
AOL News – 16th January, 2013 – We’re Back!!!

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Namaste ,

Welcome to our weekly newsletter

The Southern Cross Academy of Light (SCAL) is a part of a Worldwide Spiritual Community that exists to assist in bringing new consciousness to all Humanity. We provide a welcoming, non-judgmental space for a variety of teachers and healers to deliver their messages through our meetings, e-Newsletter, website and Facebook.

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The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to accept the Light.



Enlightenment is your ego’s greatest disappointment.

Dr Wayne Dyer, Everyday Freedom


FYI – Welcome, Allow & Accept the Light

This is an excerpt of “2010 Interview – Sai Baba Discusses 2012”.  What he says in the interview is still perfect and exactly what we need now.  An understanding that nothing is wrong it is simply a case of more light so therefore more ‘dust’ will be seen.

“There is not more evil…there is “more light”, and that is what I’m talking about on this message. Imagine that you have a room or warehouse where for years you have been storing your things and is lit by a 40 w. bulb. Change the bulb to a 100 w. and you will see what happens. You will see the mess and the dust you didn’t think existed. The dirt will be clearer. This is what is happening, and this makes possible that a lot of people are reading this without thinking of it as foolish, like it could have been some years ago.

Have you noticed that today lies and deceit come to the surface faster than before? Well, to access God’s understanding and life’s functioning is also faster than before.

This new vibration of the planet is what is making everyone nervous, depressed or sick, because to be able to receive more light and to rise to that vibrational level, people have to change physically as well as mentally, they have to change the way they think and feel, and delete or eradicate from their lives such beliefs or parameters that generally differ from reality or that take them towards the negative side of things.

To read the full interview click here.


It’s more than a New Year. It’s bigger than a new life. Think of an awakening as big as a universe with a voice as small as a whisper. It speaks to your soul. “Go here, go there. Stop now, rest for a while,” it says. The instructions are elusive and only heard through the heart and inner ear.
This energy is soft and gentle. It never pushes, just comes in subtle waves, lifting life to a higher frequency. As a matter of fact, we are not always aware of its presence, but it often brings a hint of love about the smallest, silliest things – a book, a spoon, a glimpse of the sky.
There’s a small ecstasy that lies behind each wave of it — a hint of better things to come, if one could only grasp it and hold it. But it slips away, only returning when we’re ensconced in ordinary life like a fairy wand floating through the air.
I’ve been touched, caressed and baffled this new lovely energy. After nine days, I’ve relinquished chasing, petitioning or looking for it. It comes when it wants and does its thing by transforming everything into the happiest, smoothest vibration that I’ve ever felt.
It’s coming to everyone. I’m describing it so you recognize it and learn to tap into it when it visits. To say it succinctly, you’ll know the quality of the vibration when your inner voice says, “I’m here. Everything will work out. It’s better than okay.”

Julia Griffin, 


Health – You know what to do – now is the time to do it.  It is 2013!

Eat the right foods.  – Cut down on fried, fatty foods and foods that have added sugar.  Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables – preferably organic (no pesticides)

Exercise – Walking is a must – at least a half hour a day – walking along the beach – around the park, looking at nature and enjoying the fresh air. Practice being present.    (No headphones)

Meditate – This is necessary so you can take the time to fill your body with light and use your tools to clear any negative emotions.  Ask the Light to balance the chemicals in your brain.  Ask the Light to regulate your hypothalmus, pituitary and pineal glands.  If you have been stressed, know that your adrenal glands will have been working overtime and your body will have too much adrenalin flowing through it. 

Cut down on Coffee and Alcohol.  Give yourself two alcohol free days so your liver can detoxify.

Remember the three B’s. 

Be intelligent about your health.

Be disciplined and above all

Be kind to yourself

Rosemary Butterworth. 

P.S.See you Monday Night when we can clear the body and mind and practice healing yourself with light during the meditation.


AFFIRMATION – say everyday.

 “I am grateful for the abundance of life that flows through me.”

Michelle McGrath, Self-love Cards Miscellaneous Products,……….


In and Around the Academy

With Rosemary Butterworth

Hullo everybody, welcome to 2013 and the first eNewsletter of the year.  What will the year bring us?  Isn’t it an exciting time to be alive. As Sai Baba said, “Humanity is elevating its consciousness as never before.  We are living the best time that humanity has every lived. We will be witnesses and actors of the biggest transformation of consciousness that you have ever lived.”

He gives us an idea of what the years ahead will be like, when he said that the new energy will cause us pain and create physical discomforts which are due to the negative emotions accumulated during our lives (past and present), fears and anxieties that we have carried with us always and now have the opportunity to transmute and clear.  We know we have to clear the cells of our body so we can receive more Light – for to have fear locked away in our mind and body, even if it is from a past life or from our ancestory, it will lower our vibration tremendously and we cannot live a life of love, joy and peace.  So be open to the new energies and if their is pain in your body such as fibromyalgia know it is only caused by ‘dust’. Keep those ‘dusters’ handy.   Don’t worry, nothing is going wrong in your life, just a little housecleaning needed.


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, Cnr of  Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay.
Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.


 MONDAY, 21st January, 2013



Archangel Michael is the foremost angelic energy that presides over this Epoch according to esoteric knowledge.

Tonight Gerry will illustrate the meaning and qualities of the Archangel and how we may draw upon his presence on our spiritual journey.
* Gerry will help you recognise his energy and whether you are being guided by Archangel Michael.
* Come and be shown how Archangel Michael can help you heal from life’s past experiences and move forward.
* Learn where Archangel Michael has been reported to have appeared and people have been inspired to build a holy sanctuary dedicated to him.  These sites are known as sacred sites.
* It has been said by The Ancients that if you visit all 4 of the most powerful sacred sites in a lifetime, heaven would await you.  

Geraldine and Richard De Welles have been taking groups annually to the British Isles and Europe to visit some of the world’s most stunning and sacred sites. Gerry and Richard are also the Keepers of Grail Haven Water  from Mount Tambourine and they believe Grail Haven holds the only 5th Ray water in the Southern Hemisphere.

For more information on Geraldine and Richard and their next tour in May, 2013 go to their website:  


 MONDAY, 28th January, 2013

Australia Day Public Holiday – See you next week!


MONDAY, 4th February, 2013



Come along and discover…

* The wonderful benefits of the world famous healing modality ThetaHealing
* How you can use the Thetahealing tool to shift your mindset from a Scarcity Mentality to an Abundance Mentality.
* Receive *downloads to shift your consciousness and raise your vibration and align your energy to the infinite possibilities of the Universe.
* Have the opportunity to expand your mind and regain your empowerment so that you are able to recognize all the opportunities you have available to you and begin to feel a deep sense of personal worth, security and the true belief that there is plenty for everybody especially YOU

Mark says:The scarcity mentality can be overwhelming and debilitating. From Mark’s experience working with many clients he has found that the scarcity mentality is the major cause or source of everyone’s pain, struggle and suffering in life.  The scarcity mentality can be overwhelming and can relate to all areas of our life from a lack of money, love, health, career and work opportunities.  Much of our society is built on a scarcity mentality and in many cases  people are so deeply conditioned and programmed with the scarcity mentality they are hardly aware of it and it is just a way of life.

(*Downloading is a powerful Thetahealing technique in which the theta brainwave is used to instill positive feelings, beliefs and understandings directly to the subconscious mind and cellular level.)

Mark is a successful businessman, was diagnosed with a severe bone infection. He found high doses of prescribed medication ineffective. However with ThetaHealing™, he experienced instant remission. Mark now teaches ThetaHealing™ and is continually inspired by the positive results and transformations achieved by his students. His passion is to empower people to create the life they choose to live. He dedicates his time enriching lives with this amazing technique. Mark is the Australian Representative for ThetaHealing™  or go to



Release, Relax & Revitalise
Mind, Body and Soul EXPO

Thornleigh Community Centre
Corner of Central and Phyllis Ave, Thornleigh
(next to Bunnings)
Saturday 9th February 2013
Doors Open: 10am to 5pm
General Admission: $12.00 or



Join us for

ThetaHealing’s Rainbow Children course

This course is truly a unique experience where you can learn how to confidently perform healings and become more intuitive and spiritually connected!

WHEN 22nd – 25th of January 2013
TIME 9:30am – 5:30pm
VENUE Level 1/89 Chandos St, St Leonards CoCreation Wellness Centre


By clicking here you can register online and find out more details about the course.
If you have any further questions, feel free to call our office on 9613 0712.


Community Announcements

All those interested in CHINESE MEDICINE incl ACUPUNCTURE read on….

Sunday, 3 February, 2013  at 2.00pm at the Sydney Hub,at 2.00pm

Special Guest:  MILTON LEE MTCM, BAppSc(TCM), BSc(Environmental), DHM, DNut, DRM

Milton is a qualified TCM practitioner with postgraduate and undergraduate qualifications in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Western Herbal Medicine, Nutritional Medicine, Remedial Massage, and Environmental Science (Ecology). He divides his time between private practice, parenthood, and facilitating the tertiary education of Traditional Chinese Medicine for government accredited programs. He is a current academic staff for the Traditional Chinese Medicine program at the University of Western Sydney, lecturing subject units for the undergraduate TCM program; whilst also engaged as a researcher for the complementary medicine research department of UWS; CompleMed. He is also a Clinic Supervisor for the student clinic at the Sydney Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine (SITCM).Milton’s clinical experience and training in Australia and China is focused on musculoskeletal pain (sports injuries), neuromuscular health, digestive heatlh, gynaecology, and dermatology.

Milton will structure his talk with a brief introduction into the concepts of Chinese medicine.  For more information phone Noel Jordon on 9460 0703 or email him at


For all our friends interstate and in New Zealand watch out for…

Shirley Battie is out from the UK

Shiley will be touring from Perth to Kalgoorlie all the way to Nelson NZ!

Click here to see the flyer to find out when she is coming your way.  Tour starts 18th January and goes through to the 24th March. 



A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks.
An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account:
The Southern Cross Academy of Light at
St George Bank
BSB:  112 879   Account No: 1542 10967

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.
To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Southern Cross Academy of  Light is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

Scal Australia | Facebook



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