
AOL News – Live Each Day

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The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to take loving care

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FYI – Nuturing your Environment

Marla Spivak: Why are Bees Disappearing?

beeMarla Spivak talks about the decline of bees in the last seven years and reveals four reasons which are interacting with the tragic consequences. This is not simply a problem because bees pollinate a third of the world’s crops. Our crops are dependant on bee pollination.  Marla says we can help the bee populations increase by planting flowers in our garden, not using pesticides and diversifying our crops.  All is not lost, everyone can make a difference.  This is a very informative and important 15 minute clip.  Click here


Why can’t I respond with love?

Joel YoungJoel Young, Non-Personal Awareness Creator and Custodian, discusses how love is always there, as part of of the potential, no matter what is going on.  We can choose to exclude ourselves from love and feel pain.  We can also choose to understand that destruction is creation and is also a form of love.  We thought this clip was great to share after hearing Katrina Cavanough speak on Monday night about the wisdoms she learned from souls that were crossing over.  The three wisdoms Katrina shared with us was that firstly, death is gentle, the soul leaves the body before the body expires if it is a traumatic death, secondly, its important to perceive ourselves with kindness, and thirdly, a lot of the souls, especially those who died young, felt “robbed” of time in someway.  We must remember the presciousness of every day and not to assume that we will be on the planet with a life span of 70 plus years. This clip goes for 4 minutes.  Click here


Crystal Clear Meditation – Clear the way for great manifesting

Crystal Clear MeditationThis is a 7 minute meditation to feel clarity of mind, clarity of thought, clarity of emotions, spiritual clarity, clarity to invigorate and enliven the inner you.  Take some time out, rest, breath and know you are divine love. Click here



We are like shining suns, and our obstacles are like passing clouds.

The clouds obsecure the light, and we forget the sun is shining.

So we actually believe that it is cloudy.

But our practice helps us to remember that the sun shines brightly behind the clouds.

Colour Cotton Therapy

Colour Cotton Therapy By Morning Clouds


Affirmation – say daily…

“I AM a vessel for divine wisdom”


Teresa Hills


In and Around the Academy

Academy of Light - Supporting Your Souls Journey

With Rosemary Butterworth

We have news! To everything there is a season. After 18 years our lease at St. John’s Uniting Church on Monday night has come to an end. So keeping in mind that our numbers are growing, we are looking for new premises to hold our Academy meetings on a Monday night.   We need to be near public transport and reasonably close to the city as people come from the Blue Mountains, Cronulla and from the West, so we have been looking at Crows Nest, McMahon’s Point, Kirribilli and North Sydney so far for a church hall, or a community centre.   Does anyone know of a room that will hold 40 people that is vacant on a Monday Evening – perhaps Cammeray or Artarmon even? All ideas and suggestions would be appreciated. Please email us on  

Our Lease ends on the 16th December so we are looking for suitable premises for 2014.


HEALTH – Hot Flushes

FROM THE HEALTH GARDEN – Using Young Living Oils.

Hot FlushesCheryl writes: I also have been going through hot flushes. I was having trouble sleeping at night so to help me sleep (and not to stop the hot flushes) I used Peace & Calming and Lavender together just before bed. I placed a few drops of each into the palm of my hands and then rubbed on the bottom of my feet then inhaled 3 times after. I have been sleeping much, much better . . .BUT, to my amazement my Hot Flushes have completely GONE !!! I started this about 6 weeks ago and thought to myself, “Gee, I can’t remember the last time I had one, it must be the oils”. I now have a lot more variety of my clothes to wear for winter as I was limited before to just a few layers because of the hot flushes.

Click here for website.


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, Cnr of  Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay.
Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.


MONDAY – 11 November 2013



“We are all beings of Light. Have you forgotten this? Do you not remember that your only true purpose here is to wake up and shine your Light?” (Ishtaria)

Carole McKeracherCarole McKeracher 11:11 symbolises ‘remembering’! A remembering, of an ‘outer’ war; and yet, a greater meaning for this symbol, is the ‘inner’ remembering–of who, we truly are! The remembering that we are never separate disconnected beings. That we share the same mind with everything that has ever been is and will ever be!

Carole’s presentation will include a channelled communication with several Higher Dimensional Beings. The grace and humour of these transmissions makes for a fun and uplifting experience and are both personal and universal.

The transmissions from these Beings are multi-dimensional. Beyond the form of the words of the communication, it is also offered as an energy field, or blueprint, upgrade—rather like upgrading the latest software on your computer. If allowed, this can expand the energy field and the awareness of the receiver to a higher frequency, and is often felt quite tangibly in the energy bodies of those present.

Carole relates to these Beings as we might, a profoundly wise and kindly older brother or sister who exists outside of time and space, as we know it. They are here to remind us of the truth of who we are and have much wisdom and guidance to offer humanity during these wonderfully expansive, yet also very turbulent, times.

This will be followed by questions and answers.

About Carole:

Carole began writing ‘with Spirit’ in 2006, believing it then to be only for her personal growth. Yet, since then, that writing has evolved into direct voice channelling, which Carole has been offering publically for the last three years.

These dialogues with Higher Dimensional Beings of Light, among them are an infinitely wise and patient collective who have become known to me as the ‘Elohim’; and also ‘Ishtaria’, a very colorful, expressive, and larger than life, Star Being. Working in this way has truly transformed my life. I would say that the greatest gift I have received, is the understanding, the knowing, that to express myself in truth–the truth of who I am–is the gift I bring to the world.

We live in exciting, fast awakening times and this is truly an amazing time to be alive! My intention and passion is to share this ‘Timeless Wisdom’– the love, wisdom and healing – that the unseen world wish to share with us.

Carole also offers private sessions and regular public events.

Click here for website. Click here for email address. Mobile: 0411 109 984


 MONDAY – 18 November 2013



MARK de BERARDINISMARK will reveal some of his ” Sonnetics ” Healing techniques this evening in his second talk at the Academy of Light as a “Contactee”.

Come and find out about:

• The Three Pillars of Health.
• What is healing really ? – its interactive function with Karma, Emotions, Fear and Love.
• How Magnetic Flux works within the subtle body, and ways to manipulate it with breathing and water.
• Correct Connecting procedures to the Spirit World.
• Correct Closing and Opening of the Crown (procedure).
• Reverse Engineering of the Common Cold (and a cure).

Mark will be revealing some of his ” Sonnetics” Healing Techniques as well as talking a little about his healing master class.

This will be followed by a Q and A session.

Mark says:

“The Talk is informative with many technologies explained working with light, sound vibration, mental imagery, and water cleansing. The important information I have been given is key to maximising healing techniques including a method of increasing the healing capacity of any one person using hand healing techniques by at least a factor of 5 times. The Talk includes some information from the book I am writing called ” Spiritual Mathematics & Emotive Contractual Law “. This explains the 8 Laws given to me by the Council of 12 that over see our Quadrant for political interactions of Exopolitics and the 8 Laws of the Ancients (like the 10 commandments but on an intergalactic Scale)“

About Mark – “Like a master healer and teacher. I have degrees in Reiki taught by Sir Gary Samer of the Knights Templar St John Jerusalem. I have a degree in Sacred Silence Indian Shamanism and I am contacted and interact with ET species from the Tau Ceti and Tau Pa regions from a Race Called ” Imu “. I have 2 degrees in Audio Engineering and Cymatic Audio Intelligence.  I have successfully managed to open my crown chakra to the universe in a ceremony where i was transported off planet. This was the beginning of my learning of proper healing and exopolitics and took over a year to prepare for.”

Mark also conducts Reiki Bush Walkshops to natural healing centres from Mother Earth as well as Master Healing Workshops.

At the end of the evening if you are interested, Mark can take your email details to inform you more about his 2 Master Classes, each of 2 days.

Mark’s Contacts – Mobile: 0413.370 392, Click here for email.





Lia Scallon Signature

In four unique Sydney events, Lia Scallon will bring through Transformative Sound frequencies from Source, to help you harness the current intense Solar Flare radiation for positive spiritual growth and mind expansion. Events will take place in the four Cardinal Points of the city. This will create a circular ‘vortex’ of energy – a Pillar of Light – designed to connect those present directly to the energy of Source.

Balmain (West) – 25th Nov – Colleen: 0422 214 835
Sylvania Waters (South) – 27th Nov – Rosie: 02 9531 0009
Bondi (East) – 29th Nov – Anji: 0411 040 016
Crows Nest (North) – 1st Dec – Lilo: 02 9959 5788

Entry Fee: Only $10.00

For more details – click here



On Friday 15th November 7pm – 10pm

Sirius MovieAt the SMSA Mitchell Theatre, 280 Pitt Street,

Sydney. COST: $20 (including refreshments)

SIRIUS is a 2013 crowd-funded documentary film following the work of Dr Steven M Greer and is based on his book Hidden Truth Forbidden Knowledge.

After the film and the refreshment break, there will be an open discussion on the content of the film including extraterrestrial visitations and the UFO phenomenon and we welcome audience participation.

For more details – click here


 Soul to Soul Healing & Teaching – Soul Series Workshops – Mosman


Part 1: An Awakening – Saturday 23rd November 1pm – 4pm $66 (1&2 together $222)

Part 2: Your Past, Purpose & Potential – Sunday 24th November 9am-5pm $188 (1&2 together $222)

Are you ready to live with your soul in the drivers seat??? Noone ever teaches us about the soul. This is the information that you should have been taught!! With all the recent weather patterns and celestial movements such as powerful astrology, solar flares and eclipses, this is the time like no other to get to know your SOUL!!

Join with Soul Specialist Rebecca Brown, owner of SoultoSoul Healing & Teaching, in these special journeys, channelled from spirit, to help you live a soul centred life.

Click here for further information.


Community Announcements

Last Power of Colour Workshop before Christmas with Anjel OBryant M.D.I.A.

Sunday November 17th 2013

8:45am to 6:00pm

Anjel OBryantBook now, there are still a few spaces left. Get some colourful Christmas present ideas. Combining scientific and metaphysical methodology we show how colour can support your health & wellbeing especially over Christmas. Workshops are tailored to support your personal image responses and environmental needs. The full workshop schedule is on our website, take home Colour Response Reference manual plus your personal colour swatches. Bring along a friend and get 10% off.

To book in contact us: click here for email: click here for website: ph (ph) 02 9968 2028


Here is the invitation to Maree’s Celebration on November 12th.

Click here to see all details.


Rosemary will be speaking with Annette McCoy on Angel Heart Radio at noon next Wednesday 13th.

Please click here for the link.



A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks.
An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account:
Academy of Light St George Bank
BSB:  112 879   Account No: 485610498

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.
To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Academy of  Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

Scal Australia | Facebook



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– © Copyright 2013 – Academy of Light Inc.  ABN: 26680515199