
AOL Bulletin – 29th July 2015 – You Can Be Free.

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us of what freedom is.


Meditation on Freedom

Meditation for FreedomFreedom – Most people think freedom is the ability to come and go as I please. But true freedom means I can go beyond the stories of my daily life, beyond the illusions of the world and into a dimension of stillness … into an experience of my true self. It means that whenever I wish, I can travel freely between the drama of life and the stillness of my spiritual identity.  Worth watching many times. To experience this 5 minute meditation video click here 

Freedom from the Mind

Eckhart Tolle and Deepak ChopraWe all know that to live a life of love, ease and grace we need to be present and not to be controlled by our thoughts.

Here are 2 brief videos on becoming free from your thoughts with Eckhart Tolle.

“S.T.O.P., A Conversation with Eckhart Tolle and Deepak Chopra” A guide on being Present 3.50 minute video… click here

Eckhart TolleDiscover the transformation that awaits when we learn to operate in Presence rather than under the direction of our mental activity. “To Think or not to Think” 2.25 minute video with EckHart Tolleclick  here

Facebook AOL LogoWHAT’S ON At the Academy

Where : Mosman Arts & Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road. When: Monday Nights 7.30pm – 9.30pm Entry : $15.00, Concession $10.00 Finish time is 9.30pm


MONDAY, 3rd AUGUST 2015 at 7.30pm

Julie Jara JULIE JARA  “ASTROSOUL – EXPLORING THE 5TH DIMENSION” Astro Soul is the exploration into the fifth dimension and the unconscious mind. Moving from the dimension of space time to light time, travelling as a free agent at the speed of light.

Come along tonight to experience this amazing new work from Julie. * Learn about the zones of consciousness around planet earth to release the fear of death. We all talk about it but do we really believe it? * Learn a technique to instantly relax and tune into your inner guidance for insights, direction and healing. Julie Jara is excited to be introducing Astro Soul to us with practical techniques to experience this reality for yourself. Julie has been a Spiritual Consultant and Instructor since 1984 and in 2014 was honoured to receive the ‘Hall of Fame Award’ by the International Psychics Association for over 30 years service to the industry. “It is with an immense sense of gratitude that I am able to offer services that bring healing, inspiration and hope into peoples lives”. Julie’s Contacts: Phone: 0403 312 316 Email: Website:
Don’t forget to RSVP on Meetup which helps us with the seating, and you can also see who else will be attending. For more information about Meetup click here

 MONDAY, 10th AUGUST 2015 at 7.30pm



Discover and experience Tesla Metamorphosis – How to reach beyond healing to higher consciousness. Anya has presented at the International Tesla Science Conference in Philadelphia, and at the University of British Columbia in Canada.  Now Anya is back again in Australia and is presenting for the Academy.


Tesla Metamorphosis® is not just energy healing; it connects with higher intelligence vibrations of information and Light that affect our DNA and elevates the frequency of human consciousness. Tonight come along and experience this energy yourself as Anya gives and introductory presentation with a demonstration of healing through the modality of Tesla Metamorphosis®.  Participants will experience how they also can harness the power the legendary inventor Nikola Tesla, whose most important concepts have been supressed for 100 years.  Tesla Metamorphosis, in addition to the spectrum of frequencies registered in numerous healing modalities can access Tesla Waves.  According to scientists, Tesla Metamorphosis® is the only healing modality where Tesla Waves can be accessed.

Clients report healings from maladies such as : lupus, cancer, AIDS, arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, addiction and even reconstructions of birth deformities and physically damaged spines. (,  Many of those diseased are, according to orthodox medicine, ‘incurable’.  However, apart from these healings, Tesla Waves enhance the frequency of human concsciousness, and this might be even more important than the fascinating healing results.  This explains how people, after attending Tesla Metamorphosis seminar, are able to create the communication with their clients on the level of the conscious, subconscious and the integrative mind, though they were not aware of these abilities before.
You can find more information on

Link to Anya’s website:

EMAIL: Mobile: 0403 060 056

Don’t forget to RSVP on Meetup which helps us with the seating, and you can also see who else will be attending. For more information about Meetup click here

If you know someone that would make an interesting speaker please pass on our details and ask them to contact us :

Academy of Light LogoIn and Around the Academy

With Rosemary Butterworth

Our Sound Evening last Monday Night was a BLAST in more ways than one.  It was so good, even in the cold, people wrapped up and lay down in the beautiful Grand Hall of the Mosman Art Gallery and Community Centre and simply blissed out.  They let the harmonics of Joe Vandermeer, the incredible sounds of the didj from Marc Cottee and the wonderful sounds of the gongs and various musical instruments from John Butterworth flow over them.  Listening to sound is the fastest way to banish your thoughts.  It is only thoughts about our daily life that stress us out, not life itself.  As our mind clears there is such a wonderful sense of freedom.  As our energy is not being used by our thoughts, it rises and therefore our vibration becomes higher.  We rise above the collective consciousness, which is survival and fear of the future.  We feel safe, supported and loved.  No wonder we all love our Sound Events so an extra big hug to Joe, Marc and John. 

As I said last week, I realised that it was Metatron leading the meditation, bringing down a portal of Light from the Spiritual Sun. At that time, I knew that it had a special significance as our bodies need to be freed from old thought patterns and adjusted to receive higher vibrations. So I was delighted to read about this special Light from Qala Sri’ama Phoenix who said: “A spiritual portal of light is the sacred space that brings divine grace. Divine grace is the highest level of assistance that can be given to a soul and involves receiving the highest level infusion of pure love and higher light frequency for the purpose of blessing a soul’s life and freeing them from negative energies”.

So whenever it is appropriate at an Academy meeting, I will continue to ask Metatron to create a portal to take people up to the Light of the Spiritual Sun and fill every cell of their bodies with it. Let us continue to walk across the Bridge to the 5th dimension together. Much love to everyone, Rosemary

Thought Of The Week

Thought Bubble” When we are in our thoughts all day – our life passes us by unseen.  What have we missed?” … Rosemary and Peggy

Affirmation – say daily, feel it, believe it…

Listening “In listening I am present and I am free”… Terri Hills



honeyMaybe you only know the benefits of a warm glass of water in the morning or maybe you have only heard about how honey is great for your skin, but have you heard what wonders combining warm water and honey can do for you overall? Read on and let me tell you the wonders of honey and warm water. I promise you, this is no old wives’ tale. Yes, drinking water and honey can help you lose weight.

Also by using raw, local honey you help to acclimate your body to the pollens of your area. In turn, this helps to reduce your susceptibility to environmental allergies.  Move over coffee  – honey and warm water are the new dream team for boosting energy. As well as the above honey and warm water helps to flush out the toxins from your body.  These are just a few excerpts from the article on ‘9 Benefits of Honey Water you never knew’ to read more of this article, click here



Heart of Conscious Business and CareerThe Heart of Conscious Business and Career

August 21-23 Sydney

Click here for PDF

Receive a FREE Jump Start Your Business Seminar with Robert Kirby and bring along a Guest for FREE

For the first time in Australia a conference to help business owners and employees engaged in purpose-orientated occupations, including renewable energy, nutrition, education, health and wellness and spiritual education become more successful.
Conscious Living Co-Creations founder Patricia Hamilton is the innovator of the conference, which will be held from August 21 to 23 at Australian Technology Park Conference Centre Locomotive St, Eveleigh. At the same time and same venue, the public will be able to attend the Conscious Living Expo. Ticket holders to the Expo are welcome to participate.
Since the 1980s, through her Conscious Living magazine, Conscious Living expos, workshops, seminars and speaker events that included international trainers and authors, Patricia has provided leadership and vision for spiritual growth and lifestyle choices for a sustainable future.
This conference has the goal of supporting businesses engaged in the co-creation of a sustainable conscious world of peace, harmony and abundance. It is designed around the five pillars or elements that are integral to all Conscious Living events: Earth; Food; Health; Arts and Spirit.

In line with these five elements, the conference will connect practitioners, authors, trainers and individuals who are evolving a new paradigm for heart centred collaboration.
It is a golden opportunity to exchange experiences and ideas; to develop ongoing collaborative associations and to form a community of business owners and employees with similar ethics in running their businesses.”
Friday August 21st the Conference opens at 6.30pm with a FREE event which is open to all Expo visitors as well as Conference participants. The free opening night event features musician and voice coach, Chris James together with Yoga Teacher, Donna Gianniotis and Robert Kirby speaking on the Heart of Relationships.
All 5 Conference Sessions will be broadcast on the Conscious Living TV Show via the Conscious Living Show on

Keynote Speakers :
Chris James – Develop Your Natural Voice and Mind/Body Awareness. Communication – Self-care – Active Listening – Self-expression

Shakti Durga – Guru, author and founder of the international charitable spiritual school, Shanti Mission
Quentin Strauli – Founder of the Australian College of Traditional Medicine and Director of Glebe Healing Centre is a leading practitioner of body and mind therapies.
Robert Kirby – Founder of Heart Centred Living, Psychologist, Business Leader and Trainer – Jump Start Your Business.
Isira Sananda – Enlightened Teacher and author of a new book titled, Awaken You
Mason Taylor – Owner of a superfood company is a health educator, speaker, writer, and wellness revolutionary.
Katrena Friel – Refresh Your Thinking – Success Coach and Corporate Trainer and is an International Keynote Speaker, Corporate Trainer and Executive Coach
Donna Gianniotis :  Yoga Instructor & Esoteric Practitioner since 2011. With a diagnosis of breast cancer at the age of 33, she started to question that there must be more to health and well-being than diet, exercise, meditation and yoga.
Russell Setright – Accredited Naturopath, Medical Herbalist and member of the advisory committee NSW Oncology Group, Cancer Institute, NSW Health. Russell has a Health Talk Back Radio Show with Brian Wilshire on Radio 2GB.
Ron Ragel and Vicki Hansen – Composers and Performers of Sacred Music – India Jiva. Ron Ragel, author and educator, has recently released his book, The Way of the Sacred Warrior
Nikki White – Founder and Director of the Wellness Hubs, Practitioner and Blogger is a Small business efficiency strategist and spiritual-intuitive being  focused on Natural Therapy businesses. Her motto is: collaboration, connection and cross-referrals.
Heather Pope – combines an extensive career working as a Senior Executive in the Corporate world with a passion for Women’s Health and what it is to be a successful working woman, living a purposeful life.

Earlybird Tickets are on sale now . Participants can bring a Guest for Free and receive a follow up seminar with Robert Kirby plus a coaching session with Katrena Friel. Places are limited so Book Online NOW


Julie Jara Astro SoulAstro Soul® – Exploring the Fifth Dimension

with Julie Jara

Astro Soul is the exploration into the fifth dimension and the unconscious mind. Move from space time to light time, travelling as a free agent in the universe. * Realize there is no death and release the fear of the unknown. * Understand the continual process of soul evolution. * Expand your connection with the Higher Spirit. * Experience Astro Travel to the Source. Julie Jara will be introducing Astro Soul with practical techniques to experience this reality for yourself. Where and When : Sutherland August 6th, Crows Nest August 28th, Bondi September 16th – $20 advance registration only.

For details and early registration offer click here or click here for the PDF.

Community Announcements:

ACADEMY’S PRODUCT OF THE WEEK. We have just had another shipment of John Levine’s Alpha music CD’s – hurrah!.  (For those that aren’t familiar with his music, a simple trial of brain responsiveness to Alphamusic was performed at the Medicina private clinic in Karakow in November, 2002.  The EEG results showed that the patient’s brainwaves had dropped into alpha state (8-12 mhz) within just four minutes of listening to the music. While listening to ‘Silence of Peace’ there was a marked increase in right-side brain activity.)  By changing the brain wave from Beta to Alpha it changes our thought patterns and we are free to relax. (I always use his music in my healing room –  Rosemary) 
Silence of PeaceSilence of Peace  – Helps promote sleep, pain management particularly chronic lower back pain. 1st Chakra Aid. Helps reduce  anxiety and is great for studying.  



Silence of LoveSilence of Love  –   Lower back pain, raises your spirits, helps you to relax and restores confidence. 2nd Chakra Aid .We suggest that you play this music, not only for your yourself and your clients, but in your home to create peace and relaxation. 


To purchase either of these CD’s go to: – $23 each plus postage. 

John has a CD for each of the Chakras.  See many more CD’s by going to:


A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, or Skype: Academy of Light. The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


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Our Facebook address is:

Academy of Light.facebook


meetupTHE ACADEMY OF LIGHT (AOL) now has a group on Meetup so you can RSVP if you will be attending our weekly meetings, which helps us with the seating, and you can see who else will be attending/did attend, if you want to stay in touch. Click here to go back to What’s On at the Academy


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