
AOL News – 13th February, 2013 – Cosmic Event Tonight!

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Namaste ,

Welcome to our weekly newsletter

The Southern Cross Academy of Light (SCAL) is a part of a Worldwide Spiritual Community that exists to assist in bringing new consciousness to all Humanity. We provide a welcoming, non-judgmental space for a variety of teachers and healers to deliver their messages through our meetings, e-Newsletter, website and Facebook.

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The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us it’s all happening!



If negative emotions are like clouds that block out the sun, let them pass and you will see the sun shining through once again.  Feel the warmth & joy of the sun, that is your own heart. 

………….Rosemary Butterworth


FYI –  Connect & Raise Your Vibration

News from Soluntra King this week indicates that there is another Cosmic Event happening TODAY!

Click on the link below Soluntra provides an understanding of the event and a meditation to do too!  Don’t miss this!

An Excerpt from Soluntra:  A friend just informed me that there is a big shift happening on 13th February, even bigger than the December Solstice shift apparently, as humanity has had a chance to clear even more before it arrives. So I tuned in and this is what I got about it.  On the 13th February be open to receive codings to assist you in your mission and experience shining your light more fully.  The exact time of the eight minute full doorway starts at 10.55pm NZ First Light time. 8.55pm Aust EST 9.55am GMT/UTC.

And as a confirmation and continuation this information is from David Peace One Love (Facebook ID) who does Mayan Dreamspell Interpretations:

On 12th Feb is Yellow Cosmic Sun, last day of the Tzolkin, then 13th Feb is Red Magnetic Dragon, the first kin … we start again … .. the energy moves from “unifying to nurture, attracting being and bringing purpose to the input of birth” which of course we all come from a woman’s womb and on 14th Feb is a White Lunar Wind “we polarise to communicate, stabilising breath, bring challenge to the input of spirit, through the power of timelessness.” while the world is uprising we must remember we are ONE in the spirit. Yes I foresee we will be in the middle of period in time where all planets are DIRECT so it makes sense to be ready to deepen in who we really are, as individuals, as one collective co-creation.


Shungite for Cleaning Water

If you are a regular reader of this enewsletter you will know that we love Shungite!!!  One of our beautiful Academy Community sent us a link that talks about it’s qualities and how it is wonderful for cleaning water.  A great confirmation for all we have said before.  So we encourage you to click on the link and read the article at and don’t forget if you can’t find it at your local supplier we are keeping stock here ($13 each) so send us an email.



Recently Dr Oz interviewed Dr Eric Pearl -“The Reconnection” healing technique – on The Dr Oz Show on commercial TV.  It is wonderful to see that there is beginning to be an openness to all possibilities by mainstream doctors!  By going to The Dr Oz Show website you can view at least three small excerpts of the interview.


Health- Lower Back Pain

Andrea writes:   I’ve fallen in love with Vetiver oil. I had a prolapsed disc in my lower back a couple of years ago, which left me in unimaginable pain. I still get some residual pain in that region, as does my husband (who himself has a severe back injury). The other day we were looking at our essential oils, and he pulled out a few oils (intuitively) to put on his back. One of the oils was Vetiver. Shortly after applying, there was a significant difference in how his lower back felt. I tried it, and found the same thing. Since then, I’ve used Vetiver many times on my own lower back, especially when it feels as though the sciatic nerve (or any other nerve) is being pinched. I place a single drop right down on the coccyx bone (just as you start to go down the buttock crease). Virtually immediately (ie. a matter of a couple of seconds), the edge disappears from my pain. It’s awesome!!!! I put the oil on, then immediately go “Aaaahhhhhhh……”.

Artemis adds: Vetiver oil is one of Young Living Oil’s thickest essential oils, and I find that I need to take the stopper out of the bottle in order to gently tip a drop onto my finger. It has a very earthy smell, much like a forest after a fire… it’s not one that I’d necessarily wear as a perfume. Yet one of its emotional characteristics, according to Gabriel Mojay in his book Aromatherapy for Healing the Spirit, is that it stills a busy mind. So if you are an over-thinker, this is a perfect oil. It’s not surprising therefore that it was one of the essential oils that Dr. Terry Friedman used in his experiment on children with ADD and ADHD. I also find that because of its earthy smell, I’ve had many a horse lick it straight out of my palm!!!!


AFFIRMATION – say everyday.

“Everything I experience and the emotions I release are moving me towards my Divine purpose.”

………….Rosemary Butterworth 


In and Around the Academy

With Rosemary Butterworth

Last Saturday I went to the Body Mind and Soul Expo at Thornleigh.  It was a wonderful event put on by Deborah Shepherd with the help of a group of exceptional volunteers.

I had been looking forward to it, partly because I adore a Gong Bath by John (he opened the event)  but mainly because I know the skills of Deborah to put on such an event and also the reason behind it.  Deborah wanted to take a MBS to a community level.  She want to give local people a chance to meet the people in their area who could help then with their health in body, mind and soul.   Judging by the number of people that turned up, it was a very successful idea.

Whilst there I had the wonderful chance to view Carl R’s light machine, owned by Janet MacDonald.  Wow!!!  Imagine being able to immerse yourself in any colour – one that you know from Narelle Green’s work that can help you right now.  I am so excited about it that I have asked Janet if she would bring it to an Academy meeting and she said YES!  So keep reading and we will advise you when.
Also Deborah will be taking the MBS Expo to another venue in 3 months time.  So we will keep you posted.  It is well worth going to!

PLUS  I’m on AngelHeartRadio again today AND my personal website is live!   Go to – I’d love to connect with you!!!


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, Cnr of  Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay.
Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.


  MONDAY, 18th February, 2013


“Cellular FM –  Connecting to the Unified Field”

* Come along and experience the very high frequency transmissions Elizabeth brings through for us.
*  We have invited Elizabeth back to The Academy tonight for the third time.
* On past evenings, the people present have experienced this amazing group healing in the ‘Unified Field’.  This experience is a teaching and a powerful support on a cellular level that enables those present to move from limiting thoughts, actions and habits within the limited experience of self and life. .
* The illusionary perceptions we are all under are different; it could be worries, stresses, health or relationship issues or simply attachment to our physical body or our roles, as a Mother, Father, Manager or Employee etc.
The Academy feels that Spirit has sent Elizabeth to us at this time when these obstacles of the illusion can be cleared so we can be the best that we can be.

For almost thirty years, Professional Counsellor, Psychotherapist & Intuitive Consultant Elizabeth Robinson has dedicated herself to awakening others to the hidden factors that hold them back from living their greatness. Through an extraordinary story of her own spiritual awakening spanning three continents and involving the tragic deaths and afterlife communications from two young teenage girls and close friend and mentor Harvard Psychiatric Professor Dr John Mack, Elizabeth now offers the remarkable details as a soon-to-be-released book, entitled ‘There are No Goodbyes.’

“I do what I do because I Passionately believe in people’s infinite Potential to live their Greatness.
And because I Passionately believe that the world will be a better place, once we embody our Greatest Potential.”
Elizabeth Robinson BSW AASW, Psychotherapist, Author, Professional Counsellor , Intuitive Consultant
Contacts:      email:


  MONDAY, 25th February, 2013


“Facial Reflexology”

Tonight Gretel will enlighten you about the:-
* Zones on the face and what part of the body they represent;
* Show you various reflex points on the face, head and ears to manipulate for improving your health;
* Techniques and tools that you can use to give yourself a daily treatment.
* Notes will be provided.

Facial reflexology has been practiced by many ancient civilizations from South America to Vietnam. In Vietnam it is called Dien Cham, which translates to facial acupuncture with the implied meaning of facial reflexology. Facial reflexology is a series of therapeutic techniques in which simple massage is used to stimulate certain zones of the body.

Gretel is a holistic healer and metaphysician, trained in NLP, clinical reflexology, facial reflexology, cranio-sacral reflexology and remedial massage.
Gretel believes that happiness in our lives depends on the quality of our thoughts.  She recommends that you live a balanced life, develop resilience and take care of yourself”.

To contact Gretel Spiegel email



Join us for a screening of

The Solar REvolution

Does the sun have the power to transform humankind?

In SOLAR (R)EVOLUTION, world renowned biophysicist, Dieter Broers makes a compelling case, pointing to a wealth of scientific evidence that shows a remarkable correlation between increases in solar activity and advances in our creative, mental and spiritual abilities.

Where:  Star Cinema, Star Bar, 600 George St, Sydney

When:  20th February, 2013…7-9pm

$15 cash at door

(for more informationclick here)


A FREE Talk  in Sydney, Brisbane and Southport. 

by Dr. Mau of the Santus Germanus Foundation Canada 

You are cordially invited to a free public lecture entitled “The Lightbearer and the New Dawning”.

Sydney:  22nd February,  Website:  email: Brisbane 25th  and Southport 1st March

Dr. Mau has been given the privilege of bringing forth the ideas of the Masters of Wisdom of the Spiritual Hierarchy to a skeptical humanity in search of answers during a time of worldwide upheaval.  He has lectured throughout the world, informing people of the upcoming and current economic, environmental and geopolitical changes, and offering advice on how to navigate through the present turmoil and develop spiritual discernment to avoid being led off the path.

Dr. Mau is a native of Hawaii.  He has worked in the U.S. Foreign Service and as an international development and small business consultant to the United Nations, the U. S. Agency for International Development and the World Bank.  He later established several small businesses including an international trading concern in Asia.  He holds a Bachelors Degree from UCLA and a Master’s and Doctorate in International Relations from the University of Pennsylvania where he was the recipient of the prestigious Fulbright Graduate Fellowship.  He has lived and worked in Europe, Africa, Asia and North America and speaks four languages.


Community Announcements

Sacred Ceremony of Love

St Valentine’s Day

A Day to Celebrate Love in Our Lives

With powerful energies flowing onto the planet in 2013, now is our opportunity to create new and deeper experiences of love. As the Earth’s magnetic field continues to be charged with higher frequencies of Light, we can enter into these powerful healing energies tthrough Sacred Ceremony.

Join Narelle Green in Allambie Heights on Thursday 14th February, 2013 – 7.30-9.30pm 

Cost: $50 For more information click here to see the flyer.

To book email Narelle on


The Artist’s Way – Unlock Your Creativity in 12 Weeks

Do you long to be more creative? Or maybe you’re an artist, musician, writer, or actor who has a number of creative successes, but now find yourself blocked? Or do you have a great idea, but are unable to bring it into being? Creativity is innate in every one of us.

The Artist’s Way course, based on Julia Cameron’s book of the same name, takes you on a powerful personal journey to help you move beyond your creative blocks. It is being run by Rosamund Burton, an author and freelance journalist who has also worked as an actress . Using practical tools tackle procrastination and self-doubt and allow your creativity to blossom.
Mon 4 Mar to Mon 27 May 2013, 5.45-7.45pm at Manly Library Manly NSW 2095  Cost $290, Concession $240.
To book or for more information email or phone 0412 818 470.


Personal Phone Readings

Understand your challenges and your pathway through 2013

For details and to book call or text Tamayra at Rainbow Sky Enlightenment 0438 559 366.
Tamayra is an International Clairvoyant, Medium a& Spiritual Counsellor with 45years experience.  
Her readings are Accurate, Insightful, Confidential & Wise.  All your questions answered.
Book Soon as 2013 Personal Phone readings are currently 20% discounted!
Click here to print out flyer.


Dr. Galen Dean Loven who has a Ph.D. in Management and has authored several books including Winning Without Selling, and, Managing For Effect requires inexpensive accommodation in Sydney for 6 weeks.  Is happy to housesit and look after animals.
For more information phone:  Lisa Dedden 0414 992 727)



A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks.
An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account:
The Southern Cross Academy of Light at
St George Bank
BSB:  112 879   Account No: 1542 10967

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.
To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Southern Cross Academy of  Light is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

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