
Sex & Sexiness Enhanced by Yoga & Meditation

Yoga & Sex

Meditation Increases Sexual Arousal

Chop wood, carry water before enlightenment; chop wood, carry water after enlightenment.  This is a very famous Zen saying, which essentially means that enlightenment does not need to change what you do in life, it just changes how you perceive it.  Before, the small "I" was prominent, and after enlightenment, the Big "I" is prominent.  The modern version of this saying though is a little different for us.  Now it is drive in traffic, make love before enlightenment; drive in traffic, make love after enlightenment.  This article is about helping you with the sex part of that saying .

Kundalini Yoga is one of many approaches which are designed for householders to make spiritual growth in parallel to living a sexually active, married life.  As many saints have pointed out, "Do it where you are at," implying, achieve enlightenment right along with living your daily normal life, not sure what you were thinking .  I have expanded on this lesson in the article, The Magical Gate to the Best School for Enlightenment.

Now if you are married with children, especially little ones, I know the sex part can get pretty challenging to pull off, but never fear because as recent research now shows, yoga and meditation are here.  As unlikely as that might seem, recent studies have shown not just yoga to enhance feelings of sexiness, sexual arousal and sexual desire, but meditation also to bestow such benefits.

A recent study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, showed that mindfulness meditation enhanced sexual arousal and the ability to orgasm in women and another study found that sexual arousal in women was significantly enhanced when asked to watch an erotic movie after meditation, as compared to watching it before meditation. I guess I need to add Better Sex to the ongoing list of the Benefits of Meditation .  For those interested in employing this method to help their sex life, here is the article which details the most fundamental mindfulness meditation technique, Zen Meditation Technique.

Needless to say tantric yoga techniques have long been known to use sex as a vehicle for spiritual growth and enlightenment, and of course many of these techniques greatly enhance one’s sexual energies and prowess.  An example of such a technique, to help prolong sexual intercourse for men can be found in the article, Effective Tantric Breathing Exercise to Prolong Sexual Intercourse.  Another technique which uses sexual energy to raise one’s level of vibration and consciousness is Sat Kriya, and you can find details of that here, Ultimate Tantric Technique to Raise Sexual Energy.

Studies have also shown an hour of daily yoga practice helps men suffering from premature ejaculation and, in addition to the above techniques, there are also plenty of other yoga techniques to help you develop a healthy and strong sex drive (check the Tantra & Sex category). 

So for all those moms and dads wondering what happened to their sex life after the little ones showed up, hit the yoga mat, hit the meditation pillow, trust me, soon you will both be smiling buddhas

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