
AOL News – 10th October, 2012 – Remember!

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Namaste ,

Welcome to our weekly newsletter

The Southern Cross Academy of Light (SCAL) is a part of a Worldwide Spiritual Community that exists to assist in bringing new consciousness to all Humanity. We provide a welcoming, non-judgmental space for a variety of teachers and healers to deliver their messages through our meetings, e-Newsletter, website and Facebook.

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The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind us to make room in our heart for the whole world.



friendsNever take someone for granted, hold every person  close to your heart because you might wake up one day and realize that you have lost a diamond while you were too busy collecting stones.




vegetablesWe are so pleased to see the Community Garden networks getting stronger and stronger.  Remember in our enewsletter on 29th August we mentioned Pam Warhurst and the great program she co founded – Incredible Edibles – see  The aim is to spread edible landscapes throughout their community which has influenced the world community.  Then on 12th September we spoke about Circles of Learning who run programs for Children, Parents and Seniors.  Their aim is to empower people to improve health and relationships through the creation of community gardens.  For more information email  On Monday we arrived at St Johns Uniting Church for our regular gathering and around the entire church was a garden full of fruit and vegetables!  How wonderful!!


secrets-of-aboriginal-healingMore copies of Robbie Hotz’s book – Secrets of Aboriginal Healing, Journey to the Heart – have arrived!  The book is a Nautilus Silver Medal Winner and ForeWord Reviews Book of the Year Finalist. Marilyn McGuire, founder of Nautilus Book Awards says “A must read for anyone who wants to gain freedom from disease and other challenging circumstances.”  We highly recommend it too!


universal-life-toolsHere is an amazing video, the powerpoint image on the wall was a static (still, non-moving) image… however when filmed, it came to life displaying its ‘multi-dimensional’ pulsating energy from the Heart of our Galaxy, through our Heart into the Heart of Mother Earth. Click here.


youtubeBe uplifted.  Watch and listen to this YouTube.  Charlotte Church and Josh Grobin singing The Prayer.


Affirmation – say every day.

“Every person I see is the image of my Self.  I see the good in everyone.”

Rosemary Butterworthhugging-self


HEALTH TIP – A New Lavender Essence

by Solara Zwaneveld

This essence was made with a Moonstone crystal to enhance the healing qualities

Cushioning life’s bumps & blows,
Calm and Peace

lavender-solaraThe Lavender flower essence is for those times in life when you may be feeling battered and blown about by life’s tumultuous happenings.  It was prepared during a full Blue moon on 1st September, being also the first day of Spring in this southern hemisphere.  It was prepared in partnership with my physical Soul sister bringing an added aspect of love and strength.
This essence has the ability to bring balance and calming for the mind and emotions of varying moods that can be experienced during tumultuous times – as well as those that may lie hidden beneath the flowering beauty of the self.  It brings calm and clarity when experiencing scatteredness during difficult times.

The flowers have the appearance as if being able to cushion and absorb the difficult blows that life brings, and these are the very aspects that are offered within the Lavender’s essence.  Sometimes when moods such as fear, anger, guilt or deep hurt are held totally within, they can cause destruction, disharmony, imbalance and problems with your health and well-being.  There is a need to bring them to the surface to be dealt with and let go of allowing for forgiveness and healing of body, mind and spirit to take place.
The Lavender essence offers peace, calm, well-being and refreshing sleep.
SUPPLIED AS A STOCK CONCENTRATE (dosage = 3 drops twice a day)  For more detail go to Phone:  61 2 4969 6793  Copyright © Solara Zwaneveld


In and Around The Academy


With Rosemary Butterworth.

I was awoken early one morning this week (as angels are inclined to do) and Archangel Metatron told me to pass on this thought. “When you are down and the world seems a dark and troublesome place, imagine you are in a tunnel.  Instead of focusing on the dark around you  , focus on the Light at the end – remember there is always a Light at the end of every tunnel.  Take a step towards the Light and watch it grow.”

It has also come into my awareness this week that it is important to set our boundaries and state everyday that we only want beings of a Divine nature and ones that are for our highest good in our homes and spaces.  Please remember!


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, Cnr of  Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay.
Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.


MONDAY, 15th October, 2012

“A Shamanic Journey with Golden Light”

blue-star-4Shaman Blue Star

In October Shaman Blue Star will return to Australia for the fourth time to share her teachings in Native American Indian spirituality.

Come along and experience tonight:
A shamanic journey with golden light which is a healing meditation on the four layers of consciousness of spiritual light. The golden light will help increase the vibration of the cells in the body and will clean them.

Blue Star works as a transpersonal healer and is a clear medium using a shaman’s drum and her voice.

In her workshops she combines shamanic journeys with channeled messages from spirit and teachings of ancient knowledge. Blue Star teaches with a warm heart, great empathy and a lot of humor.Blue Star has been working with Chief Dancing Thunder of the Susquehannock Tribe of Florida for18 years and is initiated as a clan mother of the Pan American Indian Association.During here visit to Australia Blue Star will run workshops in Sydney, Southern Highlands and Melbourne in October and November.

For more information contact Paulien Gort: or 0420 751 255 and


MONDAY, 22nd October, 2012

“Improving your Communication Skills – Resolving Conflicts & Difficulty with People”

dr-gary-wolhmanDr Gary Wohlman

*  Dr Gary will demonstrate how to encode in our muscle memory renewed pathways of clear communication, full self-expression and harmonious relationships with self and others.
*  Everyone present will come away with an ability to put these principles into immediate action to transform difficulties and conflicts with people in similar ways that they have witnessed this evening.
*  Dr Gary explains how he has seen continued difficulty and conflict occur between people as a result of their not having a physical experience (in their body) of what to do differently with regards to their use of the spoken word so it can be expressed in concert with their voice, breath, posture and
movement patterns.
* He will show us how to shift these conditions through a scenario-based approach, emphasising that once there are physical shifts that can be observed and experienced in various sensations and locations in the body, a new corresponding self-talk and mental attitude can reinforce the newly desired condition, so fresh patterns can take hold.
* An example will be given of a situation illustrating conflict and difficulty with people using Dr Gary’s “Double Extreme” technique.  From this, shifts often emerge in the areas of improving communication and presentation skills that resolve conflicts and build fresh rapport in relationships.
This will be followed by a Question & Answer period.

Dr. Gary Wohlman is founder and director of Amber Phoenix Pty/Ltd. He is an innovative, international presentation coach who travels the world training CEOs, managing directors, senior managers and executive committees of leading organisations, as well as professional speakers and entrepreneurs in a wide range of industries. His streamlined approach to facilitating personal and corporate communication breakthroughs combines over 40 years of performance-based leadership training, team-building and platform skills. Known for his refreshing, outrageously playful and sensitive audience-participatory style, Dr Gary has an extraordinary ability in creating a safe and supportive atmosphere through which participants easily awaken their authenticity.
To learn more about Dr Gary Wohlman go to:



ian-craneIan Crane from the UK doing a tour of Australia and New Zealand.

October 27th – December 8th

Ian is very much a protagonist for the coming New age for humanity. He spoke in Sydney last year and he is back by popular demand. As far as promoting the kind of awareness needed to navigate through these times….Ian really nails it!

Primarily Ian focuses his attention and research on the geopolitical arena but has a deep personal interest in folklore, mythology and the cosmological belief systems of ancient and indigenous cultures. In fact, it is Ian’s research and understanding of these systems and beliefs which provides him with a unique insight into the unfolding global drama providing the catalyst for humanity’s evolution into a new plane of existence (Homo Luminous?).

To find out more about Ian go to and to see his tour flyer click here.



Vibrant Healing with George Dionyssopoulos


George has his Masters degree in Psychotherapy/Counselling and is a Reiki Master – Pranic Healer – Serenity Vibration Healer.

For a limited time George is offering Academy Members, sessions at a special rate at Willoughby Nth.

  • One-off $147 for 1st session 90 minutes
  • Regular  sessions at reduced rate, negotiated after your first session, depending on your needs
  • Concession rates available
  • Phone 0416 212 096 or  02 9975 6945 to make an appointment.
  • Need more info or clarification click here and …email


Masquerade Ball – “Illusion of grandeur” to raise money for a worthy cause!

masquerade-maskKeep the 15th December free as we are putting on a fabulous event for a worthy cause.

We need to raise $30,000 to build a sustainable eco hospital, birthing centre and school in the jungle of Rio Duce. We have the land we now need your help to build the hospital and school. Currently in the area there are 35 villagers with no medical aid or schools. The nearest medical help is a 10hr walk through rugged terrain.

A Masquerade Ball “Illusion of Grandeur” will be held with D.J’s, live performances and Auctions. Tickets for the night will be $50.  A great way to raise money, dress up and have some fun.

Any help will be greatly appreciated. We need the following:
*prizes for auction and raffle         *alcohol         *mineral water         *figure food         *someone to design  the invitations         *volunteers
And of cause your attendance would be greatly appreciate it.

For any information regarding prior charity events regarding the children of Guatemala please go to and click on journeys.



A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks.
An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account:
The Southern Cross Academy of Light at
St George Bank
BSB:  112 879   Account No: 1542 10967

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.
To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Southern Cross Academy of  Light is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

Scal Australia | Facebook



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– © Copyright 2009 – The South Cross Academy of Light