
AOL News – Wednesday, 19th February 2014 – Nearly There!


The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to release the past, open to the future.

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FYI – Clear You and Clear Creation

Anne Jones – Letting go of the Past

Anne JonesIn this 13 minute video clip Anne Jones discusses how to let go the past and attachments that hold us back. Anne says that we create cords to the past everytime we think of past events that were traumatic and upsetting. We strengthen those energetic cords the more we think about past events or people that have upset us. This is all done by our thoughts. Our thoughts are energy. We can release energetic cords to the past. If we don’t, we are still carrying that energy. There is a meditation included to cut the cords, release attachment to the past and move forward. Click here.

How to Move Forward, Leave Your Thoughts Behind, the book by Rosemary Butterworth, is a wonderful tool for just that (it was as though Anne Jones had read the book with everything she was saying) and also talks about cutting the ties to the past. Rosemary’s book is available for purchase throught the Academy.  Rosemary says “it’s not about reading the book, it’s about using the book every day.  Hold the closed book in your hands and ask “what can I read today to clear my past”.”

To assist you in cutting the ties of the past you might like to have a consultation with Narelle Green of Soul Colour , please see the attached flyer (click here). Narelle has been working closely with clients using this process and has had some life changing results.


Tapping World Summit 2014

Tapping 2014Just letting you know there is a Tapping World Summit taking place.  We wanted to share this link with you.  Register and you can be a part of the 10 powerful days, each day having a different focus – going through releasing the past, healing the body, releasing the stress effect, tapping for a strong financial future and much more.   There is also a free video on this of Dr Wayne Dyer you might like to watch. Click here.


Dr Hew Len – Inner Child Meditation

Dr Hew LenA guided and informative meditation by Dr Hew Len.  Dr Len says the most important relationship in creation is between the conscious and subconscious – also, the mother and child (the conscious being the mother aspect of creation and the subconscious being the child).  It is the child that has all the memories since creation and its burden.  A very healing meditation to acknowledge there is a being inside us called the inner child.  This meditation goes for 16 minutes. Click here.



“Your past history and all of your hurts are no longer here in your physical reality.

Don’t allow them to be here in your mind, muddying your present moments.

Your life is like a play with several acts.  Some of the characters who enter have short roles to play, others are good guys.  But all of them are necessary, otherwise they wouldnt’ be in the play.  Embrace them all, and move on to the next act.”

Dr Wayne Dyer 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace
Dr Wayne Dyer, 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace (page 81)



“My Nature is Divine; I am a Spiritual Being.”

Spiritual being
Taken from an article written by Dr Carmen Harra for the Huffpost Healthy Living.  Click here for article.


In and Around the Academy

Academy of Light - Supporting Your Souls Journey

With Rosemary Butterworth

There are No Goodbyes – Elizabeth Robinson delighted us all last night with stories from her newly released book. It is full of unexpected return visitations and communications from the ‘other side’.  They were her close friends who died and came back either to comfort her or share remarkable new insights into life after life.  Elizabeth generously gave us all a powerful energy transmission (her own form of healing) at the end of the night.

Elizabeth says: “I do what I do because I Passionately believe in people’s infinite Potential to live their Greatness. And because I Passionately believe that the world will be a better place, once we embody our Greatest Potential.”

Elizabeth Robinson's Book cover.tiffHer book is available through the Academy – R.R.P. $25.  Not on website as yet – simply email us or you can purchase one on Monday Night.

We want to thank the many people who came – in particular Karen, Kristi and Mandy who drove up from the South Coast. They shared with us an important event in Bali that is happening in May (see Community Announcements).

Don’t forget Grail Haven water is available on Monday Nights.


HEALTH – Herb – Rosemary

Natures Healing OracleThe flowering herb of rosemary is associated with folklore and myth.  It has been widely used in the Catholic Church as incense.  Until modern days, the leaves were used in France to disinfect and cleanse.  It is a stimulant, used extensively in herbalism and aromatherapy.

Herbal remedies aim to improve circulation, lower cholestrol, and ease muscle and rheumatism pains.  It stimulates the nerves and enlivens sluggish systems.  Rosemary is excellent in the treatment of lung congestion, sore throats, and mouth irritations.  It also soothes the adrenals and gallbladder and can be used in liniments.

Rosemary is good for the hair and skin.  It is used in the treatment of dandruff and hair loss; in olden days its branches were used to make hairbrushes.  Its properties are healing for dry, mature, or wrinkled complexions.

In aromatherpy, rosemary is used to increase memory, confidence, perception and creativity.

Taken from Natures Healing Oracle by Ambika Wauters.


Mosman Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a guest speaker.  By attending or linking up with our weekly Monday night gatherings you will not only meet likeminded people, be in group energy and rest your mind, you will also raise your vibration and consciousness setting yourself up for the week ahead.  See below for the next two weeks topics. 

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at Mosman Art Gallery and Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road, Mosman at 7.30pm Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00. Light refreshments are served.


24 FEBRUARY 2014

Summer LOVE Soundscape ~ Singing Bowls, Drums & Didge ~ in the Great Hall

Join Anteros & Goldhawk for a PureHeart Mystical Experience. ~ Special Guest Carmen Morales ~

PureHeart Logo + Flowers copy

We work with Nature & the Energy of the Ancients to bring Nourishment for Mind, Body & Soul.

Come & join Us for a scentsual Celebration of Summer LOVE through Sound & Earth Offerings.

The Crystal & Mineral Kingdom’s vivifying Voice is carried through the Singing Bowls, the Wisdom of the TreeBeings is whispered through the Wood and the Heartbeat of the Earth HerSelf is felt through the Rhythms of the Deer Drums.

The Flowers & Essence we bring add Their Power & Beauty & Fire into the mix ~ it’s Magic ?

Our Gift is in sharing the amplified Rainbow StarFire Frequencies of NOW ~ that You may better Hear & Feel & KNOW Your own Symphony of Life and the vital part You play in the Grand Mystery.

Sacred Sound allows Space for the Dove of Peace to settle and clears a Path for Clarity & Vision & Connection. Sit back or bring your mat & lie under a blankie, Relax & Receive the Fragrant Radiance of the Summer LOVE PeaceLight that emanates from and through all the Realms ~ longing to be Recognised & Embraced & Enjoyed.

Wear comfy clothes ? Bring plenty of Water ? Add Flowers & Sacred Objects to our Mandala

The weekend following the Celebration, We release the Flowers into the crystal cascades of our Sacred Waterfall ~ the Heartlight of our Collective Blessing is held in the moisture of the petals and it feeds the Earth and enlivens the Master Trees & Birds & BushBeings and helps our Water to keep Vital ~ this is Your Gift to Nature ~ Your valued contribution to Community Earth Service.

Your Participation & Your Expression makes all the Difference!!!


Anteros is the Creator & Goldhawk is the Curator. They have worked together with Flower Fire Frequencies since 2008 when their orbits collided whilst studying Australian Bush Flower Medicine.

They have travelled on Adventures to Africa & Peru and throughout Australia, learning from the Elders & Shamans, participating in Ceremony and exploring Nature’s Gifts ~ and then crafting Experiences to share the Delight of how mighty & relevant Nature is to our Pathway of Evolution Right NOW. Carmen Morales, Shaman of Incan lineage, synchronistically joins their Rainbow River.

PureHeart Mysts for Purchase
Our Alchemical & Flower Frequency Blend Friends are available for purchase through the Academy.  Come along and use the testers and have an PureHeart experience.

PureHeart footer copy

Contacts:  Anterös (Adrian): 0449155266 – Göldhawk (Jax): 0425 286 5060425 286 506  CLICK HERE FOR EMAIL


3rd MARCH 2014

Vicki E OLeary – Channelling Universal Subconscious (US)


Terri Kelly Graphic

‘Raise your vibration, uplift your soul, bring magic into your life this is the new era of humanity and we are here to celebrate with you. We will be bringing a divine message of light and exceptional clarity on the event of 3rd March and this message will have far reaching consequences in all of your lives. We are going to bring light through in streams of consciousness that will shift your memories, it will shift your past, it will shift your future so that what will occur is an experience from out of the stars. It will bring you so much joy and understanding that you will be able to manifest magic in your life from this point on.’

Terri KellyVicki E Oleary is presenting this channelling from Universal Subconscious (US) to bring everyone’s energies and light into the present so we can all use this magical energy that is permeating our souls at this divine time.

If you are feeling lost at the moment or you know there is magic on the horizon and you want to feel what it is like to grasp it, Vicki will take you on an experiential journey far beyond. The knowledge and the vibration of the information she channels is expansive and reaches deep into the soul affecting cellular memory, physical form and deep subconscious patterning.

The channellings Vicki present are practical and designed to evolve the spirit and vibration of the person whilst also giving a comparison to the density of the human form in an experience of shifting realities as they move through the varied exercises presented in the event.

Vicki’s books: ‘Creating Rainbows’ and ‘Transition to a New World’ (currently downloading) both come from sources outside of our current space time reality and connect into a wisdom far beyond the earth teachings of this time.

Vicki presents channellings, is a Reiki Master Teacher and Practitioner with 12 years experience, an Author and Intuitive Healer. Vicki is also available for personalised channelled sessions and energetic healings.

Contact: Mobile: 0410.297 6270410.297 627 Click here for email:  click here for website.



Join us for a Bali Retreat!


3RD-10TH MAY 2014

Mt Aguing

If you feel your heart call you please come and join us on our Bali retreat.  Our mission is:

To journey deep into our magnificence within, through the direct experience of the energies of Bali.To ultimately come together as the one heart, to know/remember our truth-in order to anchor the oneness consciousness at Mt Agung via the power of the group.

We will be staying at picturesque Jasri, East Bali.

All experiences are inclusive , among them- the beautiful harmonising crystal bowls, dolphin encounter, swimming amongst the coral and meditations at the extraordinary Water Palace.

For more information please contact –

Click here for flyer



April 1-6th, 2104 – Mosman, Sydney Australia



Join this 6 DAY Alchemical Temple Arts Training. An Evolutionary Priest/ess is one who is connected through the heart to the whole of life, attuned to the deeper intelligence of nature, and called forth irresistibly by spirit to creatively express his or her gifts in the evolution of self and the world.

Above all, an Evolutionary Priest/ess is a direct expression of the Divine Human. To become an Evolutionary Priest/ess is to evolve consciously, choosing a path of development that has never been mapped before in a world that has never existed before.

This experiential Creative Self Mastery Salon offers you a direct entryway into the multidimensional facets of the Sacred Feminine/Masculine and serves as a living blueprint for activating your unique Soul Codes for conscious evolution and the birthing of a Divine New Humanity.

To view the flyer click here or to view the website click here.

To register please email


Lightworker Upgrades



Light Pyramid

SoutoSoul Academy of Light has been guided to offer some ground breaking classes in 2014. These classes will help those people that are here in service to humanity (a lightworker) whether as a healer in a professional capacity, helping friends or family, other forms of light work such as Earthwork, teaching, writing, creating, or those who simply wish to further their knowledge and skills for their own self healing journey. Spirit has described them to me as POST GRADUATE classes for lightworkers!!

Lightworker Practice Sessions

These sessions provide the space for you to practice blending together all your skills and training in your own magical way! It is open for all level of light workers – beginners to more practiced! You do not need a ‘practitioner’ certificate to come along!?? We begin the class with a group meditation including healing and teaching as instructed by the higher reams on topics such as self doubt, how to create a high vibrational healing space etc. I also help you personally with some specific skills to heal you as the healer, while you are healing! I essence, we are upgrading your healing energies. Participants have found this to be very helpful and relevant!

Dates: 1 February, 8 March, 5 April, 10 May, 7 June, 5 July, 2 August, 6 September…….

Ligthworker Development classes

Based on my experience of hundreds of healing sessions, spirit has taught me so much over the years. They have also showed me more advanced healing processes to keep in alignment with the ever changing energies and raise in vibration. I share my practical wisdom with you in these classes. They are aimed at adding extra wisdom and skills to light workers who already have an understanding of the energy field, chakras and healing principles. These classes are very practical and will include the opportunity to apply the theory that you learn, meet like minded people and enhance your skills. You can immediately add these skills into your toolkit!

Topic 1: 15 Feb – Past Lives (THIS SATURDAY!!)
Topic 2: 22 Mar – Inner Child Healing
Topic 3: 24 May; Advanced Human Energy Field
Topic 4: Yin/Yang Energies
Topic 5: Coming Soon

For more information about both options above and to read about the SoultoSoul Academy of Light, click on this link to look at the calendar and follow your soul to specific pages!! Contact Rebecca on 0402 327 2150402 327 215 or


Community Announcements

UFO Research NSW inc/ Exopolitics Sydney proudly presents


Pane Andov March 2014

On Saturday 1st March 9am to

At Burwood club RSL, 96 Shaftesbury Road, Burwood

(parking on site) 5 minute walk from Burwood station

Cost $40 per ticket

To Book contact Or phone 9144 7677 or 0422 898 398

For more information, go to Pane’s website or UFO Research’s website


Uncle BRIAN BUTLER Seminar and workshop

14th & 16th March 2014

Uncle Brian Butler
It is truly a privilege having Uncle Brian teach us. He will be in Sydney from South Australia only for a few days for:

1.  an evening gathering on RESPECT AND RECIPROCITY, Friday 14th March,

2.  a workshop on FROM FEAR TO FEARLESSNESS, Sunday 16th March.

Discounted tickets for those wishing to attend both events are available. As there are only 50 places, please make sure you book early.

VENUE: Middle Head, Soldiers’ Rest Cottage, Mosman

For more information click here.



Val Code has recently returned to Sydney from a 2 months stay at Sai Baba’s Ashram. A very active woman, 75+ and simply needs temporary accomodation. She would love to stay with like minded people, her email address is: and her phone number is: 0490 408 980



A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB:  112 879   Account No: 485610498

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425(02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562(02) 8005 0562.

The Academy of  Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

Scal Australia | Facebook



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