
AOL News – Wednesday, 12 February 2014 – Be Joyful, Create Magic


The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to call back your energy.

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FYI – Living the Magic

Magic, Miracles and Manifesting

anne-hartleyArticle by Anne Hartley, Life Coach

“Are miracles something magical that happen to us? Or, are they signs that we are on our path? I believe miracles are confirmation that you are living your life on purpose. Each one of us receives signs which indicate when we have strayed from our path, or not dealt with our fears. Straying from your path simply means that you are moving in a direction that does not fulfil you or your life purpose. We all try and fail many times before we learn to let go of our fears, but life never gives up on us. We just keep getting signs in different forms from money issues, or health and relationship problems, which are reminders that it’s time to get back on track.”… To read the full article click here.  Anne has given us six tips for creating miracles in our daily lives. For further information on Anne and the work that she is doing, click


Where Science and Buddhism Meet – Part 1

Gerald PenillaGerald Penilla has put together a fascinating video showing strong parallels between the Buddhist and scientific way of perceiving and understanding reality, although not exclusively Buddhism, but rather Eastern ancient thought.  This is part 1 of a 2 part video. Part 1 goes for 10 minutes.  Very interesting. Click here.


OSHO – If Somebody Creates Anger in You

OshoOsho has spoken on many occasions in his talks about the mystic and spiritual teacher George Gurdjieff (1866-1949). This is an excerpt from a talk in which Osho shares some important insight on dealing with anger.  This clip goes for 5 minutes.  Click here.



“Creation is the consequence of I AM moving into action, or life, through multiplying ITSELF.

There was no instrument of creation outside of Divine Being.

I AM THAT I AM is God.

So too with yourself, the truth of who you are will not be found in actions or personal history, but in the simplicity of who you are within the stillness and peace of your inner being.

In this universe and for all time, Being is Supreme.”

Circle-of-Life-logo1Taken from Jeshua’s Thought for the Week – click here for website.



“I call back my energies…

left in other places, times, dimensions, people & events…

to restore & revitalise my Being, now 100% in PRESENT TIME!”


Taken from Resonate Essences range – Present Time Spray – click here for website.


In and Around the Academy

Academy of Light - Supporting Your Souls Journey

With Rosemary Butterworth

We are effected by so much seen and unseen. Whether you feel it or not it is true. We can’t stress enough the need to call your energy back. You go where your mind goes – so if you are thinking of many different situations, you will split your energy to cover them all. Make sure that during the day you bring all your energy back into your body. The Affirmation this week is a great tool to bring us into the Present and ensure that the energy we carry is our own and not what we have picked up from other people, during the day.

Thank you for sending your beautiful light and best wishes to Gerry Bostok.  I know it was appreciated.  It has been confirmed that he has cancer & an operation is pending.  Gerry’s Doctors have asked him to have complete rest – so no visitors or phone calls for the time being.  What we can do is keep the prayers going and candles alight.


HEALTH – Clean Your House likes an Ashram

With Kelly Stone Its important to clean our homes energetically on a regular basis. Putting loving, positive energy into your home, treating it like a sacred temple, makes it a beautiful space to live in for all members of the family and visitors (and visitors do notice).  There is nothing better coming  home from a hard day to a loving, sacred space.  My 15 month old son sleeps in my old meditation room.  I spent years in that room on a daily basis meditating.  His room is painted a beautiful green and I have placed statues of angels around his room.  He sleeps beautifully and is full of joy and peace.

Taken from Inna Segal’s new book, The Secret of Life Wellness

Inna Segal The Secret of Life Wellness“Regularly Clearing Your Space Clearing your house or business is not a once-a-year process but something that needs to be done regularly.  We need to recognise and take care of energetic pollution as much as we take care of the physical pollution in our home.  Having a clear, positive, loving environment helps you to relax, attract success, enchance your relationships, and improve your health and sense of well-being.” Inna Segal’s new book is available for purchase through the Academy.  Just email us – click here.

Australian Bush Flower Essences – Space Clearing Sprays

Space Clearing MistWe really recommend Space Clearing Skin and Space Mist, just one of the space mist sprays by Australian Bush Flower Essences.  These sprays can be purchased at some chemists, health food shops or click here for the website.  Space Clearing Skin and Space Mist creates sacred and harmonious environments. Purifies and releases environments with built-up negative emotional, mental and psychic energies. Great for clearing tense situations and environments and restoring balance.   *********************************************************************************************************************************************

Mosman Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a guest speaker.  By attending or linking up with our weekly Monday night gatherings you will not only meet likeminded people, be in group energy and rest your mind, you will also raise your vibration and consciousness setting yourself up for the week ahead.  See below for the next two weeks topics. 

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at Mosman Art Gallery and Community Centre, Cnr of Art Gallery Way and Myahgah Road, Mosman at 7.30pm Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00. Light refreshments are served.


17 FEBRUARY 2014



Elizabeth Robinson PhotoElizabeth will be joining us again to demonstrate her powerful energy transmissions and also talk about her new book “There Are No Goodbyes.”

In this moving account Elizabeth’s life is forever changed after the tragic death of her close friends, eminent Harvard Psychiatrist, Professor John Mack, her eighteen-year-old client Shylo, and her daughter’s close friend Mia.  Yet their unexpected return, visitations and communications from the ‘other side’ provides readers with remarkable new insights into life after life, and offers profound spiritual truths that change the way we view life and death.  “We the voices beyond the veil send you … a message of truth and hope … We bathe in the light and wonder that life can be for all. Our only hope is that you will listen.” Elizabeth will discuss the journey she has had being scribe for this powerful story.  Seeing herself as the ‘new human’, Elizabeth looks forward to answering personal questions. For almost thirty years, Elizabeth Robinson BSW IICT, Psychotherapist, Author, Professional Counsellor and Intuitive Consultant, has dedicated herself to awakening others to the hidden factors that hold them back from living their greatness.  Elizabeth says: “I do what I do because I Passionately believe in people’s infinite Potential to live their Greatness. And because I Passionately believe that the world will be a better place, once we embody our Greatest Potential.”Elizabeth Robinson's Book cover.tiff Elizabeth’s book, There Are No Goodbyes. Elizabeth’s Contacts:   Click here for email.  Click here for website.


24 FEBRUARY 2014


with Anterös and Göldhawk – Singing Bowls, Drums and Didge

pureheart logo

A PurëHeärt Mystical Experience

Come & join Anterös & Göldhawk who work with Nature and the Energy of the Ancients to bring Nourishment for Mind, Body & Soul for a scentsual Celebration of Summer LÖVE through Sound & Earth Offerings. Säcred Söunds allows space for the Dove of Peace to settle and clear a Path for Clarity & Vision & Connection.

Sit back, Relax & Receive the Fragrant Radiance of the Summer LÖVE PeaceLight that emanates from and through all the Realms ~ and longs to be Recognised & Embraced & Enjoyed. Wear comfy clothes, bring plenty of Water, add Flowers & Sacred Objects to the Mandala on the night.

The Singing Bowls carry the vivifying voice of the Crystal & Mineral Kingdom.

The Rhythms of the Deer Drums bring you the Wisdom of the TreeBeings as it is whispered through the Wood and felt through the Heartbeat of the Earth HerSelf.

The Flowers & Essence we bring add Their Power & Beauty & Fire into the mix ~ it’s Mägic. PureHeart’s Gift is in sharing the amplified Rainbow StarFire Frequencies of NÖW ~ that You may better Hear & Feel & kNÖW Your own Symphony of Life and the vital part You play in the Grand Mystery.

The weekend following the Celebration the Flowers are released into the crystal cascades of our Sacred Waterfall ~ the Heartlight of our Collective Blessing is held in the moisture of the petals and it feeds the Earth and enlivens the Master Trees & Birds & BushBeings and helps our Water to keep Vital ~ this is Your Gift to Nature ~ Your valued contribution to Community Earth Service.  Your Participation & Your Expression makes all the Difference.

PurëHeärt – Anterös is the Creator & Göldhawk is the Curator.

Anteros and Goldhawk have worked together with Flöwer Firë Frequencies since 2008 when their orbits collided whilst studying Australian Bush Flower Medicine. They have travelled on Adventures to Africa & Peru and throughout Australia, learning from the Elders & Shamans, participating in Ceremony and exploring Nature’s Gifts ~ and then crafting Experiences to share the Delight of how mighty & relevant Nature is to our Pathway of Evolution Right NÖW. PurëHeärt Mysts for Purchase – available on the night or through the Academy of Light

Contacts:  Anterös (Adrian): 0449155266 – Göldhawk (Jax): 0425 286 506  CLICK HERE FOR EMAIL  PureHearts Mysts


Lightworker Upgrades



Light Pyramid

SoutoSoul Academy of Light has been guided to offer some ground breaking classes in 2014. These classes will help those people that are here in service to humanity (a lightworker) whether as a healer in a professional capacity, helping friends or family, other forms of light work such as Earthwork, teaching, writing, creating, or those who simply wish to further their knowledge and skills for their own self healing journey. Spirit has described them to me as POST GRADUATE classes for lightworkers!!

Lightworker Practice Sessions

These sessions provide the space for you to practice blending together all your skills and training in your own magical way! It is open for all level of light workers – beginners to more practiced! You do not need a ‘practitioner’ certificate to come along!?? We begin the class with a group meditation including healing and teaching as instructed by the higher reams on topics such as self doubt, how to create a high vibrational healing space etc. I also help you personally with some specific skills to heal you as the healer, while you are healing! I essence, we are upgrading your healing energies. Participants have found this to be very helpful and relevant!

Dates: 1 February, 8 March, 5 April, 10 May, 7 June, 5 July, 2 August, 6 September…….

Ligthworker Development classes

Based on my experience of hundreds of healing sessions, spirit has taught me so much over the years. They have also showed me more advanced healing processes to keep in alignment with the ever changing energies and raise in vibration. I share my practical wisdom with you in these classes. They are aimed at adding extra wisdom and skills to light workers who already have an understanding of the energy field, chakras and healing principles. These classes are very practical and will include the opportunity to apply the theory that you learn, meet like minded people and enhance your skills. You can immediately add these skills into your toolkit!

Topic 1: 15 Feb – Past Lives (THIS SATURDAY!!)
Topic 2: 22 Mar – Inner Child Healing
Topic 3: 24 May; Advanced Human Energy Field
Topic 4: Yin/Yang Energies
Topic 5: Coming Soon

For more information about both options above and to read about the SoultoSoul Academy of Light, click on this link to look at the calendar and follow your soul to specific pages!! Contact Rebecca on 0402 327 215 or


Community Announcements


3RD-10TH MAY 2014

Mt Aguing

If you feel your heart call you please come and join us on our Bali retreat.  Our mission is:

To journey deep into our magnificence within, through the direct experience of the energies of Bali.To ultimately come together as the one heart, to know/remember our truth-in order to anchor the oneness consciousness at Mt Agung via the power of the group.

We will be staying at picturesque Jasri, East Bali.

All experiences are inclusive , among them- the beautiful harmonising crystal bowls, dolphin encounter, swimming amongst the coral and meditations at the extraordinary Water Palace.

For more information please contact –



A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks. An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words. Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account: Academy of Light St George Bank BSB:  112 879   Account No: 485610498

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now. To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Academy of  Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

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