
AOL News – 16 October 2013 – You are part of the New World

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The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you to be connected.

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FYI – Creating a New World

Randy Powell – Vortex Based Mathematics

Randy_Powell In this clip Randy Powell talks about a 9 digit pattern called Vortex Based Mathematics (VBM) that interconnects all of science, all of technology and all of nature – around a donut. Randy learned that the shape of the donut was the universal geometric design for maximum efficiency in energy transformation, occurring ecologically as a method by which the universe reprocesses matter. VBM gave Randy additional insight into explaining how everything in the Universe, from the elements of the periodic table, to why every pattern in nature- from the spiral in our galaxy, to our own DNA, are all toroidal-based (donut-shaped). This clip goes for about 10 mins. Click here


 Your Words and Thoughts Create Your World – Louise Hay

Louise HayTake a look at this 6 minute clip by Louise Hay. Louise explains that every thought we think and every word we speak is creating our future – it is as though our thoughts go out into the universe are then accepted and brought back to us as experience. Click here to watch. It’s a great clip to remind us to keep the awareness of our thoughts going. Louise Hay has such a loving and supportive energy. Enjoy.


Russian video that made the whole world cry

Acts of KindnessThis is a beautiful clip that was posted on YouTube. It goes for around 5 minutes. It warmed my heart and yes, it did bring tears to my eyes too. It is a very moving clip that shows acts of loving kindness people make towards strangers and animals as they go about their day to day lives. Click here to view.



“Don’t seek, don’t search, don’t ask, don’t knock, don’t demand – relax.

If you relax, it comes. If you relax, it is there. If you relax, you start vibrating with it.”




Affirmation – say daily…

“I AM Source Energy.”


The Power of I-Am – The 2 most Powerful Words! (Book by David Allen) – click here for You Tube clip that talks about this further and gives more affirmations – pick one that resonates with you!


In and Around the Academy

Academy of Light - Supporting Your Souls Journey

With Rosemary Butterworth

Well so much to be grateful for this week. Firstly a big thank you to Deborah, Suzy and their team for putting on the fantastic Expo at the Harbord Diggers’ Club on Sunday. The Academy had a table there and it was buzzing. So many lovely people to meet who are on their spiritual path and so much to share. We all had a wonderful time in our breaks looking at the other exhibits, enjoying new experiences and listening to the performers. We left with the feeling of ‘when is the next one?’ – we are all looking forward to being part of it again.

ELLL Harbord 9

Another big thank you goes to Julie Jara and her team of Reconnective Practitioners. No less than 10 people volunteered to give each person the experience of a Reconnective Healing on Monday Night at the Academy. During the discussion afterwards it was obvious that every person had experienced the energy. Julie had offered 3 double passes to Dr. Eric Pearl’s evening talk in November as door prizes and their was much excitement as three lucky people had their names read out. We are indeed so blessed… Rosemary

With Kelly Stone

I would like to add how much I enjoyed receiving the Reconnective Healing on Monday night. It was amazing. I could really feel the frequency/energy of the healing. We are so blessed to have access to all the healing that is available to us at this time. I also felt so inspired by Dorothy, a Reconnective Healing Practitioner, that spoke on Monday night. I loved Dorothy’s energy and passion for Reconnective Healing.


HEALTH – Gloriosa Lily Flower Essence

GloriosaLilyThe Gloriosa Lily Flower Essence can provide asssitance during major life changes/new beginnings. If you have been feeling as though you are stuck in between two worlds – the old familiar world (or way of being) and the new not yet visible world that lies ahead, the Gloriosa Lily flower essence may assist you.

* Emerging from grief through the loss of a part of inner self;
* New beginnings

Gloriosa Lily is beneficial in times of major life changes, to assist with the pain of letting go part of the inner self. This essence is also for when there is great sadness within the heart at soul level when one is grieving deeply for a loved one lost.

For more details about Solara and her essences click here


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, Cnr of  Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay.
Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.





Come and find out how …
• Abundance is in every moment.
• The power of being neutral and in a state of constant joy is the perfect environment for manifesting anything.
• Focusing and thinking outside the box, with the right questions and intuition we can find the right answers, provide critical feedback and instant results in any issue.
• Feeling good means your activating ‘pass-ion’ and getting closer to your desires.
• Energy can be moved at lightning speeds, to change your mood or clear pain or create desires in to manifestation

Where will your destiny be and where are you going?
• Find out do you have a heart-wall?
• The truth and the right answers give us instant shifts, NOT Healing, Healing implies that it takes time.
• Health is always related to life issues (Physical, mental, emotional or spiritual).
• No more procrastinating, worries, fear, limiting beliefs or anything can stop you.
• What skills/habits do you want to develop?

Whatever pain you are experiencing, whether emotional, physical or mental … All have root causes and can be strengthened…

Adam says he works on the central core – the hard drive of the body. Gives 1-1 sessions and has a 7 week Course on Abundance and Synchronicity.

He is a Health and Wealth Consultant, Pain Relief Specialist and also a Success Consultant. Adam says he has been granted the wisdom of infinite potential and instant quantum shifts in mind, body and spirit. He has been on the journey for 6 years exploring whole foods, nutrients, personal development and energy work. Through this the truth has come forth and the discovery of the Laws of the Universe and how they apply to Everything. Adam has studied The Emotion Code, NLP and Yuen Method Student, Touch for health Level 1 and Energetic wellbeing process Level 1. Also Adam has found through his technique that this is the quickest method on the planet to clear your pain FAST.


 MONDAY, 28th October

Sound Night with Singing Bowls


Singing Bowls

International Healer, Luna is in Sydney for a limited time only and sharing her gift of sound with us.

When we bring positive impulses to our thoughts we automatically determine our wellbeing.

Imagine a stone that you throw in water. Little waves like rings spread out, equally, harmonically and gently. In the same natural way, sound and especially the vibrations of the bowls diffuse all over the body. The cells are ‘turned on’ and harmonise with each other.  Everything that was in chaotic disharmony is put in order again. You will notice your muscles relax and tensions will be eased. Not only the body but also the soul and mind become calm and peaceful.

Come along and enjoy!

Luna Pracht comes from the Southern Germany. Luna has given many singing bowl treatments since 2010 having received her certificate from the Peter Hess Institute in Germany.  Now her healing technique has morphed into her own style.

She is now here by personal invitation and is pleased to introduce to you this wonderful way of relaxing and healing.

Contact Luna on 9905.8798 for a Singing bowl treatment.  See more in Community Events.



Shine Sydney

You are invited to shine this Saturday night, 19 October 2013

Monks Millionaires & Money

Saturday night’s Shine event is entitled ‘Monks Millionaires and Money’, it is an exploration of love purpose money and you.

An evening of affirmation and community, song story and talk with people sharing their journey and insights into how these themes play out in their lives. These stories hold magic in them, little messages for each of us affirming and uplifting us, encouraging us to stand firm in our purposeful choices. They also demystify money and how it works, or could work for us!

There is also an incredible line up of speakers and presenters from spiritual warriors to financial warriors.

The evening will conclude with an after party.

Event details: Saturday 19th October, Art Gallery NSW. 5.30 to late.

For event info click here

To register for this event click here.


Community Announcements

 International Sound Healer  – Luna Pracht from Germany with her Singing Bowls

In Sydney for two weeks only

A singing bowl healing begins when you are sensitive to yourself.  You look inside yourself and observe, comprehend and find the turning point for a new beginning.  It does not matter, whether you are sick or not.  Sickness is an expression for being blocked in a disturbing way.  Our consciousness determines our shape and status of health.  So, when we bring positive impulses to our thoughts, we automatically determine our wellbeing. 

Session dates: 16 October 2013 to 31 October 2013
Cost: $70.00 per session for 1 hour
Location: Allambie Heights
To book: Luna on 9905 8798

To find out more about Luna, see our Monday night diary of events for 28 October 2013

Luna Pracht



A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks.
An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account:
Academy of Light St George Bank
BSB:  112 879   Account No: 485610498

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.
To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Academy of  Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

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