
AOL News – Wednesday, 12 March 2014 – A New Earth!


The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you keep the vision.

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FYI – You are a Wayshower

Early 2014: Collective Shift in Reality..

Sandra WaltersThis is a 6 minute clip by Sandra Walters who delivers an incredible message on the mass awakening that is taking place this year.  Sandra says “Those on the Ascension path will understand my intention to serve the collective by preparing all of us to be pure Wayshowers dedicated to demonstrating what Ascension is truly about: LOVE and UNITY.”  Gaia is taking of her mask to reveal her fourth dimensional shift in early 2014.  Awakened at last, here she comes, mass awakening is about to begin.  We can show the way by holding and radiating love to all life on this planet.  It is the intuitives that will show the way is love and unity.  Unity is the goal of this evolutionary passage.  Please watch this very exciting clip.  The changes have already begun.  Click here.

A word from Rosemary about this clip:

We can see this shift in human concsiousness has begun, it is subtle, but we can see it already, in the choices people are making for example, major supermarkets are now aware of animal factory farming and are providing free range meats approved by the RSPCA.  The corporate world is making available to yoga, pilates, mediation to care for the health of their employees.  Organic markets are booming.  People are using chemical free cleaning products and are making wise choices when comes to caring for their body.


Breaking News on 2014


Rebecca Brown of SoultoSoul has today released a free meditation on entitled:

The New Earth Has Arrived!

What Rebecca says about her experience in the meditation:  In the meditation, I saw Mother Earth leave the current Earth Grid. I was floating above it with Mother Earth looking at it basically crumble. The current earth now has no ‘heart’ and will gradually lose it’s energy. I was totally unplugged and all contracts with the ‘Old Earth and it’s Mother’ dissolved. At the same time, Mother Earth moved into her new home in the New Earth grid. It is 5th Dimensional. I could really feel the energy, just what we imagined (like Atlantis in the Golden Age.) Mother Earth guided me to plug into the new earth thru my earth star chakra and lots of codes entered my being. It was MASSIVE!!

To read more and to listen to the New Earth meditation go to

Rebecca has asked that this be passed on to as many people as possible.


Dolores Cannon – How to Let go of Fear and Release Karma

Dolores CannonThis is a 6 minute clip by Dolores Cannon discussing that fear is the strongest emotion that humans have, we have to let go of that so we can move into a new direction.  Dolores says to move forward into the new world, into the new dimension and the new frequencies we need to release fear and karma.  Karma is the garbage and baggage we carry around with us.  We do not need anything that is going to hold us back.  Please watch this video, it is a great reminder to release, release, release.  Click here.

Further on this video:

We wanted to share with you a wonderful book (an oldie by a goodie) by Gerald Jampolsky – Love is Letting go of Fear.  Here is an excerpt:

Love is letting go of fearLessons for Personal Transformation (page 57)

“The world’s distorted concept is that you have to get other people’s Love before you can feel Love within.  The law of Love is different from the world’s law.  The law of Love is that you are Love, and that as you give Love to others you teach yourself what you are.

Today allow yourself learn and expierence the law of love.

I was mistaken in believing that I could give anyone anything other than what I want for myself.  Since I want to experience peace, Love and forgiveness, these are the only gifts I would offer others.  It is not charity on my part to offer forgiveness and Love to others in place of attack.  Rather, offering Love is the only way I can accept Love for myself.”


Alan Watts – The Real You

Alan WattsWho are you really? An amazing lecture given by Alan Watts a British philosopher, writer, and speaker.  He wrote more than 25 books and numerous articles on subjects such as personal identity, the true nature of reality, higher consciousness, meaning of life.  Alan says “Wake up to the Real you.  You are not a puppet, the Real you is the whole universe.”  This clip goes for 3 minutes.  Click here.



“Beyond Being Present, be Presence.”

Sandra Walters

(see FYI video above – Early 2014 – Collective Shift in Reality)



“It is safe for me to let go of all worry and just reveal the love that I am.”

Holy Light
Taken from OPENING TO HEALING ENERGY- Channeled from Michael by Shepherd Hoodwin

Click here for website.


In and Around the Academy

Academy of Light - Supporting Your Souls Journey

With Terri & Kelly

Another wonderful night at Mosman with Katherine Fairbrooks.  Creating the mandalas for Mother Earth as a group was fun and creative and the meditation that followed was powerful.  In the meditation we visualised Mother Earth and all living beings being respected and healthy.  Clean rivers flowing freely, the sky filled with birds, all animals thriving in their natural habitat and all children loved and cared for.  It was felt that after the meditation was the power of the light from the group going out surely manifested such a vision.  The raising of human consciouness will enable this to happen.  It is up to us, the wayshowers, to lead by example.  Please visualise this in your meditation.  Group visualisations are powerful.

A couple of weeks ago we recommended in For Your Information the World Tapping Summit.  We took our own advice and linked into a number of the sessions and felt the benefits.  It was a good reminder that there are many different ways to do the tapping and a great way of practicing again and bringing it into our every day life.  Also last week we mentioned Tammy Majchrzack – Metratron Expansion Frequency, we have been doing this meditation daily and feel an increase in our vibration.


HEALTH – Avocados

Article – 10 Health Benefits of Avocados

AvocadosIncluding avocado with your meals may help you feel fuller for longer and reduce the urge for overweight adults to eat more, according to new research just released on the consumption of avocados.

Researchers at Loma Linda University investigated whether adding fresh avocado to a midday meal had any effect on insulin response, blood sugar levels, feelings of fullness and food intake for the rest of the day.

Their initial findings determined that there was indeed a basis for further research into the benefits of adding avocado to a meal or replacing some parts of the meal with fresh avocado.

The Hass Avocado Board (HAB) is currently financially supporting several clinical trials to discover if there is a relationship between increased consumption of avocados and positive effects on diabetes, weight management and risk factors of heart disease.

In the meantime, here are 10 health benefits of avocados that we already know:

1. Benefits in pregnancy. Avocados are a natural source of folate which contains folic acid and is important for the development of a healthy fetus.
2. Avocados are brimming with ‘good’ fats.
3. Fantastic source of Vitamin E.
4. Source of dietary fiber.
5. You know exactly what you’re getting when you buy an avocado. At the time of writing there are no genetically modified avocado crops.
6. Avocados are a ‘brain food’.
7. Better nutrient absorption. Adding avocado to a meal has been found to increase the amount of carotenoids absorbed from that meal by up to 5 times.
8. May aid in stroke prevention. The high folate levels that are beneficial to pregnant women may also play a part in reducing the incidence of stroke.
9. Reduction of cholesterol.
10. Protection for your eyes.

Please click True Activist to go to full article.


Mosman Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a guest speaker.  By attending or linking up with our weekly Monday night gatherings you will not only meet likeminded people, be in group energy and rest your mind, you will also raise your vibration and consciousness setting yourself up for the week ahead.  See below for the next two weeks topics. 

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at Mosman Art Gallery and Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road, Mosman at 7.30pm Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00. Light refreshments are served.


Monday, 17th MARCH 2014 at 7.30pm


Greg Degenhardt Anjel OBryant 2The Magic of OILS!

The old becomes new! The knowledge we had (and forgotten) is now re-emerging, updated with a host of practical uses.  As we are now in tune with these high vibrational oils you will find instant benefits.  This will inspire you to add to your collection or try them for the first time.

Come along to find out the latest information about Young Living Essential Oils (Therapeutic Grade) through feeling, tasting and touching – finding out how to use these oils in everyday life, empowering the health and wellbeing of yourself and your family.

There will be many tips and great information. Learn lots, and leave smelling divine!

Find out how to:
• Help your left and right brain to come into sacred alignment using 2 essential oils and a special Ayurvedic breathing technique.
 Balance your aura in 2 minutes using 2 essential oils…..this is our favourite combo for back and neck issues, and it works so quickly!
• Deepen your meditation and yoga with one of our most delicious-smelling oils….you will be amazed at how powerfully it enhances your spiritual practices. We’ll even do a meditation so you can experience the results for yourself!
• Learn how to purify your home and surrounds (physically and spiritually), at the same time neutralizing odours and deterring insects. Also the many uses, including diffusing, using topically, aromatising your cooking, and treating pets and children.

And many more applications for more practical needs ….

At the end of the night you can ask questions for your own particular needs.

Contacts: Greg Degenhardt – click here for email.  Anjel OBryant M.D.I.A. Coloraction International -Phone: 02 9968 202802 9968 2028 – click here for email – click here for website.


Monday, 24th MARCH 2014 at 7.30pm



This night is a gift to you to surrender, bliss out and receive.

Didgeridu virtuoso, Mark Cottee, will join gong master, John Butterworth, in sonically bathing us as we lay in a human mandala within the magical space of the Great Hall at Mosman Art Gallery & Community Centre.

Bring a blanket/yoga mat and pillow to lie on whilst experiencing powerful therapeutic and consciousness – expanding sound waves from ancient instruments including didgeridu, giant Chinese gongs, Chilean rainstick, ocean wave simulator, and more.

Contact details for John Butterworth: – click here for email.



Join us for a Bali Retreat!


3RD-10TH MAY 2014

Mt Aguing
If you feel your heart call you please come and join us on our Bali retreat. Our mission is:

To journey deep into our magnificence within, through the direct experience of the energies of Bali.To ultimately come together as the one heart, to know/remember our truth-in order to anchor the oneness consciousness at Mt Agung via the power of the group.

We will be staying at picturesque Jasri, East Bali.

All experiences are inclusive , among them- the beautiful harmonising crystal bowls, dolphin encounter, swimming amongst the coral and meditations at the extraordinary Water Palace.

For more information please contact –

Click here for flyer


Vibrational Medicine – Healing with Flower Essences

Saturday, 22 March 2014 and Sunday, 23 March 2014

with Gerry Taylor-Wood (author of “The Journey to a Sacred Well”)

Grail Haven Flower Essences

Come join us for a day amongst the flowers, birds and butterflies on beautiful Tamborine Mountain.

Saturday 22nd March – ‘A Day with Pan’ – The Earthly Essences for Healing

Sunday 23rd March – ‘A Day with the Light Kingdom’– The Heavenly Vibration for Healing

This is a time of spiritual crisis on planet earth. This weekend will assist with awareness of how to heal ourselves and our precious planet by working with Pan and nature spirits – the Elven Kingdom – Faerie – Gnome and the Shining Beings – the ‘Devas’ of the ethereal world. Gerry will share amazing stories of how the elemental spirits and ‘Devas’ communicated with her the healing qualities of their flowers.

Click here for flyer


Community Announcements

Free Sessions with Ekaterina

Ekaterina ProfileEkaterina has come from Russia and the UK to bring you a new Energy activation – activating Metatron and the Divine Feminine Sophia within your body.  This will awaken your talents and has health and rejuvenating aspects & elevates your optimal vibrational frequency.

Ekaterina loves to do group work so get some friends together and invite her to join you!

Ekaterina will be speaking at the Academy on 7 April 2014.

For more information call Ekaterina on 0434477043 and go to



A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB:  112 879   Account No: 485610498

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425(02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562(02) 8005 0562.

The Academy of  Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

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