
AOL News – 22nd August, 2012 – Wisdom

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Namaste ,

Welcome to our weekly newsletter

The Southern Cross Academy of Light (SCAL) is a part of a Worldwide Spiritual Community that exists to assist in bringing new consciousness to all Humanity. We provide a welcoming, non-judgmental space for a variety of teachers and healers to deliver their messages through our meetings, e-Newsletter, website and Facebook.

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The aim of this week’s newsletter is to remind you of your value.



“Wisdom is avoiding all thoughts that weaken you.”

……………………………..Wayne W. Dyer dr-waynedyer_photo



vision-of-sharman-blue-starShaman Blue Star

In October Shaman Blue Star will return to Australia for the fourth time to share her teachings in Native American Indian spirituality.   She will be speaking at the Academy of the 15th October.

She will offer a shamanic journey with golden light which is a healing meditation on the four layers of consciousness of spiritual light. The golden light will help increase the vibration of the cells in the body and will clean them.

Blue Star has been working with Chief Dancing Thunder of the Susquehannock Tribe of Florida for 18 years and is initiated as a clan mother of the Pan American Indian Association.  She will be running workshops in Sydney, Southern Highlands and in Melbourne. To find out more about her go to


Megatrends: The Rise of Conscious Capitalism.

One of the Shine team sent this through.  It is an excerpt from an article that can be viewed in full when you click on the link below.

Here in the boardroom, 14 kindred spirits-a rainbow of ages and ethnicities-surround a massive conference table, their heads gently bowed in a moment of silence.  Welcome to the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce’s “Spirit at Work-A Continuing Conversation” brown bag lunch, the monthly get-together that has flourished-during boom times and bust-for more than seven years. Here in one of free enterprise’s most important financial hubs,amidst the grinding stress of daily business, people are evoking Divine Presence and creating Sacred Space.

What is the meaning behind the spirit in business trend?  Simply this:  It grows out of our desire to celebrate all of ourselves at work.


Affirmation – say every day.

“I am strong in myself.  I am complete in myself.  The joy and perfection of the universe await discover within my inner being.

……J. Donald Walters – Affirmations for Self-Healing affirmations-for-self-healing



lavenderSince early Egyptian times, Lavender has been used as an astringent cleanser for beauty products and an essential ingredient for perfumes.

Lavender soothes and calms, leaving the spirit serene and the mind clear.  Its healing properties are centered on the nervous system, and it has the capacity to either stimulate or calm the nerves, working as needed to restore balance.  It has been used to treat exhaustion, irritability, depression, and all afflictions of nerves.

Distilled lavender oil can be used both internally and externally.  An excellent treatment for lung conditions such as laryngitis and asthma, lavender is also useful for sinus conditions and vaginal infections, including candida.  It relieves muscular pain, headaches, insect bites, cystitis and other inflammations.  It is an immunity booster.

Externally, lavender is a skin cell regenerator and is capable of preventing scarring.  It is good for burns, rashes and skin infections.

Lavender signifies serenity and assists us in detaching from any situation in which we feel nervous, exhausted, or irritable.  Serenity means that we are able to stay centered no matter what transpires in our life.

ESOTERIC MEANING.  Serenity within oneself.

………….Ambika Wauters – Nature’s Healing Oracle


In and Around The Academy


With Rosemary Butterworth.

I had a lady come to see me – she had very little self-worth.  She had lost job and was having difficulty getting another one.  I felt it was thoughts and opinions she was carrying from the past.  Whilst working with her she told me that her mother had always told her that she wouldn’t be a success in life and that no man would look at her.  Her mother had told her this often, if fact ever since she was little.

Using Theta Healing I was able to clear several negative belief patterns that she had but the important thing I gave her to consider was this.

1.  What if your mother had agreed before you both came to earth to help you clear your self-worth issues

2.  What if you and your mother realised before you were born that these negative emotions would limit your evolving to the fifth dimension in this lifetime.

3.  What if you knew that this time in creation, when the earth was ascending, only came once in 26,000 years or even longer and it was very important that you cleared these emotions this lifetime.

4.  What if your mother agreed to bring up lack of self-worth in you so you could release it once and for all.

We have to release the dense cells that are filled with negative emotions because they resist the light and stop us from receiving higher frequencies.  Our memories, negative thought patterns fill the cells and as we release them we can raise our frequencies, accept more light and allow a new future to come in.

What a gift her mother gave her!  Where is the gift in your life?


Neutral Bay Monday Nights


Monday nights are a wonderful, powerful opportunity for all of us to unite, send Light and Love to our family, those in need and especially ourselves.  The evening always begins with a meditation followed by a speaker.  See below for the next two weeks topics.

The Academy meets every Monday night (except public holidays) at St John’s Uniting Church Hall, Cnr of  Yeo Street and Barry Street, Neutral Bay.
Enter off Barry Street.
Session starts: 7.30pm.   Entry Fee: $15.00,  Concession $10.00.

Light refreshments are served.


MONDAY, 27th August, 2012


birth_of_soulNarelle Green, John and Rosemary Butterworth

Rosemary Butterworth presents new work from her course How to Become a New Human , John Butterworth Power of the Gongs, and Narelle Green Conscious Art for Conscious People.

By combining meditation and music, two aspects of healing are experienced simultaneously.  Music, in this case the gongs, can clear your energy and fill you with beauty and truth in ways that words cannot.  It will ’empty’ you and take you to a higher vibration. Your whole personality spirals upward into a higher frequency of light. When part of your body is vibrating at a very slow rate, it is not able to receive what your Higher Self is sending through you and this creates resistance.  Since all that is created is created through vibration, you are re-creating yourself.

Then a creative visualization will follow.  Whilst at a higher frequency, this meditation can bring through profound energy that can heal and evolve you and, of course, assist you to manifest your dreams.

At the end of the night, Narelle will speak about the benefits of Conscious Art for Conscious People and how it has helped her students clear blockages.  She will show the wonderful art done by her students, some of whom had never had a paint brush in their hands before!

For more info on Narelle, & John,


MONDAY, 3rd September, 2012


deborah-shepherd2Deborah Shepherd

Embracing Change – the new skill of the 21st century and how you can make it work for you

“Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely” – Karen Kaiser Clark

We have all heard that the only constant in life is change, and it will happen to us whether we want it or not. The rate of change is becoming more rapid and frequent than ever before, so how we embrace it really is becoming a critical survival skill in our world today.

Change can come to us in many ways – a significant event, a feeling of being “stuck” or a desire to want more, no matter how it turns up, when it does you have no way of preventing it however, you do have a choice on either being the force behind it or to resist it, become the roadblock and experience the pressure that goes with it.

Stepping out of the familiar and especially when it is connected to our financial security can present our own sets of fears, yet it is when we allow our inner wisdom to guide us that we truly move towards the change that is right for us.

About Deborah Shepherd:  Deborah continues to walk this path, after leaving her well-paid executive role a few years ago she now runs the ReAwaken centre and in particular the “Free to be Me ” program that assists others that are experiencing change, supporting them as they face into their fears and providing practical solutions to enable them to feel empowered rather than overpowered by change.

To find out more about Deborah go to or CONTACT:





$49.00 ONE PERSON PER SESSION Commencing 26th August 2012


Sessions  Sunday’s 10.00 am Sydney Australia time. For maximum healing it is recommended that you have a session once a week.

Further dates to be announced.  For more information see flyer.

Robyn Welch is a Diagnostic Medical Intuitive and Natural Practitioner. Her highly developed skills covering 18 years Robyn can diagnose and treat  clients without physical contact . All work is conducted by landline phone only. Quantum Physics and positive energy. The Quantum Zone is the highest Zone humans can attune to, its here that all things are positive, atoms and molecules can be changed to promote healing

Your session with Robyn will commence by having your energy field cleared of negative frequencies. Robyn will then verbally visit all major body parts, using positive energy similar to a laser ray.  Collective Healing Sessions will be super powerful as all concerned will be vibrating on Quantum energy, as a whole . Positive and negative electronic components in the human energy field are connected to body parts, therefore if any of these components weaken from lack of positive heart energy or outside influences, such as radiation frequencies, which are negative to the human system, body parts will weaken, therefore creating illness.


Terry Oldfield’s Australian Concert Tour terry-oldfield

Journey Into Space 2012

Friday 7th September @ Qi Yoga, 2 Moore Road, Freshwater. Doors open 6.30  Bookings:

Saturday 8th September @ Shanti Mission, Level 2 152-160 Hunter Street, Newcastle.  Doors open 7pm.  Bookings:

Says Terry “I take my inspiration from the cultures of the world and the beauty of nature expressing myself through flutes and other instruments. It is my heartfelt wish that this music assists you in experiencing peace in your life.”



Awaken To The Fullness of Your Soul’s Potential

With Michelle Darby-Fay michelle-darby-fay

MBus.Reiki Master, Past Life Healer,Intuitive Life Coach, Energetic Healer & Channeler

Michelle will take you on a powerfully healing journey of awakening and self-realisation as she shines a light on the true causes of any emotional limitations, relationship barriers, feelings of imbalance and disconnection, as well as fears and anxieties you are experiencing in your life.

She specialises in *Emotional Wounding/Trauma Release (clearing deep wounding that you have embodied from events in this life and your past lives), *Belief System Healing (healing the fear-based and limiting beliefs born out of such events) and *Soul Healing (bringing back the missing parts of your Soul as well as, spiritual activations to raise your vibration).  Her holistic approach ensures that a lasting shift and spiritual awakening takes place, allowing you to reclaim the fullness of your Soul’s potential.

Bookings Essential/Contact Details:Mobile: 0401 551 581  Email:
Location: Lower North Shore, Sydney, NSW
For more information, visit:


houseSearching for Mosman Share Accommodation

My name is Victoria and I am a fun loving yoga teacher, I am tidy and respectful. I am looking for a like minded person to share an apartment or house. $250 to $300.00 a week.  PH. 0405 505 182


Hurry!  Early-Bird Registration ends this Friday – 24th August!

signature-cell-heallingSydney & Uluru Signature Cell Healing Workshops

Signature Cell Healing level 1: 14th – 15th September 2012
Signature Cell Healing level 2: 16th – 18th September 2012
Uluru Hook Release: 23rd September 2012

Hosts:  Suzanne   m: 0414 320 659            Kerry         m: 0402 280 815



A community announcement costs $30 for 2 weeks.
An advert costs $75 for 2 weeks and can include a picture, plus an attachment of your brochure, plus a small paragraph of up to 100 words.
Payment is by Direct Debit into our Bank Account:
The Southern Cross Academy of Light at
St George Bank
BSB:  112 879   Account No: 1542 10967

The newsletter goes out to approximately 3,000 people now.
To take advantage please email or call our office on (02) 9967 4425, (02) 8005 0562.

The Southern Cross Academy of  Light is a not-for-profit organisation. It is run with the help of volunteers. If you would like to tithe simply go to the website or you can put a donation directly into our bank account. Many thanks to the people who tithe. May your tithing come back to you a thousandfold.



Please let us know if you would like to be a Friend of the Academy on Facebook.

Our Facebook address is SCAL Australia.facebook

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