The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to go with the flow.
F.Y.I. – Ground and Expand
New Earth Transmission
Rebecca Brown, SoultoSoul, has just put out a recording of a trasmission that she has received about aligning to the New Earth. So exciting to feel the energy and hear the message coming through this sound cast. Very powerful. Click this link and read the article, go down to the title: Tips for Aligning with our New Earth Purpose. The download option is just above this title.
Rebecca has also shared an article on the aligning process which includes five main tips:
- Anchor to the New Earth when you ground each day.
- Complete the Light Language Transmission that comes with this email above.
- Reflect on what you are doing now.
- Is it time for a healing?
- Ask yourself how well do you know your True Self?
Thanks Rebecca!
Creating a New World
What happens when a Master of Tap Dance and a Percussion artist join forces? There is the ability to break down, and push past, boundreys and create a New World. A New World that can be filled with beauty, truth and kindness. Listen, watch and enjoy the exploration into this New World by Andrew Nemr and Max ZT. Click here.
New Moon, New Beginning
Tomorrow, 1st September, there is a New Moon (in Virgo) plus a Solar Eclipse! L’Aura Pleiadian, The New Divine Humanity, shares a powerful invocation that helps us activate and integrate the Alchemy through PURIFICATION of Spirit and matter that this new moon brings. Click here to view the full forecast and listen to the invocation. The words of the invocation have been made available on this page also!
Invitation : If you have a YouTube clip, encouraging words or a suggested speaker you would like to share, please let us know. Email us with your suggestions on
WHAT’S ON At the Academy
Where : Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road. When: Monday Nights 7.30pm – 9.30pm
Entry : $20.00 (You can still pay $15 plus fees on Eventbrite), Concession for Pensioners or Students: $10.00 Includes light refreshments. Finish time is 9.30pm
MONDAY, 5th September, 2016
An Introduction to Spiritual Leadership
Godwin Vaz
You are invited to a dynamic evening with Godwin Vaz – a change maker – a global expert in Leadership, Strategy and Culture.
You may not be in the corporate world but change to improve functional results and thought leadership through creativity, agility and inner leadership can take place anywhere – within the home, school or sports club. Come and explore the next stage of Leadership, with its more quantum, flowstream and vibrational aspects.
We live in a dynamic, fast changing world. Traditionally, in the corporate world, we have seen leadership based on a profit, task and efficiency focus. A shift is now taking place to a high value, trust based, relationship driven form of leadership.
Godwin is working in the corporate world to facilitate this change with the knowledge that to change societies focus, corporate change will have the biggest, fastest impact.
You may remember years ago mindfulness and meditation were ‘out there’ processes. Not anymore! They are accepted and in the main stream – why – because they have been accepted and promoted within some of the biggest corporations. Changing corporate leadership, strategy and culture can change the world.
Godwin Vaz is an international expert on Leadership, Strategy and Global Cultures. He coaches and facilitates in many countries, including Australia, Brazil, USA, Kenya, China, Indonesia, Argentina, Canada and more as strategic advisor, trusted partner and executive coach/mentor. His Advisory and Strategy Development work include global clients in Aviation, Insurance, Financial Services, Higher Education, Information technology, Oil and Gas, Community Services and a top-tier global Management Consultancy.
Contacts: M: 0416 045 464 E:
*Please note that in 2016 our door ticket prices for general admission have been increased to $20. All general bookings via Eventbrite remain at $15 plus booking fees. Concession prices will remain the same – $10. Ticket prices include refreshments.
**We look forward to seeing you at our event but if something comes up refunds will be given with 24 hours notice prior to event.
MONDAY, 12th September, 2016
Plus a Gong Bath with John Butterworth
Jude Tasker established Breaking the Iceberg after qualifying as a PSYCH-K facilitator so she could provide PSYCH-K services to individuals and to workplaces. She uses the process to help people change negative limiting beliefs into positive empowering ones.
PSYCH-K® is a straight-forward process that helps change limiting beliefs at the subconscious level allowing you to create and live the life you want. PSYCH-K® also:
- reduces stress and releases trauma
- helps discover the messages and beliefs behind disease, illness, allergies and phobias (for example, fear of flying or speaking in front of groups)
- helps deal with grief and loss, and
- helps change any of the negative childhood baggage we may be carrying around that affects our self-esteem, confidence, self-love, acceptance and worthiness – that is often at the very core of issues.
Jude will choose people from the audience to demonstrate how it works.
Following this John Butterworth will sooth our souls with a Gong Bath.
Bring a rug and pillow if you would like to lie down. We will be upstairs in the gallery.
Connect with John further on
*Please note that in 2016 our door ticket prices for general admission have been increased to $20. All general bookings via Eventbrite remain at $15 plus booking fees. Concession prices will remain the same – $10. Ticket prices include refreshments.
**We look forward to seeing you at our event but if something comes up refunds will be given with 24 hours notice prior to event.
In and Around the Academy
With Teresa Hills
It’s quiet this week…Rosemary and John are up in FNQ and Peggy is up in Coffs Harbour!
Kaliana Rose, Rose of Raphael, blew us away with her wisdom on Monday night. So much information covering birth, death and everything inbetween! She took us through a powerful meditation process. So glad that we had this experience and can’t wait to go to her sound evening tonight!
August energy/Lion’s Gate from Nancy Valentine Smith
Clarity in this month, is to be clear within, holding no distractions of less than, better than, of any of the old stuff that keeps you in a loop. Being aware is enough to start the “unplugging” when it comes up. (In other words – no judgements)
Forgiveness – no longer being attached to the should and shouldn’t. Forgiveness is the big one, because it allows yourself to move on without any attachments to outcomes, to experiences. It brings in an opening of these portals of creation. (If you have trouble with forgiveness, just see how you have grown from the situation and then you can thank it – and then no forgiveness is needed only gratitude for what you have learnt….Rosemary).
Product of the Month. Perception – CLARITY – Pure Heart Mysts.
Pure Heart Mysts are designed to be sprayed around your Auric Field and personal environment. Their botanic-based frequencies provide a number of benefits, including the balancing of emotions, the cleansing of energy patterns and the restoration of a state of Grace in the Higher Mind.
Clarity – Made of Pansy, Orchid, Datura and Rose Rugosa with Bergamot, Lime, Rose Geranium and Spruce oils it clears the Higher Mind and brings a vision of purpose and power. The Academy thought that this Myst would be very beneficial to use during Lion’s Gate period and the month of August. It comes in a beautiful glass bottle and costs $44 plus postage IN OUR ONLINE SHOP or is available on a Monday Night at Academy meetings.
Thought Of The Week
“To dance is to be out of yourself. Larger, more beautiful, more powerful.”
Agnes De Mille
Affirmation – say daily, feel it, believe it …
“I move gracefully as the rhythm of life flows in, though, and around me.”
Teresa Hills
HEALTH TIP – Benefits of Dancing
Not everyone wants to go to the gym, run a marathon, enter a triathalon. What most of us do want however is a high quality of life, enjoying the freedom that comes with that.
It struck us this week that dancing would be a great combination of personal connection with friends, old and new, and a constant movement for the body that allowed it to improve muscle tone, strength, endurance and fitness. Plus it enhances and grounds your energy field! A win all round.
Dancing is of benefit to all ages. You are never too young or too old! Kids love to twirl. It is a natural balancer. No matter what your age the importance of social interaction, touch and movement cannot be stressed enough. It is important that our world continues to expand but all too often as we age our minds and physical environments narrow.
So ask around is anyone you know secretly dancing their way to energetic freedom? If not join a group who is. If one style you try isn’t for you try another one!
For further inspiration click here to try this Victorian Government Better Health site.
Don’t miss these Events this week! Rama and Kaliana are in Sydney for one week only!
Sound Healing Circle tonight, Wednesday evening 31st August, (click here to view flyer) and Sacred Union Weekend Seminar on Saturday and Sunday 3rd & 4th September (click here to view flyer).

We would love you to join us.
Monday evening 29th August at Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road.

With Jason Snaddon
Are you clear on what you want out of your magnificent life?
What does your life of abundance look like? Do you know what this is? What this could be?
Where is your focus? You see shifting your focus is the starting point. Until you get clear and create a focus nothing will happen.
During this three hour workshop you will become clear on your life of abundance. You will also become aware on what might be currently holding you back from creating this.
I will teach you some tools that work to help you to get clarity on your Abundant life and to get your action plan in place to start creating your Abundant reality. If you are ready to start your Abundant reality come join me for this life changing workshop.
When: Saturday 24th Sept 10am to 1pm
Where: Suite 207, 50 Great Buckingham Street, Redfern NSW 2016
Cost: $149
Click here and Book via Evenbrite.
Any questions call me on 0425 332600.
Labyrinth Summer School
Veriditas is coming to Sydney for a Labyrinth Summer School at Peter Canisius House in Pymble (16th-21st Jan 2017). Submerge yourself in the world of labyrinths with Lauren Artress and Lars Howlett and learn everything you ever wanted to know about walking and building labyrinths – all in one inspiring week!
You can sign up for the whole week discount: or a one day workshop with Lauren, the woman who kickstarted the global labyrinth movement 20 years ago.
For more information go to: W- or visit the Sydney Labyrinth Community on Facebook- Sydney Labyrinth
A women’s love arises from the Heart of the Earth. This is her womb place, her true place of belonging… Read more of the great Truth about the forgotten Sacredness of the Feminine in HEART OF THE EARTH, NURTURING THE SACRED FEMININE by clicking here.
Sophia is a wise woman who lives, writes and paints from the heart. Her prolific articles, paintings and illustrations embrace the inherent wildness, wisdom and beauty of the sacred feminine and Mother Earth. Acknowledged as a powerful and courageous writer, her creative inspirations feature in many international websites. Sophia’s website is an abundant offering of female heart wisdom that nurtures, supports and inspires. She is also the author and illustrator of two books, both of which are available from To find out more about Sophia go to
Tao Healing, Rejuvenation & Longevity Retreat:
Become Happier, Beautiful & More Youthful
With Special Guest teacher Master David Lusch
Transform your life and discover your purpose and true self at a Tao Retreat. Learn sacred Tao wisdom for remarkable healing, graceful aging, loving relationships, vibrant health and total well-being. Experience how Tao practices can change your life.
Sept 1, 7:30pm Introductory Tao Healing Evening & Sept 2 – 6, Tao Retreat
Sept 7, ‘How I Healed my OCD’ special session with Master David Lusch
Sydney & Live Webcast
Register and receive a Free Guest Pass to bring a friend!
Email: or call 1300 3396815
For more information go to
Light from a living star automatically carries the codes of living light.
It brings living Light into the world of the ‘dark light’ and depending on the strength that is able to get through it can remind consciousness of its real origin as living Light. This world is the ‘dark light’. More importantly when Light as powerful as an X-Wave reaches Earth it provides the way HOW TO SEE the ‘dark light’ To the consciousness here in the world of darkness (dark light) that means ‘Awakening’.
Academie Therapeutae
Are you experiencing issues with a family member, friend or an intimate relationship? Is life purpose, work or finances leaving you feeling frustrated?
Often, ‘talk therapy’ alone doesn’t seem to help. Art Therapy may be the solution you’re seeking. Our brain views the world as pictures, not words. Therefore, if you speak the same language as your brain, you are likely to move forward faster.
Art Therapy uses symbol, metaphor and image to give you a platform to receive messages directly from your unconscious mind to help you resolve what’s bothering you.
In my sessions I integrate creativity, counselling, spirituality, meditation and intuition to ensure that you experience a holistic approach to healing what’s bothering you.
If being more happy, confident and loving, & living a life full of purpose is what you’re seeking, contact Gabriel Marks on 0411 459 126, or today.
A community announcement costs $40 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words – for $100 you will get this plus the event on our Community Events on the Website and we will share your FB Event with AOL followers. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light Inc. at St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, or Skype: Academy of Light. The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.
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Academy of Light.
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