
AOL News – 21st November, 2012 – Joyful Actions & Interactions!

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Namaste ,

Welcome to our weekly newsletter

The Southern Cross Academy of Light (SCAL) is a part of a Worldwide Spiritual Community that exists to assist in bringing new consciousness to all Humanity. We provide a welcoming, non-judgmental space for a variety of teachers and healers to deliver their messages through our meetings, e-Newsletter, website and Facebook.

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The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to have fun!



“Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.”

…..Thich Nhat Hanh thich-nhat-hanh


FYI – Joyful Connections

free-hugsLet’s look at the world differently.

A delightful video of CTV cameras around the world, capturing, not crooks but instead, acts of random kindness.  Delightful viewing – only takes a couple of minutes.

(You can also google the free hug campaign)


Jacaranda Haven Day

There is a Getting to Know You Day (and BBQ – bring your own meat)  at Jacaranda Haven on this Saturday 24th November, starting at 10.30 – with morning tea and followed by a wonderful gong bath by John Butterworth.  Then we will have a circle where everyone will get the chance of sharing what they have been doing and have learnt;  with special guest Michelle Bowen, a wonderful psychic and Theta Healer.  Michelle will be giving tastes of her readings at the end of the day $20 for 20 minutes, (or a possible full session on Sunday).  Jane Goodsell is coming and bringing her incredible Tuning Forks to show us.  I love the one that vibrates to Om and the feeling when Jane has put it onto my heart while it has been vibrating.  Wow!!!  I am sure Jane will be happy for you to try it. (Tamworth girls,  it would be wonderful if someone from there could come).  I am also bringing Shungite crystals with me for sale……Rosemary


More good news about “Journey to the Heart – Secrets of Aboriginal Healing”!

secrets-of-aboriginal-healingThe book (Gary and Robbie) has just become an “Award-Winner in the ‘Multicultural Non-Fiction’ category of The 2012 USA Best Book Awards, sponsored by USA Book News”

“So, let’s raise a cheer, glass of wine or cupcake (ohhhhh, cupcake andwine!) and celebrate getting this healing book into as many hands aspossible. Thanks for celebrating with me and the part you played in its birth.”  Love and immense gratitude,  Robbie Holz.


We have had another order of Shungite crystals arrive – (price $13 ea. plus postage) to meet the with the demand.  It is wonderful that everyone wants to keep their energy high.   Send us an email and share your experiences whilst using the crystal.  I am now using a Shungite crystal that has been fashioned into the shape of a pyramid – I hope I don’t need to be  scraped off the ceiling. …..Rosemary

A reminder also about Christmas Presents.  The Academy has heaps to recommend – one in particular is the Self Love Cards – $22 plus $5 postage.  For others see our Shopping Page.

selflovecardsslideSelf Love Card for today:

“I let go of my stories of the past.  I allow myself to live in the moment. This is where all my power lives”.


AFFIRMATION – say everyday.

“I now open my creative heart, my light brings peace, joy and love to the world”

This affirmation is designed to purify, protect and energize your energy.
To amplify the effect of the words spray an Aqua Soul Colour Energy Spray into your Aura, and awaken your creative heart.
….Narelle Green, www.soulcolour.comsc_aqua_thumbs


HEALTH TIP – Have fun with Aqua!

With Christmas just around the corner we thought it would be wonderful to look at the energy of Aqua.  It’s great for Communication, Peace and Playfulness. All the qualities we need for a happy festive season and more!

The energy of Aqua gives a sense of playfulness and freedom; love of good friends, for Aqua loves sharing and togetherness a vibration that honors right action, unity, and family and loves to celebrate life. Aqua is the great creative communicator.  Aqua assists in showing us how to relate and access energies through our feeling body. Conscious use of Aqua empowers you to be self-questing, self-enquiring and self-serving hence no one is in control of your energy field or your life, but you. Working with the calmness and stillness of Aqua comes a deep peace, a sense of harmony and balance within.

Aqua expands our consciousness beyond the thinking mind, opening the imagination and placing other worlds at our fingertips. Aqua influences multimedia and global communications, in recent years this ray has created rapid growth in computer technology and changed communication on the planet forever. Aqua is a highly intelligent and sensitive level of creative communication through the hearts sensory system. Aqua awakens the instinct to know, explore and investigate beyond the physical senses and plane of existence.

Aqua is a combination of Blue, Yellow, and White Light. Aqua influences the creative mind with creative joy and a deep desire to know and embrace the unknown aspects of our nature. True Aqua lives on the edge, abounds and revels in creativity, trusting the inner nature to explore all possibilities, mysteries and dimensions.

On the Aqua ray to assist and guide us are Archangel Ariel meaning ‘Lion of God’ and the Master Maha Chohan who is the Great Teacher of Truth.

FRAGRANCE: The Aqua Energy Spray brings a sense of space and peace with subtle tones of Ylang Ylang and a hint of orange blossom.

Soul Colour Bottle Range

Energy Sprays come in 14 different colour vibrations assisting you with whatever you may need love, wisdom, strength, healing, peace and so much more. They are handmade and hand poured with conscious intent and all organic ingredients.

Soul Colour can be purchased through The Academy ‘Shop’ and Soul Colour.  For more information about the sprays or colour email Narelle at Soul Colour.


In and Around The Academy


With Rosemary Butterworth.


On Friday, whilst working with Terri in the office, John Levine’s name came up with the mention of his 12 Archangel CD’s and the need to order some more of them as we have currently sold out.  Just 15 minutes or so after Terri left who should ring from England where it was only 4.00am but John Levine.  He told me that he had been ‘told’ to make a new CD containing a small segment from each of his 12 Archangel CD’s.  This special CD was to be released world wide in time for the 12/12/12.  I channeled it was to be the angelic sound for the 12th –  for peace and harmony in the world.   john-levine-composer-3-copy

Annette McCoy is presently organizing for John to be on angelheartradio for listeners to hear a sample of this special music.  So stay tuned.  We are hoping that the Academy will have copies of the CD soon.

academy-19th-nov-skullsDid we have fun on Monday Night!!!  Liz brought (as you can see in the picture) her amazing skulls and the energy was so electric and powerful.   The skulls are approximately 2,500 years old and have certain powers/influences and can be used for ceremonies, initiations and healings.  It was a great night and as Liz told us she hasn’t even scratched the surface yet of the knowledge that she has been given, we will definitely invite her to come back in the New Year.


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, Cnr of  Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay.
Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.


MONDAY, 26th November, 2012

“2012 True Enigmas Of The Sun”

megan-hazelwoodMEGAN HEAZLEWOOD

Tonight Megan will be presenting information that is available and verifiable on the recent astonishing behaviours and imaging of our Sun. Not only the Sun in our Solar System but the Sun in the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy.

  • How the Sun’s behaviour has scientists stunned over unpredictable and unprecedented anomalies to the point where they are declaring that our whole understanding of space physics need to be revised. There are many satellites imaging the Sun in various spectrums, providing indelible.
  • What scientists and researchers predict about the evidence and the possible consequences for Earth evidence for things that our current understandings say shouldn’t exist.
  • What did the ancient indigenous cultures of the world understand about the Sun? Could this enhance our present understanding for the times we are in?
  • The many Crop Circles of an extremely relevant year drawing our attention to the Sun’s activities.

Megan says, “I can say that my perspective on matters which I have been fascinated with for much of my youth vastly expanded as a result of the intelligence of the Crop Circle makers.  Crop Circles are truth vibrations. They are here to uplift and enlighten humanity.”

Megan will also discuss:
The Mayans and their calendar “The Sunstone Calendar”, that demonstrates a much more sophisticated cosmology than we can easily comprehend.

The tremendous change we are rapidly undergoing in every sphere of influence, and on every scale, all according to the harmonic synchronisation of the Mayan Calendar, and the understanding of many ancient traditions.

Megan Heazlewood has been studying and researching Crop Circles and all related enigmas since the year 2,000.  She is an artist and has worked all her adult life as a registered nurse mostly in the operating theatres. The Crop Circle phenomenon is deeply activating for anyone paying attention, and in very personal ways as Megan will share with you from direct experiences she had in the UK Crop Circle seasons of 2006 and 2007.  “I look forward to meeting you on this journey.”
email:,  mobile: 0414.759 918


MONDAY, 3rd December, 2012

“My Experiences as a Channel”


Ishtar will be speaking about her experiences as a channel and the many challenging spiritual initiations she has had.  In addition she will give us a small channeling session with one of The Masters.

Ishtar’s mission is to enliven and activate the Threefold Flame within the Heart of Humanity through awakening a conscious connection within the heart of all who come to her through her teachings. Ishtar holds the Keepership of the Threefold Flame – Knowledge, Wisdom and Mystery from the rays of God.

In’Easa mabu Ishtar is an international spiritual teacher, energy healer and spiritual counselor. She is an embodied Ascended Master Channel who has worked with the Masters for the past eight years, regularly channelling high frequency wisdom teachings for groups and individuals.

Ishtar is an accredited teacher of the Divine University Project.

Her name, which was given to her by the Masters, means the ‘Christed Light from the lineage of Ishtar’.

Over the past eight years Ishtar has been trained by the Ascended Masters through a deep connection of the heart and many, at times challenging spiritual initiations.

Over a 15-year period Ishtar trained in many modalities including Ascension Healing, Crystal Dreaming, Pranic Healing, Reiki, Theta Healing, Aromatherapy (level 5), Massage Therapy, Spiritual Counselling, EFT and TFT, Australian Bush Flower Essences and Light Essences.

Today Ishtar lives near Sydney and regularly runs groups and workshops and travels to Europe and the USA. Mobile: 0415 980 216



just-this-day-2012Just This Day

This year, 2012, is the sixth year of Just this Day.  On November 28th the events at St Martin-in-the-Fields focus on stillness and silence.  Silence will be kept for 3 minutes on the hour each hour of the day as the normal activities of a day of the Church take place. Morning prayer at 8.00 am and with a choral eucharist at lunchtime and a choral evensong at 5.00 pm.

or you can join us at Mahratta, 25 Fox Valley Road, Wahroonga between 6am and 12.00

or Hyde Park Towers, 148 Elizabeth Street, Sydney between 6am and 6pm

Enquiries:  02 9489 0902 or and Admission is FREE and no bookings required.


Come and help the children in Guatemala and have a ball!

Buy a ticket now!!!

Come One, Come All, A  Masquerade Ball!

Live Music, DJ’s
Exquisit Auction Items
All proceeds go towards our vision of building a hosptial, birthing centre and school in Guatemala
To view the event flyer – Click Here
For information on the project  Click Here

To purchase your tickets email –

Dream the dream, we can create our reality.




A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks.
An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account:
The Southern Cross Academy of Light at
St George Bank
BSB:  112 879   Account No: 1542 10967

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.
To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Southern Cross Academy of  Light is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

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