
The Book of Love by a Medium – Valerie Barrow


The following is a review of The Book of Love by Christine Paul from the October, 1996 Silver Cord Magazine:

A true spiritual gem – simply written and straight from the heart. Valerie Barrow, an exceptionally gifted medium, invites us to join with her on an amazing inner journey, encountering profound spiritual revelations along the way.

As an “Ambassador of Spirit”, Valerie has been in clairaudient contact with the Star People for many years. Now, through the presence of the legendary Alcheringa Stone (first brought to Earth by the Star People and given to the ancient Aboriginal tribes), she is able to channel cosmic messages of immense significance for all of mankind. These messages are received during a series of ‘sittings’ with the stone and form a diary of entries.

Indeed, the Stone too is a record-keeper in itself. It tells the story of long ago when Earth was inhabited by an advanced civilization that came from other worlds. The peoples that came from other Planets to inhabit this Earth, brought the Pleiadian energy at this time. “The peoples on this Earth received them with open arms. (The Stone holds the history in its energy of the changes that have taken place on this earth. In a way, it is like a diary, but it is a Book of Love. For at all times it has tried to transmute energies into those of love.”

Prior to her receiving the Alcheringa Stone, Valerie was woken at night by Light Beings and asked telepathically if she was ready to start writing a book. She was informed that Sai Baba would help her. Little knowing what the content of the book was to be, she apprehensively agreed, taking comfort in the knowledge that whatever Spirit requests is for the highest good. Some months later, mysteriously, the Stone came into her guardianship.

The Stone comes from the God source, so whenever Valerie sits with it or “romances the stone’ what is actually happening is that she is led back to the Light Being that is connected with the Group of Souls of which she is a part. She is thus able to access soul memory of a Light Being existing in a dimension of light on Venus.

Everyday miracles are a feature of this book. Before visiting Sai Baba in India, she wonders if somehow he is connected with White Eagle, who she had been channeling for some time. As if in response, after opening a book by White Eagle, Valerie finds a picture of Sai Baba manifested inside. The realisation is that these two Masters share the same energy.

Similarly, upon her return from India, Valerie finds that the energy has changed and a Light Being presents himself as Sanat Kumara. “He told us that he was a Light Being and that White Eagle was an aspect of him and that he had never incarnated on this Earth…Somehow I felt that he was showing us that this was the way it was with all of us here on this Earth. That we in the personalities that we are on this Earth now are aspects, not just an oversoul (that is, the collection of all the personalities that we have been), but rather a Light Being from other worlds that has never incarnated on Earth and in fact, the Master of ourselves.”

Having great empathy with the Aborigines and their way of perceiving Spirit, Valerie travels with a group of spiritual explorers to Uluru. It is at this point that one of the most intriguing insights in the book is presented. A parallel is made between the Book of Revelation and the Aboriginal Dreamtime. Was Uluru really an asteriod from far galaxies, impacting into earth? If so, what are the implications for Australia now emerging as one of the world’s pioneer countries of the New Age Movements?

Uplifting, inspiring, empowering, The Book of Love is a heart-felt account of “leading edge” spiritual adventure at its best.

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THE BOOK OF LOVE by a Medium is written by Australian author Valerie Barrow. It is an attempt to bring “mediumship” out of the closet and lend respectability and credibility to this art in the minds of the general public.

A Medium is not only one who receives messages from an unseen source, but is also a person who allows an unseen personality to take over the earth body and communicate through it.

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