
AOL News – 24th April, 2013 – We Are Connected

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The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to acknowledge our potential

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FYI – Universal Connections

Business has the Power

Business has the power to raise the consciousness of the world today – we just need to find the right people who are willing to do so. It is possible.

The aim: to create new ways of doing business – one that focuses on people first, then profit – connecting people, creating communities.

This is what the CIO Network are heading towards.  Developing a community of like minded experts.  they are having an inaugural conference on the 22nd May in Sydney.  If you want to be part of this find out more at


Gary Renard – The Disappearance of the Universe

This month marks ten years since a small publisher from Berkeley, California called Fearless Books published an unusual title by a completely unknown author called The Disappearance of the Universe. The book quickly spread its wings, found its way to a larger publisher, and flew all over the world. Gary says that the book has stood the test of time, and believes it will continue to do so. In honor of the occasion, he’s recorded a brief, five minute video to talk about those early days, as well as his first publisher, D. Patrick Miller.

The Academy has 8 copies left of The Disappearance of the Universe in stock.  Recommended Retail $41.95 but we have a sale on $20 per book.  Contact us


Scientists Confirm Reality is Illusion

 Watch this short 10 minute video.  It is actually very profound in its information.  It is important to get it – to take it in.  Gregg Braden says that once matter is physically joined even when seperated it is still connected.  Taking that further then as we are matter we are part of the one, we are all the same

What we do, think or say effects all beings everywhere, effects all of creation.

Take this in and then consider how you are consciously making the World, Universe, Galaxy… a better place.


THOUGHT OF THE WEEK – The Wonder of It All.

In a moment of giving ………………… we receive our Abundance.

In a moment of having …………….we release all anger and fear and experience love.

In a moment of being ……………..we experience our True Nature which is purity and perfection.

If we could give, love and be in every moment ……………………..we would realize all worries, negative emotions are just part of the great illusion.

The Universe is an Act of Love.               ……………..Anon.


In and Around the Academy

Academy of Light - Supporting Your Souls JourneyWith Rosemary Butterworth

I want to share with you the magic of Monday Night when Alexandra presented.

It seems that she had a ‘fairy’ grandmother, who worked with herbs and taught her about the power of flowers.  She learnt that they could build bridges, facilitate conversation/communication and permeate your soul to make you smile.  They could also trigger memories of people, places and events.

She told us that she had been a nurse in varying positions, including aged care and mental illness and had worked in prisons and also in the Territory with Aboriginals.   The flowers had taught her to see the best in everyone.

As she went around the room and asked each one of us to think of a flower, she described it and told us that was our face to the world.  The second flower was our ‘private’ self and the third flower was the power we had to fulfill our purpose.

I watched as she brought out the qualities of the flowers and remind everyone that these were their qualities.  I knew then what the flowers had taught her.

The flowers that people picked, seemed to speak to their soul, remind them of their divine qualities, help them focus of those and then they were able to let go their pain and the situation that caused it.  They were able to move forward for they were healed in that moment.  It was amazing to watch this.

As she only had limited time, she only was able to tell a few about their purpose in life and the power they had to fulfil it.   John and I were so enthralled that we want her to come up to Jacaranda Haven.

The Academy too, has asked her back, so watch out for the date.


AFFIRMATION – say throughout the day…

  “I AM pure potentiality with grace and ease.”

Shealla-dreaming by Simone M. Matthews.(………….


HEALTH –  Acknowledging Your Inner Courage and Strength

Introducing Ochna Flower Essence
(Ochina serrulata)

This essence was prepared with a Green Tourmaline crystal to enhance the healing properties

* Acknowledging your inner courage and strength
* Supporting others whilst remaining detached

This hardy Australian Native shrub has a rather hardened & worn exterior. It does however have several displays of beauty with its brilliant yellow six petalled buttercup-like flowers and golden yellow centre. When the flowers fall the sepals to turn a vivid scarlet, contrasted first with five bright green berries, which then turn to a shiny black.  These attributes display the Doctrine of Signatures relevant to your physical journey.

This essence is to give you courage and strength to remind you of your TRUE SELF and the connection to your inner Spirit in times of great turmoil or hardship.  It assists with re-evaluating how you see your life with a positive acknowledgement of the strength, courage and wisdom you have gained in your life’s experiences, rather than through the losses and damages you may have suffered.

For more detail go to

SUPPLIED AS A STOCK CONCENTRATE (dosage = 3 drops twice a day)


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, Cnr of  Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay.
Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.


MONDAY, 29th April, 2013

“KOSMIC FUSION – An Ascension shortcut to Source”

KaVeeTa Founder of Kosmic Fusion


Are You Ready to Experience Quantum Leaps in your Spiritual Journey?

Join us for a powerful evening with International speaker and ascension fascilitator, KaVeeTa SuNiEL with her students from Kosmic Fusion where you’ll hear about this special time of 2012-2017 and your opportunity to take a supersonic short cut back to Source. Plus receive a Quantum Body Soul Upgrade!

* HEAR MORE about this special time of 2012-2017 where the star gates are bringing in a merger so we can take a supersonic short cut back to Source. Many of us have come here in large numbers from different stars and dimensions to take the Quantum leap.

* FEEL your dense 3D/4D grids (lower mental and astral) and discover how to upgrade them.

* FIND OUT why and how to release 3D/4D grids plus UPGRADE to a 5D+ holographic light grid  –  “the most essential Upgrade for humanity right now.

* EXPERIENCE the Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave Photon Pulse (QVSWPP) Energy Emmissions from the students upgraded to 5D+ Grids and feel the instantaneous vibrational/frequency shift in every cell of your body.  The experience need not be explained or defined.  It is beyond words.  Come and let the QVSWPP speak to YOU!

We are living in an unprecedented transitional gateway of Humanity’s History & Evolution. A pivotal time in a global Paradigm Shift in Consciousness, into ONENESS.  Never before have we been as supported by the entire Cosmos in making this transition. We now have the opportunity to release and free ourselves of defunct paradigms and templates. Release all that no longer serves us.

Kosmic Fusion offers you the opportunity to FEEL for yourselves before permanently ‘FREEING’ yourself of your low vibrational redundant templates such as your ‘karmic’ template and most importantly the lower astral (3rd & 4th Dimensional) grids. 

Kosmic FUsion – KaVeeTa SuNiEL
This integrated alchemical photonic Quantum Healing from the Source is taught and facilitated through Kosmic Fusion. KaVeeTa SuNiEL, founders of Kosmic Fusion, are one of the fully enlightened DNA-activated Diamond Light Master couples on Earth at this special time of 2012-2017. They travel the globe and upgrade and activate the Holographic Light Grids of as many souls as possible and train Facilitators to spread the upgrade work.They offer Transmissions, Activations and Initiations for AWAKENIN TRANSFORMATION TRANSCENDENCE. For the upcoming Webinar/Workshops in May, June and July and Live Demo’s go to:



MONDAY, 6th May, 2013

Intuitive Healing for the Heart


We all at different times have suffered heartache, heartbreak, trauma, fear. Strong emotional experiences such as changes in relationships, death, our experiences with and as children and even friends, friendships…loss, abuse, neglect and misunderstanding. .
Do you really understand how this affects us….how it can translate to the body, the experiences and how they are held in the cells of the body, the DNA, the mind, the subconscious and the heart itself, and the health issues it can cause?
Do you understand how this can become defence mechanisms that make us reactive and cloud, limit and negatively affect our experience of life?
Did you know that heriditary heart disease can come from events in our ancestors experience of a similar nature?
Did you know that our past life experiences can affect how we live now?
Do you wonder why your relationships do not work, no matter how hard we try?
Would you like to understand how hearts can heal., in many ways? and this can affect every part of our experience of life?

Come along to share her experiences over many years, both personal and in working with thousands of people in healing, resolving, growing and moving forward with deep healing for matters of the heart.
She will lead us through a group healing and we will receive downloads to allow healing and resolution for our often deep accumulations of experiences, beliefs and programs that have been affecting us, our lives, relationships and health

Find out more: or  email:


Community Announcements

Soul Colour Circle

RED is the Colour for the month of MAY.

Red is a good protective agent and can be used to protect your energy field against negative energy.
If you feel drained of energy in shopping malls, crowds or around negative people Red gives extract fortification.
Red connects to the spiritual warrior giving you the courage, foresight and determination to stand up and defeat suppressive forces, no matter how big or small.
Red inspires courage, bravery and fearlessness.

Join Narelle Green on Thursday 7.30-9.30pm, 2nd May.  Email Narelle for further details & to confirm on


Evening With The Chancellor of Le-MU-Ri-A …. Thursday Night!

Thursday, 25th April, 2013   7.30 pm – 9.00 pm   Kirribilli, Sydney, Australia  $35

Join Takeli and meet The Chancellor of Le-MU-Ri-A, as she speaks from the presence of her Goddess Light on matters of concern to you, answering your questions after an initial address to those present.

Lemuria existed on Earth around 50,000 years ago, with the Lemurians evolving into a 5th dimensional society that Ascended en masse, when it came time for Mother Earth to be the vessel for a 3rd dimensional evolutionary process for Humanity.

The Chancellor has much to share from the focus of the Goddess Light regarding our times on Earth now, and how we may choose to live in greater Love.

RSVP Please to Takeli Ph 0417 941 905 or email:


An Amazing Opportunity!

A second Grail Haven is being set up in the South of France in a rural village in Languedoc which is fifteen minutes from the mediaeval town of Carcassonne.

This area is known for the history of the persecuted Cathars.  The village has a special church built by King Charlemagne and is on the pilgrim route to Santiago de Compostella in Spain.

Several buildings of ancient stone are being renovated to accommodate up to eighteen people. The centre will have a teaching hall and esoteric library.

The intention is to set up a place of wisdom and healing run along the lines of the ancient ‘French Mystery Schools’, with the teaching of spiritual subjects.

We are looking for people with skills from building to painting to gardening to make this enterprise a reality.”

Gerry Taylor-Wood and Richard De Welles would like to make you an offer well worth thinking about and looking into.  Their beautiful French property is in need of some workers so in exchange for labour they are offering free board in July-August-September this year.  To find out more contact Gerry by email:



A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks.
An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account:
Academy of Light at
St George Bank
BSB:  112 879   Account No: 485610498

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.
To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Academy of  Light Inc. is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

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– © Copyright 2013 – Academy of Light Inc.  ABN: 26680515199