
AOL Bulletin – TEST

"Newsletter" buttonThe aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to be playful.

FYI – Connecting with Your Full Potential


Derek KayongoThis is the remarkable story of Derek Kayongo’s, a survivor of the civil war in Uganda and a refugee in Kenya.  After moving to America, Derek was amazed at the wastefulness of something we take for granted, which is soap.  Derek stayed at a hotel his first night in America and was so excited when he saw 3 different types of soaps in his hotel room.  He kept one bar of soap and put the others away in his bag for later.  The next day the staff at the hotel replaced his soap with a fresh bar.  Derek was shocked when the staff said they throw out used bars of soap and replace them fresh daily.  From this Derek started the Global Soap Project.  So many children die from diseases such as dysentery that could be prevented with a simple bar of soap.  Derek has brought dignity, hope and hygiene back to the people struggling with poverty in refugee camps.  This clip goes for 5 minutes.  Click here.



Charly HayesIn this fascinating 8 minute interview, Lilou Mace talks about “nothingness” with Charlie Hayes.  This will get you thinking.  Charlie also discusses the essence of our true nature, that timeless space-like being presencing as the pure love of what is and the enormous possibility for the human to realise himself/herself as love.  Very amazing discussion.  Please watch.  Click here.



Inner Power - Guided MeditationAnother soothing, beautiful meditation from Release Your Wings.  This 5 minute meditation will take you beyond the physical world and into your inner world, your eternal soul.  Take this time out to rest and tap into your inner power, strength and release your full potential.  Click here.




Nothing kills the ego like playfulness, like laughter.

When you start taking life as fun, the ego has to die , it cannot exist anymore.



Affirmation – say daily…


I AM Harmonising Love.  I Feel the Care and Understanding

PureHearts Mysts

Affirmation for Heavens Heart Spray – for Self Love – connecting with St Germain and Archangel Zadiel

Pureheart Essence – Vibrational Aura Sprays

Heaven’s Heart is one of the Pure Heart Sprays that is available for purchase through the Academy


In and Around the Academy

Academy of Light - Supporting Your Souls Journey

With Rosemary Butterworth

Last Monday night was such a practical night for all of us. Rebecca Brown was the speaker and she brought with her a cute handbag that was brimming with her ‘energy tools’ that she uses every day. Her focus was, she said, to have a ‘soul filled day’ and these tools help her. She had crystals, sprays, books and cards that she uses regularly throughout the day along with essences, particularly Rescue Remedy which she said is important to use when people push your buttons. One of the most important things she reminded us is to set the intention for the day as soon as we wake up, even before we get out of bed.

Most of the tools we all have at home, but it was an excellent reminder TO USE THEM.


The Academy has a niche market of great products to help you through tough times and keep your vibration high. As we are in the process of creating a new website, not all the products are on our current one. If you cannot find it there, you will find it at our Monday Night meetings.

Some highly recommended products include:

  • Crystals such a Shungite to clean your water and keep your energy high.
  • John Levine’s Alpha Music – the Silence Range, i.e. Silence of Peace, Love, Heart, Vision, Light and the wonderful Archangel range.
  • Sprays: Soul Colour which can clear your aura in an instant and help you with your issues.  Click here for website.
  • Pure Heart Sprays, spray your rooms, spray yourself, there are 22 in the range. We love Moon Angel – “I Embrace Change and Sustain a Haronous Lifestyle”. Click here for email address.
  • Also many, many books for children as well as adults. Many of Peter Carnavas’ books plus his latest, The Boy On the Page.  Plus for parents, How to Say No to Your Children by Jan Paton.  Adult books include, highly recommended, Accidentally Overweight, by Dr. Libby Weaver who explains how the body works.  Secret Language of the Body by Inna Segal and How to Move Forward; Leave Your Thoughts Behind by Rosemary Butterworth.
  • CARDS: Secret Language of Colour by Inna Segal, Self Love by Michelle McGrath.

WITH EACH PURCHASE we will give you a FREE COPY of The Book of Love, by a Medium (Valerie Barrow).


HEALTH – 12 Ways to Support your Self Love Chakra

SunThe solar plexus is the ‘self-love chakra’.   It is our power centre, where many issues we are experiencing such as self-esteem, self-confidence and self-love can manifest. This is where any unexpressed fears of rejection, criticism or judgment are stored. Any blockages relating to these themes have a tendency to sit in this area. Located in the upper abdominal area, between the sternum and navel, it connects with the element of fire and resonates to the colour yellow.  

Lack of self-love can play out in a number of ways when ignored for too long. It can manifest physically with health issues such as digestive problems, anxiety, liver problems, allergies, constipation, fatigue, auto-immune conditions, and on extreme levels with eating disorders and breast cancer. Rather than waiting until problems develop physically, the ideal scenario is to nourish all parts of ourselves regularly, so that we fill ourselves up with love from within.

The following tips are ways you can support your self love chakra:

  • Visualise a golden sun inside your solar plexus, shining brightly and dissolving any stagnation. 
  • Get outside and walk in the sunshine and also receive your Vitamin D intake.
  • Consciously incorporate yellow coloured fruit and veggies into your diet.
  • Take some time out for yourself.
  • Drink chamomile tea, which is calming for the digestive and nervous systems.
  • Wear a yellow or gold items of clothing and accessories and consciously connect to the colour vibration.
  • Buy yourself yellow flowers.
  • Meditate with a citrine gemstone.
  • Minimise defeatist self-talk and consciously make an effort to switch to a more positive mindset.
  • Start to treat yourself like someone you respect and discern.
  • Aromatherapy is a wonderful self-love tool and there are a number of essential oils that resonate with this area. 
  • Alchemical oils that specifically support the solar plexus.

To see full article click here.


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a guest speaker.  By attending or linking up with our weekly Monday night gatherings you will not only meet likeminded people, be in group energy and rest your mind, you will also raise your vibration and consciousness setting yourself up for the week ahead.  See below for the next two weeks topics. 

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, Cnr of  Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay.
Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.




Gerry Crow-IMG_7875-SMALL


The Wheel of the Year turns….“The Ceremony of the Summer Solstice Fires”

The cycle of the year is coming to its peak as the Sun moves into Capricorn on the 22nd of December, Summer Solstice is launched and the season of fruition, manifestation, joy and celebration dawns.

Last time Gerry presented we each had a card reading – it was an amazing night – so don’t miss this one! Allow Gerry to enlighten your path towards the Autumn Equinox with a free card reading on the night. What has 2014 in store for YOU?

It is a time to focus on the fullness of your life and take the time to raise your energy to generate abundance on all levels. Gerry will help you become aware of where you are (present) and how to capture your vision.

Connecting in our spiritual communities through ceremony and celebration assists us to harnesses and expand the Divine Light Energy of the Summer Solstice.

Through honouring this Spiritual Fire of the Sun and the Spiritual Fires burning within each and every one of us, we tap into the core of consciousness and awaken to present!

In order to prepare for this event and to be ready to reel in your hopes, dreams and wishes, join Gerry Crow at the Academy of light Community in “The Ceremony of the Summer Solstice Fires”

Gerry’s Contacts: Mob: 0449 865 473  Email:  Web address:


 MONDAY – 16th DECEMBER 2013


The holy spirit

This will be a night of graditute for all the wonderful evenings that we have spent at St John’s Uniting Church in the past 18 years. 

To all who have come along on Monday nights and those who have presented, it is an opportunity to say goodbye with graditute to the Uniting Church in Neutral Bay.  We will all join in some Christmas Carols (please don’t let that scare you, they will only be a few and it will be fun and light).  We will have two meditations on the night led by Rosemary Butterworth, one for balance and energising and one to connect with Lord Sananda.  Also a sharing of community ending the night with an amazing gong bath by John Butterworth.

The Academy re-opens on 20 January 2014 at Mosman Arts & Community Centre.


Community Announcements



I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for attending our event Love Inspires. It was truly a night of inspiration and magic. Even with all the rain we had a full house. People in 11 different countries representing the four corners of the world linked in with meditation and ceremonies. Love is the greatest power we have. We were able to raise just over $1,500. This money will directly to completing our hospital, school and birthing centre in Guatemala that will support 35 villages whose way of life in been threatened by the mining companies.

I want to take this opportunity to thank all who have supported me in making this dream a reality. To Rosemary and The Southern Cross Academy who kindly allowed me to promote this event on your newsletter. Thank you for your kindness and generous support.

I still need to raise $15,000 to complete this project as it is more urgent now than ever before. Sadly it is a genocide, what is happening over there. For any one who wishes to contribute, there is a pay pal account for all donations click here or you can contact me for banking details Christina 0412 606098.

For more information on the project click here



“Thank you for all the amazing Newsletters sent – So much information with such amazing people. Oh, to have been at John’s Gong session…. Not possible for me to visit Sydney at this time.. but…. maybe 2014 is the year.  A new venue to have all this work buzzing on in New Year – I do love receiving, would love to participate – but – accept the Newsletters as a gift. Many thanks and Happy Christmas”. GW, Tasmania.

“I wish to thank the Academy’s Newsletter for bringing such a large crowd to Lia Scallon’s musical nights last week. It wasn’t only that they came to listen to her beautiful singing and sound frequencies but they seemed to come to bring their presence as a wonderful support to the evolutionary leap”. LK, Sydney.



A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks.
An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account:
Academy of Light St George Bank
BSB:  112 879   Account No: 485610498

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.
To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Academy of  Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.