
AOL News & Committee Nominations by Friday 1st September

Academy of Light Update  – Committee Nominations – AGM

We had friendly and productive time at  AOL on Mon nite, when we discussed ideas for topics and format of future AOL meetings. This included a presentation from Deborah Fairfull on how we could leverage media to expand the coverage of AOL events.  Some of us older folk are grateful for people who know how to do this stuff .  These suggestions will be implemented by a new Committee  that will oversee the activities of AOL. We were very encouraged that people were prepared to put their ideas into action and before they left we had 7 nominations for the 7 Committee positions, including Office holders.  However, if anyone has a previously unexpressed, strong desire to nominate for the Committee or Office Holder , please return the attached Membership and Committee nomination forms by 3pm Fri 1 Sept.  If no additional nominations are received, the nominees at hand will be appointed unopposed.

ACADEMY OF LIGHT Inc.  – Election & AGM Schedule

Membership for Voting

Membership for voting is open to anyone who has physically attended an AOL meeting up to and including Mon 28 Aug 2017 and has returned a completed Membership Form.   Forms are available :
* attached to this email
* from the website
* return to  with Subject : Membership Application by 3pm Fri 1 Sep 2017
* Membership with Membership Number will be confirmed by return email
Click here for Membership Form


Committee Nominations
Nominations for Committee positons (7) including Office Holders ( President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary ) are open to all Members registered for voting.
Forms are available :
* attached to this email
* from the website

* return to  with Subject : Committee Nomination by 3pm Fri 1 Sep 2017
* Nominations will be confirmed by return email
Click here for Committee Nomination Form


A Voting form with a list of Nominees name and email will be distributed to all Members who have registered for voting, during the week commencing 4 Sept 2017.
Nominee email is shown so that can be contacted by Members for the purposes of qualifying the benefits of their nomination. Any Member who uses the email contact for purposes other than AOL Committee Nomination purposes will be disqualified from Membership and may be subject to further action.
If any Committee Nominee does not want their email address published, please note it on your Nomination form.

Voting Forms should be returned by 3pm Mon 11 Sept to with Subject : AOL Committee Vote.
For Confidentiality please do NOT return voting forms to


An Annual General Meeting will be held :
7.30 pm Mon 18 Sep 2017  in Melody Room, Mosman Art Gallery to induct the new Committee Members and Office Holders.
There will be no charge for the meeting, so please join us to welcome them.

Any other items you would like raised at the AGM should be forwarded to  by 3pm Mon 11 Sep 2017  with Subject : AGM Item