
AOL News – 6th February, 2013 – From Scarcity to Abundance

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Namaste ,

Welcome to our weekly newsletter

The Southern Cross Academy of Light (SCAL) is a part of a Worldwide Spiritual Community that exists to assist in bringing new consciousness to all Humanity. We provide a welcoming, non-judgmental space for a variety of teachers and healers to deliver their messages through our meetings, e-Newsletter, website and Facebook.

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The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to be positive.



Ask yourself, is my world small or large, is it full of Abundance or Scarcity? 

……………Rosemary Butterworth


FYI – Update on the energies of 2013…

A FREE Talk by Dr. Mau of the Santus Germanus Foundation Canada in Sydney, Brisbane and Southport. 

You are cordially invited to a free public lecture entitled “The Lightbearer and the New Dawning”.

Sydney:  22nd February,  Website:  email: Brisbane 25th  and Southport 1st March

Dr. Mau has been given the privilege of bringing forth the ideas of the Masters of Wisdom of the Spiritual Hierarchy to a skeptical humanity in search of answers during a time of worldwide upheaval.  He has lectured throughout the world, informing people of the upcoming and current economic, environmental and geopolitical changes, and offering advice on how to navigate through the present turmoil and develop spiritual discernment to avoid being led off the path.

Dr. Mau is a native of Hawaii.  He has worked in the U.S. Foreign Service and as an international development and small business consultant to the United Nations, the U. S. Agency for International Development and the World Bank.  He later established several small businesses including an international trading concern in Asia.  He holds a Bachelors Degree from UCLA and a Master’s and Doctorate in International Relations from the University of Pennsylvania where he was the recipient of the prestigious Fulbright Graduate Fellowship.  He has lived and worked in Europe, Africa, Asia and North America and speaks four languages.



This New Year coincides more or less with the beginning of a new 25950 year Zodiacal cycle known as the precession of the equinoxes, in which the earth, wobbling on its axis, begins a new revolution around our solar system.  The dawning of this new cycle brings with it heightened and accelerated feminine energies that are meant to “soften” and balance an overly masculine-dominated planet.  We are not talking about gender here but of the balancing earth’s primary elements–earth, fire, water, and air– that permeate all phases of life on the physical plane.   The process of reaching equilibrium will continue to be tumultuous as the masculine energies resist the incoming accelerated feminine vibrations.  The result will be the continued crumbling of the world’s economic and financial systems, continued warfare and major earth changes, all of which reflect the work of Divine Will as it destroys the old to make way for the new cycle.  As equilibrium is gradually achieved,  the earth and its inhabitants will gradually be ready to move into a new Golden Age.  The Spiritual Hierarchy estimates that this re-balancing could take another fifty years.” ……….

This is a wonderful article to be read with an open mind and without judgement.  You will be delighted as you read it all the way through to the end.    To read more click here.


Health – No need to have grey hair???

Did you know that consuming fresh wheatgrass juice regularly has been shown to turn grey hair back to its natural colour?  According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, hair pigmentation is influenced by the quality of blood and the strength of the kidneys.  If your hair has gone grey, your kidneys and blood need to be strengthened.  Foods that accomplish this include wheatgrass and any food with high chlorophyll content.

Wheatgrass refers to the young grass of the common wheat plant, Triticumaestivum. Its leaves are juiced or dried into powder for human (or animal) consumption.  It is often available in juice bars and smoothie restaurants, and is taken alone or mixed in fruit and/or vegetable drinks.

Ann Wigmore in her book, The Wheatgrass Book, names wheatgrass as an anti-aging treatment.  However, the benefits of wheatgrass go way beyond beautification and anti-aging. The high chlorophyll content of wheatgrass, as well as the amino acids, minerals, vitamins and enzymes enable weatgrass to provide a wide range of health benefits and curative benefits, such as the following:

  • Fights tumors
  • Powerful detoxifier
  • Contains liquid oxygen
  • Blood builder

This information came from “The Underground Health Reporter.


AFFIRMATION – say everyday.

                                                                    “I AM MAKING A DIFFERENCE EVERYDAY.”

…………Rosemary Butterworth 


In and Around the Academy

With Rosemary Butterworth

Mark Anthony was the Guest Presenter last Monday Night.  The room was packed with everyone eager to hear what Mark had to say and accept his downloads as he took us from scarcity into abundance.

However, for me, it was amazing as he opened my mind to examine what I thought scarcity was.  Without thinking, I suppose I thought scarcity always referred to a lack money or food or the things that money could buy.  Mark presented us with a whole different story.  He said that there is either scarcity or abundance, one or the other.  If you have a negative thought, that represented a lack of something.  I am not loved – a lack of love, I don’t know if I can pass this exam – a lack of knowledge,  I am tired – a lack of energy, I am sick – a lack of health,  I don’t like my job – a lack of passion and enthusiasm.  Any negative thought stops abundance from coming to you.

I know that negativity stops the flow, separates you from everything but I hadn’t put together abundance and scarcity.  I say a prayer – ‘I am open to the Abundance of the Universe, everything good is coming to be now, I deserve the best and only the best will do; the more I receive, the more I have to give.”

But what is the good of saying this prayer if five minutes later you are criticising yourself for being ‘stupid’.  Stop being needy and focus on how we can make a difference.   We know that the Light is taking care of us, (does every cell in our body Know this or is there a lack of Trust) perhaps we need to look at why there isn’t an abundance of everything in our lives. What have we been thinking?

Perhaps we need to get out of Scarcity mode.  Instead of thinking and looking at what we haven’t got – perhaps we should look and be grateful for what is there.

Thank you Mark.

There is a Basic Theta Healing Course this Friday, Saturday and Sunday.   I heartily recommend it.


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, Cnr of  Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay.
Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.


 MONDAY, 11th February, 2013



“2012 has been heralded as the end of Kali Yuga, and the beginning of the Golden Age…but what does that really mean?”

Gaynor will be sharing  her experiences of Awakening and what it means at a personal and planetary level, as humankind moves into the Golden Age – where everyone will be happy for no reason!

Gaynor will be joining us  after returning from a four week stay (to deepen her state of being) at Oneness University in Chennai, India.  She  will also be giving Deeksha for Awakening during the evening. or

From AOL:  In FYI we have put an article that explains brilliantly and simply what is going on in the world today and the need to be able to detach from it and keep in a state of peace and contentment.  The Academy has invited Gaynor to bring the Oneness Blessing to it’s members for it knows the value it can bring to the individual, in keeping them in a state of harmony and peace.  For this reason The Academy highly recommends this evening as a way to keep your energy high and be the light bearer that you are.


  MONDAY, 18th February, 2013


“Cellular FM –  Connecting to the Unified Field”

* Come along and experience the very high frequency transmissions Elizabeth brings through for us.
*  We have invited Elizabeth back to The Academy tonight for the third time.
* On past evenings, the people present have experienced this amazing group healing in the ‘Unified Field’.  This experience is a teaching and a powerful support on a cellular level that enables those present to move from limiting thoughts, actions and habits within the limited experience of self and life. .
* The illusionary perceptions we are all under are different; it could be worries, stresses, health or relationship issues or simply attachment to our physical body or our roles, as a Mother, Father, Manager or Employee etc.
The Academy feels that Spirit has sent Elizabeth to us at this time when these obstacles of the illusion can be cleared so we can be the best that we can be.

For almost thirty years, Professional Counsellor, Psychotherapist & Intuitive Consultant Elizabeth Robinson has dedicated herself to awakening others to the hidden factors that hold them back from living their greatness. Through an extraordinary story of her own spiritual awakening spanning three continents and involving the tragic deaths and afterlife communications from two young teenage girls and close friend and mentor Harvard Psychiatric Professor Dr John Mack, Elizabeth now offers the remarkable details as a soon-to-be-released book, entitled ‘There are No Goodbyes.’

“I do what I do because I Passionately believe in people’s infinite Potential to live their Greatness.
And because I Passionately believe that the world will be a better place, once we embody our Greatest Potential.”
Elizabeth Robinson BSW AASW, Psychotherapist, Author, Professional Counsellor , Intuitive Consultant
Contacts:      email:



 This Weekend…Don’t miss this great opportunity!

Release, Relax & Revitalise
Mind, Body and Soul EXPO

Our Autumn expo will provide you with informative talks, demonstrations and expert advice around your health and wellbeing particularly around allowing trust and letting go of what may not be serving you anymore.
A locally based expo bringing you the widest range of products and services under one roof, come and immerse yourself and experience such diversity and expertise from the wellbeing industry.
Discover the latest in holistic health, listen to your intuition or learn a few practical ways to reduce your stress levels.  There will be something for everyone who may be searching a healthier and more fulfilling lifestyle.
Come and enjoy spending time with a like-minded community that is here to inform, support and empower you in all areas of your life – mind, body and soul.

John Butterworth opening the Expo with a Gong Bath!  Don’t miss it!!!

Thornleigh Community Centre
Corner of Central and Phyllis Ave, Thornleigh
(next to Bunnings)
Saturday 9th February 2013
Doors Open: 10am to 5pm   General Admission: $12.00
To secure your space, please register today via or


Community Announcements

For all those in Queensland…

Grail Haven Open Day 10th February

Please come and join us at Grail Haven on Sunday 10th February at noon.  Bring lunch to share which we will have picnic style in the garden (weather permitting), followed by a garden blessing.

In the afternoon Richard and Gerry will give a talk on sacred sites and earth energies, especially the sanctuaries in Europe dedicated to Archangel Michael and the Merlin sites.


Contact: Gerry –



A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks.
An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account:
The Southern Cross Academy of Light at
St George Bank
BSB:  112 879   Account No: 1542 10967

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.
To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Southern Cross Academy of  Light is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



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Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

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