
AOL News – Wednesday, 26 March 2014 – What Does Heaven Look Like to You?


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The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to live in “Heaven”.

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FYI – Heaven or Hell, Your Choice

Living as Divine Frequency

Toni Elizabeth Sar'h PetrinovichThis is a 9 minute clip by Toni Elizabeth Sar’h Petrinovich discussing the benefits of living as a Divine Frequency.  Toni says “Since every human lives through filtered perception in this dimension, why not let your filter be your divinity? Living as a Divine Frequency frees you from useless beliefs systems that only create the illusion of separation. You are not separate from Source. You ARE Source in form.”  This is another great video to watch to remind us again who we really are.  Click here.


Abraham-Hicks – “Why am I bothered by people?”

Abraham-HicksThis is 15 minute audio of a discussion taking place when a member in the audience asks a very important question.  “Why am I bothered by people?”.  We really wanted to share this audio with you (please ignore the graphics which don’t have any relevance to the audio).  I had a shift in my consciousness after listening to this talk and meditating which I really feel is important to tell you. Basically this is it, “If you see something all the time its active in your vibration.”  There was one particular thing that I had been resisting and once I was aware of that judgment, I made the choice to let it go.  After this my perception of this particular judgment did a complete flip and all I could see was truth and love and no judgment.  I was in a wonderful space of openness and complete strangers were smiling and talking to me.  It was wonderful…. Kelly.

Abraham-Hicks says “When you notice that you have a negative emotion stop and say to yourself “I am thinking something source is not thinking”.  This is our choice in this moment.  Do we want to continue this way or change and be the divine energy that we are.  Click here.


The Zen Mind – An Introduction (and a reminder)

The Nature of ZenThis is a short video, only 3 minutes, is calming and peaceful.  The zen way, without effort, without intention, existing dependently and interdepedently.  This clip keeps it simple and the way of Zen reminds us that we are like the drop of water going into the ocean. Click here.



“Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.”

Wayne Dyer



“I am a source of healing light.”

Susan Jeffers

Susan Jeffers


In and Around the Academy

Academy of Light - Supporting Your Souls Journey

With Rosemary

What a stupendous night our sound night was.  John and Marc Cottee gave us a performance that was amazing.  We laid down around the centre piece and at one stage Marc was playing his didj over our bodies while John was walking around us, gong in hand, gonging, the beautiful sounds echoing and penetrating our bodies bringing them to a state of peace and upliftment.  All we can say is: ‘please play it again’.

We would like your input please.  We are thinking that once a month instead of having a speaker (like the Sound Night), we could have a forum and talk about our experiences that are taking place in this new energy.  We could not only share but ask questions such as: “Does anyone else find that their friends are disappearing and that they have very little in common with them?”or “Is anyone else having trouble with sleeping or being extra tired, if so what do we do about it?”  Amongst us we could find the answers.  What do you think?  As we go into altered states of consciousness with the higher energies now coming onto the planet, there are lots of questions that need answering and together we can look at this.

So we need your feedback to this question.  Would you like the Academy to have a question and answer evening?

A NOTE FROM JULIA SMITH (Inner Tranquillity and Peace)
“It was such a worthwhile night on Monday night.  A real treat.  John and Marc’s sound energy healing with gongs and didjideroo created a sacred space and cleared our energy fields and opened and balanced our chakras leaving us calm and peaceful.”


HEALTH – Shakes & Smoothies

Now you may be thinking “the Academy has lost it!  Shakes & Smoothies in the Health section?”  Well they are no ordinary shakes.  They have been created to be included in Dr Libby Weaver‘s new recipe book that she has created with chef Cynthia Louise called Dr Libby’s Real Food Chef .

You know that we love Dr Libby here at the Academy.  So much so we sell her book ‘Accidentally Overweight‘ which is brilliant!

One of the shakes available on this page is a Chocolate Think Shake and Dr Libby says “It might be hard to believe that there is a substantial amount of fresh spinach in this thick and creamy shake.  Increase your nutrient density simply with this quick and tasty beverage.  Along with the hydrating benefits of coconut water, this delicious shake delivers vital amounts of potassium, folate and magnesium as well as packing a huge antioxidant punch!

Our tip:  Change the amount of liquid depending on how you like to drink it – thick or thin.

Click this link and ENJOY!


Mosman Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a guest speaker.  By attending or linking up with our weekly Monday night gatherings you will not only meet likeminded people, be in group energy and rest your mind, you will also raise your vibration and consciousness setting yourself up for the week ahead.  See below for the next two weeks topics. 

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at Mosman Art Gallery and Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road, Mosman at 7.30pm Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00. Light refreshments are served.


MONDAY, 31st MARCH 2014 at 7.30pm

GERRY TAYLOR-WOODVibrational Healing 2

“Vibrational Healing – The Magical Worlds of Earth and Sky”

Gerry will take you on a wondrous journey of discovery from the archetype of raw nature – the God Pan and his Elementals – to the Light Kingdom.

“As Above, So Below” was the Alchemists dictate and we shall see the myriad ways that earth energies and heavenly energies culminate to bring health, healing and spiritual advancement to humanity.

Gerry will illustrate how vibrational medication is the healing of the future and is all around us to use in our daily lives. From nature’s healing plants given to us as energetic flower essences, to the archetypes of archangels at sacred sites and holy cities.  Photos of the flower essences from the gardens of Mt Tamborine to sacred places – from majestic Gothic cathedrals to mystical holy wells of Britian and Europe will also be presented.

Gerry Taylor-Wood has been a student of the esoteric for over thirty years. She and her husband Richard De Welles are the Guardians of Grail Haven in Queensland and Grail Haven en France in the South of France where they teach subjects for spiritual advancement.

For further information please see the websites: –


MONDAY, 7th April 2014 at 7.30pm




Ekaterina will align us with a combination of energies, the frequency of these energies are for new beginnings, new ideas and the flow of enthusiasm to build the new earth starting from within.  These energies also have a fundamental focus on strengthening of the crystalline body vehicle.

The energy attunements provided by Living Eternity are a set of keys, keys to transform every element of your existence – the keys to the gateways of the truth within.  The energy attunements will be:

1. Crystalline Truth

Crystalline Truth is a continuous flow of ever-increasing energy held in the crystalline grids of pure Divine Love manifestation available now for all who wish to partake in the Divine love awakening on Earth. This is the sustaining energy for the metamorphosis process of your crystalline light body development. Crystalline Truth energy flow holds the keys to ignite internal illumination to tear through the veil of ignorance to free the opulence and riches of the universe now available to you.

2. Metatron Healing System

Metatron Energy (level one of two levels) is a divine light source connection assisting humankind with our light evolutionary process, including the light body creation. You can use this ultimate intuitive healing system on yourself and others. (Master level if desired will be provided free of charge on individual bases any time after the 28 day integration period, you will have an option to arrange distantly or in person subject to availability.)

Ekaterina says this is a perfect way to get in tune with the current energies and get a real kick start in transcending all that no longer serves and birthing the new light you.

Ekaterina Sophia began to run the Living Eternity website and workshops with the aim to empower people to awaken to the truth that they hold within. “Over the years I have studied many energy systems and searched through never ending interpretations of the ‘truth’. I came to realise that our power is within and all we need to do is use energy keys to open this timeless wisdom. The energy activations that I provide are just some of the keys available today. The activations align the person with their soul essence so they can be the ‘truth’ that illuminates the world. Most importantly the activations aim to empower the individual to have the confidence to independently find their internal wisdom so they too can become keys that help to unlock this wisdom in others.”

Ekaterina contacts: Email: – Website



Learning to Read Faces

Finding Magic Within

The Art of Reading faces comes with practice and lies in the ability to master the understanding of the “individual features”, and the receptiveness of being available to others.

This is your opportunity to learn the basic principals of Face Reading within the Psychosomatics framework and most importantly understand and connected to yourself and others on a much deeper level.

Upcoming Dates:

Katoomba Residential –
Psychosomatic Therapy Certificate
April/May 2014 (Teacher: Sean Jago –
Level 1 Tues/Sun 22nd – 27th April (incluisve of Anzac Day) – 6 days
Level 2 Thurs – Sun 8 – 11th May – 4 days

Face Reading Workshop
2 day Face Reading Workshop (Teacher: Linda Thackray (
Sat/Sunday 3rd-4th May

Pymble (Sydney) –
2 day Face Reading Workshop (Teacher: Linda Thackray) 19th – 20th July (accommodation attached to this venue)

Please click here for flyer.


Community Announcements

Theta HealingBasic Theta Healing

25th-27th April at CoCreation, Level 1/59 Hume St, Crows Nest

To book email: or call: 02 8065 115302 8065 1153.  To view more information on this course or any others go to:

Theta Healing is a wonderful easy, modality that anybody can learn that can change your life.



A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB:  112 879   Account No: 485610498

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425(02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562(02) 8005 0562.

The Academy of  Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

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