
AOL Bulletin – 30 April 2014 – Let Love Flow

The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to be Love.

FYI – Gratitude Will Get You Everywhere!

What a Wonderful World – David Attenborough

David AttenboroughThis is a 2 minute inspirational exercise from Sir David Attenborough reminding us to stop and look at the beauty that is around us.  In doing this, it stills the heart and centres our being.  It shows us how wonderful it is to be here on planet Earth.  How beautiful it is to actually wake up and see and be.  Such graditude.  We wanted to share this with you, how lucky we are.  Click here.

Alan Watts – What did you forget?

Alan-Watts-128x150.pngThis is a 3 minute clip from Alan Watts asking us “What did you forget?”  “Who do you think you are?”.  Alan says we are who we think we are because that is what people told us in the beginning.  We were given a name, they taught us to identify with it and behave accordingly but who we truly are is the fabric and structure of existence itself.  Please click here.

Graditude – A Guided Meditation

Prescence.jpgThis is a beautiful 6 minute meditation guided by Glenda Ceaderleaf on the power of Gratitude to bring us back to the present moment.  There are lots of beautiful quotes spoken and written so please either shut your eyes and listen or watch the beautiful images.  Once again, it is a very stilling and centering exercise.  Please enjoy.  Click here.

Thought Of The Day

 “So simply by having a deep feeing of love – or reverence – you can enjoy the same peaceful state, and the same benefits, as someone who is deep in meditation.”

…………Paul Wilson, author of A Piece of the Quiet  A Piece of the Quiet by Paul Wilson


“It’s a beautiful world”

Beautiful scenery
See it, notice it and enjoy it!

Academy of Light LogoIn and Around the Academy

What wonderful energy – may we keep it for the week“, “I feel so relaxed, I don’t want to move” were some of the comments and another lady told me she was having trouble with all her thoughts when mediating but tonight, she said, I cannot even find a thought.when Anup finished playing his singing bowls. The entire evening was spent in meditation with all of us receiving the energy vibrations from the singing bowls as Anup walked around with them.

As most of us are experienced meditators It seems we are at a stage where we only have to be presented with the opportunity to go deep and we can. But all too often, we keep ourselves too busy. So the wonderful outcome of Monday Night is that we are going to have a meditation night, one Monday a month, where the whole evening is dedicated to going deep within.

The first of the Meditation Nights will be the 12th May. On the night, there could be at least 3 different meditations, potentially by three different people giving us all the opportunity of going to that still, quiet place within. So mark the 12th on your calendar as an opportunity for you to still your mind and rest.

P.S. We have asked Anup if he could come back and play for us again on a Sound Evening. We will let you know the date.

Plus dont miss out on the Sound Event in Paddington on the weekend with Carmen, Matt, Anteros & Goldhawk!  They have all played at Academy Sound Nights and are amazing sound & ceremony specialists.  See the EVENTS ad below for the details!!!

Health – 7 Exercises to Boost Your Energy Levels

Article by Julia Griffin.

One True Self



The present positioning of the stars calls to all of us by encouraging change and effort in altering our lives. It’s a push that awakens our true desire to express our soul and create a life in accordance with the higher self. Visualization, observing, and altering life plans are not enough.

It takes energy to create a transformation because our patterns hold our lives in place. Sometimes, it feels easier to leave things alone, to accept the comfort of sameness, or rest instead of moving forward—but it never works! When we work too much or need a break, it’s helpful to know how to generate energy because it takes energy to see the future differently, take new steps, or adopt a happier attitude.

Julia has given 7 exercises that we can practice, here is an example of two:

– Imagine a great central sun in the center of the universe. You can imagine sitting or standing in the center of the sun. The white light pulses through you. Hold the image for 2 or 3 minutes. (It’s important to feel the warmth and light.

– Breathe in blue light for a count of 7, hold the breath for 7 counts and imagine the color changing to pink. Change the color to white as you exhale for a count of 7. (I do this exercise when I’m driving or riding in the car.)

Julia recommends choosing 1 or 2 exercises, practising them for 5 to 15 minutes daily to notice a positive shift in your physical energy and outlook.

For full article and more exercises we highly recommend you the One True Self site so please click here.

Mosman Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves. The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a guest speaker. By attending or linking up with our weekly Monday night gatherings you will not only meet likeminded people, be in group energy and rest your mind, you will also raise your vibration and consciousness setting yourself up for the week ahead. See below for the next two weeks topics. The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at Mosman Art Gallery and Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road, Mosman at 7.30pm Session starts: 7.30pm. Entry Fee: $15.00, Concession $10.00. Light refreshments are served.

MONDAY, 5th May 2014 at 7.30pm


“Breaking the New-Age Spiritual Maze: A New approach to Spiritual Enlightenment” Sage’s talk at the Academy focuses on why the mind is continually seeking new experiences and furthering knowledge, and questions whether more knowledge, experience and time will ever bring us to the state of awakened consciousness and unconditioned living. Followed by a Q&A. Sage says: “Open the Nova or Living Now magazine and you will find a plethora of people espousing the latest esoteric knowledge or pathways to higher consciousness that come with the promise of complete happiness, transcendence and soul connection. Visit any bookshop and you will find an entire shelf dedicated to self-help and new-age spirituality. As a society, we have never had more information and knowledge. The information age has globalised consciousness with the press of a button. Now the question we all must ask is: “ has the information age, with its new-age enlightenment, brought us to the reality which it talks about”? In other words, after reading all the numerous self-help books, attending the latest workshops and attuning oneself to a higher frequency of love are you LIVING THIS REALITY OF AWAKENED CONSCIOUSNESS? Because if we are not living it NOW – then it is merely the accumulation of ideas, conclusions and beliefs by thought which believes transcendence can be lived TOMORROW, thereby entrapping us in the never ending search for truth. “ Sage brings a fresh perspective to people seeking a spiritual life that reexamines our current approach to spirituality and transcendence. Testimonial: “Sage offers a unique spiritual perspective independent of religion that is accessible and at the same time liberating” Nathan, GP MBBS (Hons.) Sage is a spiritual teacher who facilitates an awakening to our intrinsic nature of being: Anatta or no-self. Sage’s essential message is the living of our enlightenment is not something that first needs to be obtained (because we are already it), but rather realised through perception, insight and right living which alone brings about this self-transmutation (liberation from self). To find out more about Sage E:, W:

MONDAY, 12th MAY 2014 at 7.30pm


We have been guided to have a night each month of Meditation, to “take a leap of Faith into the higher vibration of LOVE”   We will be meditating on LOVE…. Come along and relax into this space. Leave all your troubles, your stories behind for an hour or so; be part of our community of Love.  On the night there will be people taking us into three different styles of meditation.  Come along and get a taste.

Feel your vibration being lifted in this space and take this energy with you out into your world for the week. When you are feeling low through the week ahead take your mind back to this meditation space and feel your body respond to the higher vibration of the night. ‘Spread the LOVE’

Red Rose

“Love is our deepest longing.
Just as the body needs food,
the Soul needs Love
– it is nourishment, spiritual nourishment.
Without the food, air and water,
the body will deteriorate;
without Love
The Soul starts shrinking.”

… Osho


PureHearts MystsEmbracing Your Soul’s Purpose

This Saturday at 3rd May at Paddington Uniting Church 6-9pm

This Shamanic Journey of LIVE Sound, Breath and Ritual with Shamanic Healer Carmen Morales, Matt (the Gong Guru) Omo, Anteros & Goldhawk bringing their healing wisdoms together is going to be out of this world….

Click here to see flyer with more information. A must experience sound event!

Book Now on under Classes …. See Your Sacred Shining Selves there 🙂


A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB: 112 879 Account No: 485610498 The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425(02) 9967 4425(02) 9967 4425(02) 9967 4425, or Skype: Academy of Light. (02) 8005 0(02) 8005 0 The Academy of Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.


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