
Thought of the Week – Page 108

Thought for the Day – Tuesday 25th August 2009

Life really is just amazing – every day something new happens in your life that if you allow it too – gives you the opportunity to look at things differently and grow as a person – how good is that! – Yvonne Rice

Thought for the Day – Monday 24th August 2009

The difference between the meek and the bold, the weak and the strong, the failure and the success is not their bloodline, education nor gender! The difference is simply a voice inside that speak in the face of doubt and fear and says, “You can,…… you shall, you must!” and the choice to BELIEVE that […]

Thought for the Day – Wednesday 19th August 2009

Refection on what you have done and what you would like to do in life takes giving yourself time by yourself. Reflection gives us the opportunity to look how we can do things differently in our lives and allows us to look at things more clearly. When we do this we take control of our […]

Thought for the Day – Tuesday 18th August 2009

You learned your thoughts, beliefs and identity. Why then would you imagine you can’t unlearn them? Isira

Thought for the Day – Thursday 13th August 2009

The Constitution only guarantees the American people the right to pursue happiness.  You have to catch it yourself.  — Benjamin Franklin