining the web of life.
Please express your interest to Ben by 21 September 2018 as places are limited. Contact Ben via email on

Follow the build up of the pilgrimage through the FACEBOOK group: SE Aust Earth Treasure Vase Pilgrimage

For more information:


We acknowledge our dear Mumma Margaret Katherine and pay respect to our much loved Elder who has recently passed to be with Her Ancestors – Mumma was & still is an integral part of this ETV Project. Mumma is referenced in some of the video & written material on the ETV sites and we pay our deep respect to Mumma & Her Family at this time.


On 4 December 2017 a Full Moon ETV Ceremony & Story Telling was shared at the Academy of Light in Mosman, Sydney and we prepared a Sacred Bundle of Prayer & Offerings to be buried with the next generation ” Baby ETV “.

Advertising Costs for Our Newsletter

A community announcement costs $40 for 2 newsletters. An advert costs $75 for 2 newsletters and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Please note : Our newsletter is distributed fortnightly. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light Inc. at St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email

Placement of Ads in this newsletter is not an endorsement or recommendation, and readers should satisfy themselves that the products and services advertised suit their purpose.

The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


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Academy of Light.facebook