
AOL Bulletin – 10th February, 2016 – Riding the Wave of Change

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to be watchful and awake

FYI –  The New Energies

Year of the Monkey2016 Year of the Fire Monkey.
We are told it is a year where new, groundbreaking inventions and inspirations come to the fore.  It has been 60 years since we had the last Year of the Fire Monkey and when we look at some of the ‘magical’ creative inventions, we know we have an amazing year ahead of us.   One that no one can know, what to expect.

Here are just a few examples from 60 years ago of inventions that came from ‘outside the square’:

  • The Hovercraft – invented by Christopher Cockerell.
  • The first transatlantic telephone cable goes into operation (Newfoundland-Scotland ).
  • Liquid paper and the first computer Hard Disk (IBM) was use.
  • The first commercial videotape recorder is introduced.
  • Teflon – the first non-stick kitchenware. 
  • Scotchgard™ Protector was launched in the marketplace.
  • Los Alamos Laboratory discovers the neutrino, an atomic particle with no electric charge.
  • The epic film “The Ten Commandments” premieres – it was the most expensive film ever made and featured some of the largest sets ever created. It was a huge financial success and had critical aclaim, being nominated for 7 Academy Awards
    What an amazing year is ahead of us.

 The following was sent in by Jax.   It was wonderful validation for what I have been telling my clients that the Light is much stronger now and is amplifying whatever they are thinking – so be watchful.  Read what Jax has to say about the Supernova …. Rosemary

SupernovaAs Above …So Below …. As Without …So Within …. the Shift is HERE Now … We are being supported by the arrival of SupaConsciousness in Particulate Waves of Coherent Light that we can tap into through our Hearts …
The Frequencies of Heaven are literally bombarding Earth – it’s it just the most Fantastic affirmation of the Evolution of All Consciousness….. it’s the Song of the Solar Elohim to me and it makes me so humbled to be aware of the Creator’s Grand Design and Grace in the Unfolding of the New Patterns of Life – it is so Beautiful it’s Breathtaking…..Jax Goldhawk
Click here to read more.

How to Raise Your Vibration with Teal Swan.

Teal Swan(This short 12 minute video is such a valuable tool to have.  Watch it regularly and it will help you keep you energy high which is important if you want to move forward).
Consciousness and vibrational frequency go hand in hand. When you’re in a low frequency, you’re in a decreased state of consciousness and your perception is limited. When you’re in a high frequency, you’re in an increased state of consciousness and your perception is heightened.
The lower your vibrational frequency, the less you are able to comprehend because your ego is restricting the Flow of Life Force/source Energy and Intuition/Love through your mind and body. The higher your vibrational frequency, the more you are able to comprehend because you are allowing a greater Flow of Life Force through your mind and body.
In this episode, Teal explains that raising your frequency means move to a better feeling, more positive emotion. She also explains that the trump card of all things that raise frequency is focus… nothing is more important than the thoughts you are thinking and whatever you’re paying attention to/focusing on. You can not focus on things that cause you to feel bad, and hold a high vibration.
 Teal then goes on to describe eleven steps that you can take to increase your frequency…. sent in by Kelly Stone.
Click here to watch.

Invitation : If you have a YouTube clip, encouraging words or a suggested speaker you would like to share, please let us know. Email us with your suggestions on

Facebook AOL LogoWHAT’S ON At the Academy

Where : Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road. When: Monday Nights 7.30pm – 9.30pm

Entry : $20.00 (You can still pay $15 plus fees on Eventbrite), Concession $10.00 Finish time is 9.30pm Includes light refreshments.


MONDAY, 15th February 2016 at 7.30pm

Our guests tonight are Jax & Adrian Event 2Adrian And Jax

Ancient Wisdom Of The Earth Ceremony

Longtime Friends of the Academy, Adrian & Jax come together to offer the opportunity for Ceremony & Honouring of the Ancient Wisdom of the Earth.
Adrian (Anteros) and Jax (Goldhawk) invite us all to join them in a Colourful Cosmic Collaboration:

  • Summer Ceremony where We offer our Innocence in Prayer to Nature
  • Cultivating Faith in Our Selves and in Our Cells through Conscious Participation
  • Bathe in Fragrant Radiance and Offer Your Perfumed Prayers
  • Experience the Fragrance & the Frequencies.

There will be Sacred Sound, Flower Altar & Offering and PureHeart Mysts.
Discover Your Lyrical Song in the Symphony of Nature as We honour the Greatest Ancient Library of All Time that is cradled in the Multiplicity of Plant Expression.
All are warmly invited to a Celebration of Your Connection to the Power and Beauty and Magic of Nature infused with the Wisdom of the Ancients plus Revitalising Fragrant Frequencies.
Thanks for Creator’s Gracious Gifts through our Prayers held in Soft Petals,
through Sacred Sound and through Sharing Stories – the Joyous HeartLight received is streamed back to the Solar Elohim and to all Beings in All Realms.
The weekend following the Celebration, Anteros & Goldhawk release the Flower Offering into the crystal cascades of a Sacred Waterfall ~ the Heartlight of our Communal Blessing is held in the moisture of the Petals and it feeds the Earth and enlivens the Master Trees & Birds & Bush Beings and helps our Water to keep Vital ~ this is Your Gift to Nature ~ Your valued contribution to Community Earth Service. Your Participation & Your Expression makes all the Difference
Adrian Anteros – Plant Poet, Nature Intuitive, Fellow Journeyer, Healer, Musician, Alchemist and Perfumero ~ Creator of PureHeart Mysts
Jax Goldhawk – Guide & Translator for Nature, Musical Mystic, Visionary Vessel, Wordsmith & LionHeart Wanderer between the Rainbow Worlds.
PurëHeärt Mysts available through the Academy and online at

PureHeart Mysts Logo

Eventbrite - Ancient Wisdom Of The Earth Ceremony - Adrian & Jax

MONDAY, 22nd February 2016 at 7.30pm

Our guests tonight are:
John Butterworth, Marc Cottee, Joe & Ellie Vandermeer

An Evening of SoundAn Evening Of Sound

Come along, turn up to sit or lie down in the wonderful sacred geometry of the Grand Hall to surrender, bliss out and receive sound vibrations THAT MAY TAKE YOU OUT OF BODY!  while John and Marc bathe you in extraordinary sound through Marc’s virtuoso didgeridoo, and John’s gongs, Tibetan bowls & bells, chimes, rainstick and ocean drum plus the voices of Joe and Ellie Vandermeer.
A special chant will be introduced tonight. The chant ‘Men-Ha-Ada-Mah’ is from the Keys of Enoch which means “blood transposed into the next level of creation.” It represents the transformation of the blood’s crystals and freeing of the human chemistry from the earthbound dimension so that the blood circulatory system can exist in the next step function of Universal Intelligence, man is then able to exist in the next orbital level of the Universal Mind.  Also we will chant ‘Om Mani Padme Hum’.
By surrendering, with a quiet mind, to the sound of the giant gongs, didgeridoo and other musical instruments, the natural intelligence of our body can entrain back to a state of wellbeing.  It is then up to you to maintain that state by modifying what you think and consume.  Everything in creation has its own natural rate of vibration which can be accelerated or decreased by other sources of vibration by the scientific law of sympathetic resonance or entrainment.
Bring a rug/blanket and pillow to lie down or sit as you allow your body to be immersed in these wonderful therapeutic and consciousness-expanding sound waves.
The cells of our bodies tune into these beautiful sounds whether from dig, gongs, drums, bowls, bells, voice and release toxins embedded thought patterns that no longer serve us and the result is that we feel rested relaxed, CLEANSED and REJEVENATED.
Just as a piano tuner is called in to tune up a Steinway to keep it playing in tune with creation so our bodies need to be ”tuned up” so that each organ of our body knows it is supported and loved, knows it’s place in the scheme of things and is in oneness with all creation.

Eventbrite - An Evening of Sound - John Butterworth, Marc Cottee, Joe & Ellie Vandermeer

Join us in the Grand Hall at Mosman tonight!

For more information:
John and the Gongs go to
Marc Cottee –

In and Around the Academy

Academy of Light LogoWith Rosemary Butterworth

How much do you know about the country of Bhutan?  I found I knew nothing and so Monday night was full of wonderful information and very professionally presented in a warm and engaging way.
Bhutan is located on the southern slopes of the eastern Himalayas, landlocked between the Tibet Autonomous Region to the north and the Indian states of Sikkim, West Bengal, Assam and Arunachal Pradesh to the west and south.
Only 8% of of its land is habital as it is very mountainous.    It has kept its spiritual values.  It is a country filled with prayer wheels and malas and people pray ‘Om Mani Padre Hum’ all the time, at every opportunity in the day.  It has protected its borders from Western civilization creeping in for centuries and now only allows approximately 40,000 tourists a year. They have ruled that all buildings must be built in traditional style, no high rise, and that people must wear the national costume, every day.
The current King of Bhutan’s grandfather  decreed that they would have a measure based on other than Gross National Profit.  One that  is important to everyone…… and so GNH came into being which is ‘Gross National Happiness’ and the King asks everyone how happy they are each year.
Imagine a whole country where the focus is not on the need for profit and money to be happy but on the ‘Jewel in the Crown of the Lotus’ which is the meaning of ‘Om Mani Padme Hum’.
“Thus the six syllables, om mani padme hum, mantra is capable of creating transformation of energy vibration into divine qualities.
Watch what the Dalai Lama says about this mantra
I was overwhelmed with gratitude to Walter Mason for telling us that there is a whole country that remains true to  spiritual values and is raising the consciousness of the Universe.

Thought Of The Week

Sunset SceneryYou are in a state of non-resistance when you are in Nature.
…Teal Swan,

Affirmation – say daily, feel it, believe it…

Happiness“I Am open to the changes that this year will bring.”
… Rosemary Butterworth



Stress related disorders are the epidemic of our time.  Thousands around the globe suffer with insomnia, stress, depression, concentration, hyperactivity, night terrors and more.  But we want to tell you that the Academy sells a product that really can help these health issues.
Alphamusic is a powerful brainwaves music that has helped over 250,000 people world-wide and has been scientifically proven to work, plus over 20 years of research. When the mind is in an alpha state the body can function properly.

“John Levine’s CDs are a highly effective drug-free alternative”.  Try these, they work.”….Patrick Holford, author and world renowned nutrition expert.

Here is a selection of some of John’s Cd range plus some brief comments from his hundreds of testimonials

CD - Orange Grove SiestaOrange Grove Siesta –  Trains the brain how to fall asleep effortlessly.  “After 22 years of sleeplessness Orange Grove Sietsa changed my life”.

Emerald Forest – Restores calm, panic attacks and anxiety are gone.

Silence of Peace – Played for a host of health issues including sleeplessness, cancer and diabetes.   Reduces hyperactivity in children. Wonderful for calming down animals.  “When my friend put Silence of Peace CD on the cats would come to the speakers and lie in front of them, totally chilled out.”  Dr. Steven Aronson.

John Levine = Silence of HeartSilence of Heart – Restores self love, self worth and relationship issues and ideal for drug addiction.

Silence of Love –  “As part of my daily routine I play Silence of Love.  It helps as it releases positive energy in me, in makes me more open and helps me understand what love and acceptance among people is.  It also gives me a boost to get up early in the morning.  It helps me stay focussed and my daily routines aren’t chaotic.”…Louise

All the above CD’s are available in the Academy Shop on the website.
If you email us we are able to bring them to the Monday Night meeting to save postage costs.

You can also listen to free samples of the CDs on John Levine’s website.


Community Announcement

mindThe ‘Ascension Wave’
 During the energy activations for the now imminent Pole Reversal, the two axis lines within this planet both become ‘energy activated’. One of these pathways is the ‘Ascension Wave’ – the specific energy pathway which ‘ascends’ and returns to ‘True Source’.
All you have to do for the soul to Ascend, is ‘ride that wave’.
Academie Therapeutae has several web pages of a FREE detailed tutorial to present this final knowledge on the Ascension Wave, the planet’s two axis alignments (pathways) and the existence of the Reflection – the ‘Reflected Reality’ – which has not yet been presented covered as general spiritual knowledge. *This work came from the lineage of Teachers known to Rumi, which came from the Aegean and Black Sea regions, and passed to the Persian Mystics. The teachings went eastwards from Turkey to Persia and onwards to the Himalaya.
Please begin at then continue with ‘Atlantis’.


A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, or Skype: Academy of Light. The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


Friend the Academy of Light on Facebook!

Our Facebook address is:

Academy of Light.facebook


meetupTHE ACADEMY OF LIGHT (AOL) now has a group on Meetup so you can RSVP if you will be attending our weekly meetings, which helps us with the seating, and you can see who else will be attending/did attend, if you want to stay in touch.


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